Seeing Ah Huang, Yun Tian's bad mood was slightly relieved.

"Ah Huang's tail ......"

At this moment, Yun Tian noticed that Ah Huang's tail hair had all turned white.

"I haven't seen you for half a year, but I have evolved independently, and the foundation of the three-eyed divine dog is really not in vain!" Seeing

that the pet he had raised for many years had become a second-order demon beast, the unhappiness in his heart was also swept away in an instant.

It's just that she doesn't know.

In the whole process of Ah Huang's evolution, Ye Ling played a crucial role.

"Whoa, whoa.

At this moment, Ah Huang was tired of being by her side, shaking his head and tail constantly, showing her goodwill.

After being tired of crooked for a while, Ah Huang ran forward more than ten meters by himself.

After that, I went back to look at her.

This situation made Yun Tian feel quite funny, and he couldn't help laughing out loud ......

"Hehe, Ah Huang, you won't tell me, you're here to show me the way, right?"


barked lightly twice, which was an answer, and then Ah Huang continued to run forward, and after running a distance, he still turned around and waited for her like last time.

Repeating this several times, before he knew it, Yun Tian came out of the magic circle, and the Chengyu Hall reappeared in his field of vision.

Yun Tian subconsciously looked back, just now he was still in a huge mountain, and in a blink of an eye, he changed back to his familiar appearance, and his heart was quite magical.

"Whoa, whoa.

In her ears, Ah Huang's soft bark came again, Yun Tian was pulled back to reality, the golden frost sword in her hand was thrown upward, and then she gently rubbed Ah Huang's head.

Ah Huang understood, jumped lightly, and got on the Golden Frost Sword.

A man and a dog turned into a streamer in a blink of an eye, and walked towards the direction ......of the Chengyu Palace


Ye Ling was sweating profusely, and Tang Wanzhi was also very busy.

In a short time, the dining room table was already filled with dozens of dishes.

Braised bamboo shoots in oil, stir-fried fairy lingzhi, braised pork knuckle in sauce, braised pork with mushroom mushroom...... Meat and vegetarian combinations, everything you need.

"Okay, Shizun will be very happy to see it, junior brother, you are also tired, hurry up and rest......"

Tang Wanzhi patted his junior brother's shoulder and yawned a little tiredly.

Ye Ling said yes and just sat down, when he suddenly heard a slight footstep outside the door, and hurriedly got up.

"Senior sister, it must be that the master is back, let's hurry out and greet it." "

Well, it's a good ......"

As soon as the two of them took a step, they saw Yun Tian, who was dressed in white, had already entered.

The two hurriedly saluted.

"Disciples Tang Wanzhi and Ye Ling have seen Shizun!"


Yun Tian let out a thick nasal voice, and sat down at the table without paying attention to the two: "What are you doing with so many dishes?"

"Returning to the master, every time I think of you who have traveled thousands of miles for the apprentice to obtain the Golden Frost Sword, and the hard work, the disciple can't sleep at night, and now that you have returned triumphantly, the disciple naturally wants to wash the dust for you......

" "You still remember that there is such a master as me, just sit down and eat."

At this moment, Yun Tian's voice became much softer.

Thinking about it, Shizun got the Golden Frost Sword, and I accepted such a lovely junior brother for her, which can be regarded as double happiness.

The episode just now at Blazing Sword Peak, although it was a bit of a disruption to the atmosphere, did not affect the overall situation after all.

Tang was in a good mood at one o'clock, and hurriedly greeted Ye Ling ...... next to him

"Senior brother, don't be stunned, the master told us to eat, sit down."


Ye Ling agreed, and just as he wanted to sit down, he heard a clear cough in his ears.

He subconsciously looked at Yun Tian, covering his face with a thin veil, and he couldn't see Shizun's expression clearly, but he could sense that Shizun was not very friendly to him.

Sure enough, Shizun spoke again......

"Who told you to sit? You are at best just an outer door handyman of our Yunyu Peak, you have to know how many catties and taels you have, understand?"

"Yes, Master.

When Ye Ling answered, his voice trembled slightly.

Do you think that if you are a master, you can insult me casually?

The miscellaneous servants of the outer gate are not worthy of sitting, right, but that is just the assessment I gave when I first joined the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

At the beginning, they all thought that I was a miscellaneous spirit root, and without exception, they all thought that I couldn't break through the three layers of qi refining.

How about now?

I'm on the second floor of the Jindan Realm, okay?

If I have time, I must find the head to make a new judgment ......

"What, you seem to be very unconvinced?" Yun

Tian's voice came again, and Ye Ling realized that he was a little out of shape.

In the final analysis, she is still her own teacher, respecting teachers, and this basic moral education is still necessary.

At that moment, Ye Ling hugged his fists.

"Master, I misunderstood, the disciple doesn't dare to be disrespectful to the master. "

Hmph, you know each other, but it's impossible for you to dine with us. Yun

Tian has been targeting Ye Ling, and Tang Wanzhi next to him finally can't stand ......

"Master, you can't treat your junior brother like this, he is very well-behaved on weekdays, he has been on the mountain for so long, he has never quarreled with me, and he has blushed......

" "Stay and ......"

Tang Wanzhi was directly interrupted by Yun Tian before he finished speaking.

"I've only been out for half a year, didn't I just say this

Yun Yufeng?" "You said that you are a girl's family always mixed with your junior brother, do you know the difference between men and women

?" "Besides, he came to our Yun Yufeng as a handyman, is it reasonable for you to give him the treatment of an inner disciple?"

"But ......

" "There is nothing, in the entire Yunyu Peak, I have the final say."

Tang Wanzhi still wanted to refute, but was directly pressed the pause button by Yun Tian.

"Tell me about you, it's been Bigu for so long, and you're still thinking about eating all day long, when can this greedy problem be changed?"

"Master, I'm ......

" "Okay, don't talk about it."

Yun Tian waved his hand, stopped Tang Wanzhi, and then ...... to Ye Ling

"You designed that mountain protection array?"

"Hui Yu Shizun, it was designed by the disciple.

As soon as Ye Ling's words fell, he heard a snap, and Yun Tian slapped the table against the mountain.

"Who made you make your own decisions?"

Ye Ling was covered for a while, and sure enough, as Senior Sister said, to build this mountain protection array, the master could not agree.

Even though it took him and his senior sister countless efforts to build this big array, in the end, it was not recognized by the master, and all the efforts were in vain.

At this moment, Ye Ling's heart was dripping blood.

"You're dumb, ...... you talk," Yun Tian scolded again.

"Master, don't blame the junior brother, it's all my idea......"

Tang Wanzhi looked at the pitiful appearance of the junior brother, and couldn't help but take over all the things, who knew that Ye Ling didn't laugh angrily after experiencing some humiliation.

"You still have a smile?" Yun Tian snorted heavily.

Ye Ling hugged his fists and said: "Master, the matter is like this, after the disciple went up the mountain, he found that our Yunyu Peak was guarding the treasure of the back mountain, but the economy was extremely poor.

"And Iwamu Peak, we need three hundred spirit stones for one elixir, and the other peaks also plunder our resources without any price.

"On the other hand, which peak is not rich, but which peak is as benevolent as the master and takes the overall situation into account.

Ye Ling talked nonsense for eight hundred seriously, and Yun Tian was silent.

After a short silence, Ye Ling continued.

"So the disciple has the courage to set up this mountain protection array for our Yunyu Peak, if the master thinks it is inappropriate, I can immediately destroy it.

"Then you don't have to ......"

mentioned the dismantling of the mountain protection array, but Yun Tian was silent.

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