"I sent Ah Huang this time for two purposes, one is to take out most of the spirit stones at the base of the formation, and the amount left behind can only last about half an hour to protect the mountain.

"I believe that with the cultivation of the master, it is absolutely no problem to resist for half an hour. "

As soon as half an hour arrives, Ah Huang will appear in the treasure chest as a reward, and I will also invest in the spirit stone at the same time to restart the magic circle and prevent the beast tide from raiding......"

Ye Ling explained, reasonable, Tang Wanzhi nodded frequently......

"Then junior brother, since you have arranged it, why don't we cook a meal now for the master to catch the wind and wash the dust.

"That's right, senior sister is still thoughtful. Ye

Ling's eyes lit up, it's time to show the real technique, maybe the master will not resist me like this as soon as he is happy to eat the dishes I made.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling did his best and began to pack up the ingredients and prepare a sumptuous welcome banquet to welcome the return ......of Master Yun Tian


in the mountain protection array.

Yun Tian was rushing left and right, dodging the ...... from the traps within the circle

With a "whew", a light cyan flame floated by, and Yun Tian swung the Golden Frost Sword and slashed through it with one sword.

"Carving insect skills, but Er'er ......"

Although the words were domineering, she looked back, and from a quarter of an hour after entering the formation, she had advanced a total distance of no more than ten zhang.

The light veil covered her face, and she couldn't see her face clearly, but she heard a light snort, held the Golden Frost Sword in her hand, and her footsteps slowly moved forward again.

After walking less than three or two meters, a crystal clear stone suddenly flashed out of the dense forest, Yun Tian immediately looked vigilant, and he was about to cut it down with a swing of his sword.

At this time, the light of the stone shines brightly, and it constantly sends out reminders ......

"Yun Yufeng reminds you that if you want to pass this level, please pay a spirit stone. "

It's the Lingyan again, Het~"

Since entering the formation, this is the sixth time I've seen this thing......

"Do you want the spirit stone of this seat, do you deserve it?" Yun

Tian sneered, and the Golden Frost Sword slashed directly towards the punch card spirit rock with a wave of anger.

Punch Lingyan deftly avoided the sword and issued a warning ...... again

"Refuse to

hand over the spirit stone, open the mechanism, refuse to hand over the spirit stone, open the mechanism ......" "I don't believe I can't cut you!" Yun

Tian was completely annoyed, and swung his sword again and again, but he couldn't get close to punching the spirit rock in the slightest, but instead accelerated the change speed of the prompt ......

"The mechanism is about to be opened, three, two, one ......"

With a soft sound of "boom", the punch card spirit rock quickly disappeared into the verdant forest.

Almost at the same time, a shadow fell from the sky in the clear sky.

Yun Tian looked up, and in his field of vision, a section of Zhangba giant wood smashed straight down from the top ......of his head

"Good boy, a little bit ......of strength,"

he said, Yun Tian's body spun around, and he drifted a few feet between his beards.

At the same time, there was a loud bang from where she had just stood, and the giant tree had a deep kiss with the ground, and it slammed into each other solidly.

The boulders around the giant trees are faintly visible, and subtle cracks are faintly visible.

This is not the end, after the giant tree landed, it flew high into the sky again, and smashed down on Yun Tian again.

It's like a giant rammer, so repeatedly, endlessly.

However, as the number of attacks increases, the power of the attack becomes significantly weaker, and the final speed is comparable to that of a turtle.

"Okay, it's my turn~"

Yun Tian sneered, sacrificed a percent of spiritual power, and put away his sword and pushed his palm.

With a loud bang, the giant trees instantly turned into debris and scattered in the grass.

At this moment, the formation also became silent again.

A level was completed, and Yun Tian took a few steps forward again.

However, her pace is completely lacking the relaxed freehand when she first entered the battle.

With an ordinary formation, even if Yun Tian relies on his cultivation to resist hard, he can break the formation without any suspense.

However, Ye Ling's formation, derived from the fusion of the Ancient Five Elements Array with the Tiangang Bagua Array, was an organic combination of the Five Elements Dao and his personal talent, and the ordinary formation was simply incomparable.

Yun Tian has personally experienced all this, how can she not know the reason, she is just inconvenient to say because of the face of the big hand.

That's it, in order to save her face, Ye Ling ordered Ah Huang to withdraw most of the spirit stones, otherwise her pressure would increase several times.

After walking more than ten meters further, it was still the same old routine, Yun Tian was also familiar with the road, and he was cautious again, and stepped forward with his sword, but saw a chain of fire from far and near.

Like a giant python, it came straight to the front door!

Yun Tian dodged away, who knew that the chain of fire was like conscious, moving with her body movement.

Yun Tian hid again, and the chain of fire was still with him.

But it is clear that the chain of fire is shorter and shorter each time, until it finally dissipates ......

Do you think this is the end?

The two chains of fire give you the answer, and they are like two high-powered fire dragons rushing towards them, and the pressure has more than doubled.

"Hey, do you still need me to use two percent of my

cultivation......" Yun Tian didn't dare to be careless, and increased his cultivation to two percent before he could barely compete with ......

As the cycle continues, the difficulty increases exponentially, and so does the pressure......

Three of a kind, four of a kind...... Up to ten, the chain of fire was layered on top of each other, covering almost every direction that could be dodged.

Yun Tian was helpless, and increased to sixty percent of his cultivation, wanting to uproot the mountain protection array along with the formation base.

However, when the ten chains of fire reached the halfway point, it was as if they had suddenly lost the support of their follow-up power, and gradually shrank into a small flame, and finally died out, leaving not even the slightest trace.

"What's the situation?" Yun

Tianyu tightened his grip on the Golden Frost Sword in his hand, tightening a string, vigilant through the veil of changes around him.

In her mind, there must be a greater danger lurking in the depths of the mountains.

However, at this moment, there was a trance in front of her eyes, and the dazzling blue light appeared again......

Is it again to punch in Lingyan?

Yun Tian was so annoyed by this thing that he raised his sword to stab ......

"Congratulations, you have successfully cleared the customs and received a random reward, please smile!" After

the notification, the check-in spirit rock directly turned into a blue streamer and disappeared into the chaotic stone.

Before Yun Tian could react, a large wooden box three feet square appeared in front of her, which looked tattered.

"Clearance rewards, it's such a thing, this is too low, right?" Yun Tian muttered to himself.

Receiving a reward means that the formation is successful.

However, the craggy rocks in front of me are still there, and they have not been restored to their former appearance.

This surprised Yun Tian.

She didn't want to dig deeper, and she didn't want to receive any reward.

To be honest, the toss just now had already made her physically and mentally exhausted, and she desperately wanted to return to Yunyu Peak to rest.

Yun Tian raised his eyes and looked around, but still couldn't find a way out.

This is strange, since the circle has been broken, why can't he find a way out?

Just as he was hesitating, the big wooden box slowly moved from behind to ...... in front of him, as if it had grown legs

"Please clear the customs quickly

!" "Go away!"

Yun Tian was upset, there was a big wooden box here to stir things up here, who wouldn't bother?

Yun Tian twisted her head to the side, and the wooden box moved under her nose again as if it had seen through her mind.


Yun Tian was really angry this time, flew up, and directly stomped the wooden box ......


At this moment, two dog barks sounded in her ears, and Yun Tian couldn't help but be stunned.

Ah Huang?!

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