Gu Aotian: In other words, Mr. Deadpool also received the gift from Master Daozu and achieved a leap forward in life, and this should be the reason why Mr. Big Shit is troubled~

Rem: The love and murder between Mr. Big Shit and Mr. Little Bitch, tsk tsk tsk, seems very interesting (look forward to!

Time Elf: By the way, Mr. Xiao Jian seems to have some kind of powerful self-healing ability. Now that he has been enlightened by Dao Ancestor, to what extent will he evolve (curious.jpg)?

Iron Man: Wang Defa!!! How did that guy grow a pair of flesh wings and fly?! Moreover, my anti-Deadpool armor was actually controlled by him! Jarvis analyzed that the guy also had The ability to manipulate metal?

Damn it, did this damn guy break the limiter?

Why do weird abilities appear one after another? I%******

Zhang Junbao: Let's have a moment of silence. It seems that Mr. Deadpool's evolution is a bit unexpected. Mr. Big Shit should be cold by now. Next, we invite professional Uncle Jiu to appear! @Uncle Jiu

Uncle Jiu: Ahem...could it be said that the business actually went to the group friends?

But don’t worry, I’m a professional. I will definitely help Mr. Shi Da Ke find a Feng Shui treasure place and bury it.

Future generations will benefit endlessly (dog head saves life.jpg)!

Genos: The ability to manipulate metal, ah, really makes us mechanical life despair. Fortunately, it does not appear in my world. Mr. Iron Man's fate is already obvious (Honest Man.jpg).

Iron Man: Great administrator, now is the time for the most humble Wade to speak. I was wrong! I was really wrong! I promise not to make comments that affect the physical and mental health of children in the group in the future!

I use...ahem, I swear! This problem will never happen again!

Please unblock me, I'm going crazy because I can't speak in the group!

Can Liu: Is it similar to the ability to control the mind? The current Iron Man should not be speaking in his own mind, but with the special nature of the Wanjie chat group.

Even if you control your mind, you shouldn't be able to use the chat group of all worlds, right?

Sun Xing: This is the special nature of group friends. Only members of the same group can have such a special situation, and there is no life threat, so certain mechanisms will not be triggered.

Therefore, even the weaker members do not need to worry about the risk of being exposed in the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group.

Can Liu: Is that so...

Iron Man: Ah! My beloved Mr. Sun Star, you have finally appeared! Please, I am already kneeling on the ground and kowtowing devoutly. Please say a good word for me and let the administrator untie my hair. Banned!

Sun Star: ...

Chen Fan's face turned slightly dark. He naturally believed what Xiao Jianjian said.

This guy has obviously received huge benefits from Daozu's enlightenment. According to common sense, his head has returned to normal, and his mouth should also be normal.

But obviously.

Deadpool's mouth, just like Aqua's IQ, is hopeless!

The conscientious administrator: Poor Mr. Big Shit, can you even control his speech now? How pitiful he is (gloating.jpg)!

Iron Man: Great administrator! You finally appeared, you are the brightest morning star in the sky! Of course, except for the sun star.

Please help me unblock me. I really can't stand the feeling of not being able to speak freely for a moment (crazy.jpg)!

Rem: I think Mr. Deadpool's current way of communicating seems pretty good (squinting smile.jpg)?

Time Elf: Mr. Big Shit said that he is now a tool man!

Iron Man: Oh! Shet! Stop joking. Can anyone think of a way to help me get rid of this damn guy? I'm going crazy now!

·····Ask for flowers···

This damn guy must have broken the limiter, and abilities appear one after another!

What a monster!

The conscientious administrator: “It seems like the X gene in Deadpool’s body should have evolved perfectly.

The reason why mutants have different abilities is because of the different expressions of the X gene in their bodies.

But now, Deadpool has received amazing benefits due to the enlightenment of Daozu. The X gene should be the urgently needed ability that is born with the will of the host!

It is somewhat similar to what Mr. Big Shit said about breaking the limiter.

Tsk tsk tsk, this seems to be what Mr. Aizen has been pursuing.

...... 0

Aizen Sosuke: ...

In the Shinigami world, Mr. Aizen, who is still located in Hueco Mundo, feels a little bit uncomfortable at this moment.

Although he has thoroughly understood the truth of the world he lives in, he is not yet able to use it freely immediately.

On the contrary, among the group of friends, the ability to evolve according to one's own will has appeared similar to what he originally expected.

It had to be said that he still felt a little bit envious in his heart at this moment.

After all, it will take some time to completely transform the truth that you understand now into power.

Evil Sword Immortal: It's really a terrifying ability. It can give birth to the required abilities according to one's own will. Just thinking about it makes me feel very scary!

Fortunately, this is a group of friends and not my enemy!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Isn't Senior Evil Sword Immortal just as scary? Being able to control living beings with their evil thoughts is a terrifying ability just thinking about it.

After all, no one is perfect, and evil thoughts will always arise.

Evil Sword Immortal: Ahem... keep a low profile, keep a low profile.

Iron Man: Everyone, please stop ignoring me. The administrator should unblock Deadpool as soon as possible. I don't want to stay with this guy for even a second!

Inside the Stark Industries Building, Tony was on the verge of crying.

Beside him, Xiao Jianjian looked at him with a smile on his face, full of expectation.


Chapter 109

Rem: What a ruthless Mr. Shit. I originally thought the script was about falling in love and killing each other, but it turned out to be unilateral abandonment. Bah, you scumbag (funny.jpg)!

Time Elf: Why does it feel weird, ah! This is the smell of philosophy! It slipped away...

Electric Mouse: Pika Pika? (What are humans talking about? Why can't I understand anything?)

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, the atmosphere in this group has become strange (dumbeng.jpg).

Problem Child: Philosophy♂?

The conscientious administrator: Sure enough, Bai Yasha knows a lot, you superficial lolita!

Problem child: ...

Esdeath: Let me advertise, does anyone want to buy a Teigu? It's on sale at a discount, and you can buy the Teigu of your choice at a discounted price, and become a majestic Teigu user!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Tsk tsk tsk... The queen of this group has now been reduced to advertising to survive. It's really hard to explain.

Esdeath: What do you know? In order to collect points as soon as possible, go to the ancient world, and meet the true identity of the boss of Sun Star, I, Esdeath, have already had the consciousness to abandon everything!

Have you seen 14 My Little Bear: I'm scared! But Annie won't admit defeat! Let's collect runes and redeem points (Struggle.jpg)!

Young Monk Fahai: I have thought of a question. Will Deadpool Donor's current ability really not affect some of the mechanisms of the Ten Thousand Realms chat group?

Even Mr. Aizen and Evil Sword Sen, they all have the ability to manipulate the will of others.

When the time comes to meet the group members, wouldn't it be possible to easily manipulate each other to achieve certain goals?

Of course, the young monk just has such a problem and is not deliberately targeting several donors. Please forgive me if I have offended.

The conscientious administrator said: Well, there is no need to worry about this problem. For group members, even if they are hostile to each other, if they really have murderous intentions, the defense mechanism will be triggered.

Even the so-called mind manipulation, do you think that if you are really forcibly controlled, you can still send us messages?

This guy was obviously controlled on purpose, and then made misery with us!

The Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group will not allow this to happen, so don’t worry.

Young Monk Fahai: I see. From the looks of it, the big donor is a bit naughty. I suggest you ban him as well.

Iron Man: ...It's too much. I just want to let you know that the current Deadpool is a BUG! All kinds of weird abilities have appeared.

Even, even... you can imagine that he actually has the terrible ability to completely remove people's body hair!

I swear, admin, if you continue to ban him, I will go crazy! I will really go crazy!

The big bones were boiled into soup: I don't know why, but after hearing about such a weird ability, I always feel cold all over!

Time Elf: As expected of Mr. Deadpool, after turning on the limiter, he actually evolved such a terrifying ability (trembling.jpg)!

Rem: Stop talking, I already have a sense of the picture, go away quickly (I dare not think about it.jpg)!

Iron Man: Hey! Where are you thinking? He just used this ability to remove his armpit hair! It's not what you think!

Really! You believe me! Believe me (I want to cry without tears.jpg)!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, has this started another weird topic (surprised.jpg)?

Problem Child: You actually have such a magical ability? It's hard to imagine what the current Mr. Deadpool and Mr. Big Shit will look like. What a weird and eye-catching scene, tsk tsk tsk...

Esdeath: As expected, we should also ban Mr. Big Shit, otherwise I always feel that the style of these two will lead to bad things for children.

Gu Aotian: I always feel that before long, Deadpool may evolve a lot of weird abilities (Gentleman Smile.jpg).

Aizen Sosuke: Is it really okay to use such an excellent talent in these areas (sadly.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: Since Mr. Deadpool has promised before that he will not make mistakes again, then it is not unforgivable.

It's just, to impress Mr. Deadpool a little bit.

Do you have any better suggestions for punishment? He must be made to strictly abide by the rules in the group and he must not abuse children!

Esdeath: Women's hula! Take Mr. Big Shit out with you! It's definitely impressive and hard to forget!

Boom! ! !

The top floor of the Stark Industries Building.

Tony sat down on the sofa in despair. After seeing Esdeath's speech, his whole body was like a thunderbolt!

Women's clothing! And also dancing hula? !

What kind of divine punishment is this?

And the most important thing is that the mistakes made by his Deadpool have nothing to do with me, eh, and me, Tony Stark!

Why, why is it always me who gets hurt in the end?

It's gone, the feelings have faded.

For a moment, Tony was so sad that he was about to enter the network suppression mode.


Wade, the little bitch on the side, cast his eyes on Tony with evil intentions.

My dear, in order for me to be unblocked, and also so that you can cruelly abandon me as soon as possible.

Come on, it's just women's clothing, isn't it just dancing hula, the unyielding Deadpool will not be afraid!

After the words fell, Wade lightly snapped his fingers.

His outfit changed instantly, and he looked like a classic hula girl!

Of course, it would be better if it had a woman's face, at least it wouldn't make people feel disgusted.

Oh! NO! I think you are not afraid, Damn Fake, you are just excited, right?!

You damn pervert! Wade! I will never dance hula with you dressed as a woman!

I'd rather die!

Watching Deadpool approaching step by step, Tony's face gradually showed a look of despair, because his body was completely unable to move.

Even the network-suppressing cloud mode that had just started was temporarily interrupted, and Tony kept shouting in despair.

Hey, dear nesting doll, you need to know something.

When you can't resist, you have to learn to try and enjoy it. If you don't give it a try, how will you know if you really don't want to?

With a slightly philosophical smile on his face, the little bitch instantly approached Tony.

He is now completely familiar with the evolutionary application of his abilities.

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