Then, the saint's Tao Yun disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if he had never been here before.

Dijun and Taiyi also glanced at the Twelve Ancestral Witches in a joking manner, then drove the Lingbao and disappeared outside the sky.

Ah! Ah! Ah! You are bullying us too much! You clearly rely on the great power behind those two miscellaneous feathered birds, and you dare not teach them a lesson, but you bully our witch clan so casually!


Gonggong couldn't bear this huge humiliation. As soon as Hongjun, Dijun, and Taiyi disappeared, they roared to the sky, and the terrifying physical power destroyed the endless space around them.

But this was completely unable to vent the anger in his heart and the depression in his chest.

Be careful with your words! Be careful with your words! Saints cannot be insulted, but we have been a little careless here. It is not yet time to completely break up with the heaven.

We are weak, and today you must have seen that the saint is biased, and the other party is in a high position and has a peak Da Luo cultivation level.

For us, a head-on collision is like hitting an egg against a stone!

Although Daozu asked us to stop the war, it is not a bad thing, not to mention that we still have that... ¨…”

Houtu Ancestral Witch, as the twelve ancestral witches, has the longest vision and the most delicate mind.

Interrupting the words that the ancestral witch was about to blurt out, he spoke slowly.


Before she finished speaking, her expression changed, and the faces of the other eleven ancestral witches also showed looks of horror.

All because.

They were clearly next to Buzhou Mountain just now, but now they didn't know where they were, in a deep and silent space.

There is a huge difference from their hometown!

Who are you?! What's the purpose of bringing us here?

Di Jiang spoke with an extremely vigilant expression, he also possesses the magical power of space.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the creature that suddenly appeared in front of him had an extremely terrifying control over the space.

It's like the incarnation of the law of space!

You don't deserve to know my origins! However, I have an old grudge with Na Hongjun. Seeing that you and others are being oppressed like this, I felt inspired and brought you here.

I just want to give you a chance to use your hands to play a game with Na Hongjun!

Immortal Yangmei said slowly, and when he mentioned Hongjun, he did not hide the murderous intention in his eyes that made even the twelve ancestral witches tremble!

Senior, do you know that Hongjun has already achieved the status of a saint of heaven? Is there anything we, the mere ancestral witches, can do about it?

Hou Tu said cautiously, and the other ancestral witches nodded in agreement.

Although the Twelve Ancestral Witches were not angry with Na Hongjun, they also knew that their own strength was not enough to compete with him.

It didn't sound like a good thing for this powerful person who suddenly appeared in front of them to take advantage of them.

Hahaha... You only know that Hongjun is a saint of heaven, but you never know that Pindao is the Hunyuan Daluo! In terms of strength, he Hongjun is definitely no match for me!

The reason why I want to use you is to cause this great catastrophe, so...

Great Immortal Yang Mei laughed happily, making no attempt to conceal the word use.

The mere twelve ancestral witches may be regarded as powerful beings in the eyes of all living beings in the wild.

But in his eyes, they are nothing more than pawns that can be exploited.

If we don't use them to start the calamity, why should we explain to these weak guys?

sun star.

Father God...

Taiyi spoke in a long tone, with a flattering smile on his face.

On the side, Di Jun also had a reserved face, and some did not dare to look into Chen Fan's eyes.

Go into seclusion and wait until Hongjun gives his next sermon before leaving the seclusion. There is no need to discuss.

Chen Fan deliberately scolded with a dark face.

Then, the two little golden crows flew pitifully into the two bird cages.

Well, that’s right, a birdcage!

Forged by Chen Fan with the essence of the true fire of the sun, it might be a terrible and unbearable punishment for other creatures.

But for Dijun and Taiyi, who were born with the Golden Crow, this was a rare place of retreat that could quickly deepen their understanding and use of the True Fire of the Sun.


They have become accustomed to living freely in the wild world, and they are not interested in practicing in seclusion.

I have completely lost any preference (an early symptom of ADHD)!

Even those with outstanding talents do not need to rely on retreat to improve their cultivation.

Therefore, what Chen Fan calls seclusion is for these two lawless little guys.

That is the best punishment!

Although this punishment was enviable to many people, Dijun and Taiyi still had aggrieved expressions on their faces.

I was helplessly locked in the birdcage, full of hope that the next sermon would come soon.

at the same time.

A ray of spiritual thought came from Yujing Mountain to Chen Fan's ears.

The ancestral witch disappeared and the fish took the bait.

A faint smile instantly appeared on Chen Fan's face.


Even if there is only a slight friction between the Heavenly Court and the Wu Clan, this Yangmei Taoist is at the junction of chaos and prehistoric times, spying on the prehistoric world day and night.

I am determined not to miss this opportunity!

As for what will be tested next, it is Na Hongjun's acting skills.

Stark Industries Building.

After the last Deadpool attack.

Tony learned the hard way and spent a lot of money to make the entire Stark Industries building airtight!

All-round electronic sky eye surveillance, as long as Deadpool's iconic black and red figure appears within a range of more than one kilometer.

The ultimate alarm will sound immediately!

At that time, the twelve anti-Deadpool armors developed by Tony will be activated instantly and attack the target directly!

This shows that Tony values the little bitch!

Sir, we found an unknown target sneaking into the side door at the edge of the Stark Industries Building. Do you want to kill him?!

Jarvis's notification tone interrupted Tony, who was diving into the chat group to peek at the screen, causing his face to darken instantly.

.~Shet! Since that damn bitch came last time, it seems like my luck has run out. Now anyone dares to break into my building?!

Send out the security personnel, I want to catch him and let him know why the flowers are so red!

Tony spoke angrily, already thinking about how to deal with this damn intruder.


It didn't take long.

Sir! I think the security personnel may not be able to stop that guy. Their stun guns have no effect at all.

It even seemed that the electric energy in the stun gun was absorbed by that guy!

warn! warn! Break into target unconventional humans!

Jarvis's prompt voice gradually became more intense until it completely turned into a warning voice.

At this moment, Tony also reacted and immediately patted his clothes slightly.

The nanoscale battle armor that had been successfully developed instantly strengthened and flew out through the window.


Through the target locking of the suit, Tony discovered a man wearing black tights and carrying two swords standing next to a certain side door.

There are also many stun gun connecting pieces hanging on his body.

The other party seemed a little confused at this moment. He kept clenching his fists, and light blue electricity was released from the fingertips of both hands!

Wang Defa?! Wade! How is this possible! That guy is not...

Tony couldn't believe his eyes, no wonder he didn't sound the alarm in the first place!

Because the appearance he set is completely different from the current Deadpool!

As for Deadpool, after the last incident, he had a clear understanding of everything about him in a short period of time.

Including, the other party's original face and so on!

But now, the other party has actually restored his original appearance, thrown away that ugly battle suit, and even evolved some kind of weird ability to release electric current? !

Oh! Xie Te! Even if you ignore this damn guy, you can still watch the live broadcast! It must be Daozu's enlightenment method that makes him evolve!

Tony reacted immediately, but his face turned darker.

He is deeply aware of the powerful effects of Daozu Hongjun's enlightenment method.

In the field of science and technology that he is best at, in that state of enlightenment, it was as if he was helped by a god, and inspiration kept flowing out like a spring, and he developed a nanoscale battle armor in a short period of time.

As for the other big guys in the group, they have gained a lot.

Obviously, the benefits that Deadpool received seem to be a bit beyond imagination.

Not only has his appearance been restored, but he has also developed brand new abilities!

Jarvis, send out twelve pieces of anti-Deadpool armor for me! Send them all out!

Tony ordered with a dark face.

Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Within the Stark Industrial Building, twelve battle armors shining with dark metallic luster shot out.

at the same time.

As if sensing something, Wade on the ground raised his head and looked at the sky where Tony was.

Hey! My dear nesting doll! Do you know how empty I feel these days without you? I miss you! Come on, let Wade, who loves you, hug you!

I wonder if Wade's voice is also blessed by abilities.

After shouting loudly, the entire Stark Industrial Building and the people around him heard it clearly.

At this moment, every melon-eating crowd showed shock in their eyes.

Looking at Wade on the ground and the armor flying in the sky, a squeaky expression appeared on his face!

For a while.

Iron Man's heart was hit by millions of critical injuries, and those eyes were like sharp knives piercing his heart.

He felt that his lifelong fame was leaving him!


Chapter 108

Iron Man: Oh! Shet! Who can tell me what I should do now? That guy Deadpool is here again!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Oh? Mr. Big Shit is in trouble again. By the way, haven't you already developed the anti-Deadpool armor?

Aizen Sosuke: You may not have noticed at the time that although the Deadpool was banned for a long time, he was still able to watch the live broadcast.

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