This sermon ends here. Three thousand years later, the second lecture of Zixiao Palace will explain the way of quasi-sage!

The words fell.

The endless sage's Taoist charm instantly dissipated in Zixiao Palace.

Only the three thousand mortal guests and the beings on the eight futons were left, looking at each other with unfinished thoughts and expectations.

But Dao Ancestors had already left quietly, so they didn't dare to delay.

Before each of them left, their sharp eyes glanced at the Duke of East and Queen Mother of Naxi, and the meaning was self-evident.

There are some special ones.

For example - from the beginning to the end, Kunpeng's hateful eyes never left Taoist Hongyun!

Especially when Hongjun's figure disappeared into the clouds.

Kunpeng almost couldn't hold himself back and attacked the opponent directly!

Fortunately, Taoist Hongyun's friend Zhen Yuanzi is not an ordinary powerful person.

This made Kunpeng feel wary and did not dare to act recklessly.

What's more, this is the saint's dojo in Zixiao Palace, even if the saint leaves.

He didn't dare to really kill him right here, it would just make him fall on the opponent's face, which was harmless.

Taoist Hongyun! I, Kunpeng, will definitely pay for what I did today!

After saying these words in a subtle way, Kunpeng drove at extreme speed and disappeared into chaos in the blink of an eye.

Oh, you have such a temper. I have told you so many times, but you are still like this. Now you have caused a big disaster!

This Kunpeng is not an easy person to deal with. He is ruthless and has practiced the way of devouring, killing countless lives.

I still hold such a grudge against you, I don’t even know what to say to you!

Zhen Yuanzi stood beside Taoist Hongyun, his face full of helplessness.

If he hadn't been his best friend, he would have left long ago, and he wouldn't have cared about the other person.

Taoist Hongyun also said with a bitter smile: It's just a seat, why is it like this, why is it like this!

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi's face darkened again, and he almost couldn't help but spray Hongyun bloody.

He thought to himself: Is this just a so-called seat?

The eight big futons under the throne of Daozu Hongjun must be a great opportunity.

But because you were soft-hearted and fell into old habits, your poor acting skills can be believed, which caused Kunpeng to lose his seat.

What's this?

A bloody feud!

It's funny that Taoist Hongyun didn't care about it.

How can this make Zhen Yuanzi angry?

In the end, Zhen Yuanzi had no choice but to wave his hands and leave with Taoist Hongyun.

In front of Zixiao Palace.

The two doormen, Haotian and Yaochi, looked at the great masters leaving one by one with envy in their eyes.

But it's a pity that the two of them are just Taoist boys under the Taoist sect. Although they have special status, they also lack a bit of freedom.

Queen Mother Xi, why don't you leave?

Yaochi opened his mouth and looked at the Queen Mother of the West standing not far outside the gate of Zixiao Palace with a slightly curious look in her eyes.

Haotian on the side also looked at him with doubts.

Um...this...I still have some things that I need to communicate with the two Golden Crow Taoists. You don't need to pay attention to me.

Queen Mother Xi replied rather awkwardly.

Then he continued to wait outside with an anxious face.

She is not an ignorant, arrogant person like Prince Dong.

Queen Mother Xi has a very clear sense of her own sense of propriety. There is no one above the eight futons that she can afford to offend.

Now that she is being targeted by the two who may be the strongest among them, will she be able to live well in the future?

Instead of being frightened day and night, and in panic all day long, Queen Mother Xi felt that she might as well put what was in her heart into perspective.

Simply take this opportunity to inform the other party.

I really didn’t want to be the leader of the female immortals, let alone use this opportunity to control all the immortals!

Just when the Queen Mother of the West was having a lot of thoughts in her heart.

Inside the Zixiao Palace.

Except for Di Jun and Tai Yi who were still staying on the futon, all the other great powers had quietly left.

Father God has not left yet, so they naturally have to wait here.

next moment.

Two figures appeared in the clouds, it was Chen Fan and Hongjun.

Well, superficial departure——Hongjun.

If it's nothing serious, Hongjun, you can leave and ignore me.

Chen Fan spoke slowly, but his eyes were focused on the two little lolita.

The meaning is obvious. Next, I have something to say to my daughter, you can leave!

If so, Pindao will leave first.

Although Hongjun said this, he was quite speechless in his heart: It seems that this Zixiao Palace is a dojo for poor Taoists, right?

As a result, Hongjun, slightly aggrieved, took the two Taoist boys away and returned to the ancient Yujing Mountain Dojo.

You two, are you dissatisfied?

Looking at the two little guys, Chen Fan deliberately said with a straight face.

Don't dare! Father God, Dijun (Taiyi) will never be dissatisfied with you! You are the most supreme being in our hearts! We will never be like this!

Dijun and Taiyi panicked instantly.

He looked at Chen Fan with pitiful and aggrieved eyes, and almost cried.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, these two little guys are lawless masters.

But towards Chen Fan, they were extremely respectful and affectionate.

Since you are not dissatisfied with me, then you are dissatisfied with Hongjun? But because of the position of the leader of the immortals?

Chen Fan's tone became slightly more easy-going, but his expression remained unchanged.

However, the two little lolita were so smart. With just a slight change in tone, they instantly understood what Father God meant.

Not blaming them both, but pointing to something else!

Therefore, they dare not hide it when Father God is in front of him.

Di Jun said bluntly: Father God, I just feel that as your daughters, Father God, how can we be inferior to others?

Those two people are simply not worthy of each other! Especially the Queen Mother of the West, who looks so weak. How can she be the head of the female immortals and control us everywhere? !

Father God, we are your good daughters, how can we be managed by the head of that kind of female fairy...

As they talked, the two little guys started.

Fei stepped forward, held Chen Fan's big hand and began to act coquettishly. There was no trace of the majesty of Daluo Jinxian's late-stage power.

Well, what dignity do you need in front of your own father, God?

Okay, you two little guys! Listen up!

Facing his daughter's coquettishness, Chen Fan stopped sullen and touched the heads of the two little guys.

You are the Nine-Nine Supreme Destiny, accompanied by Chaos Bell and Hetu Luoshu. You are destined to become the Supreme Emperor of Heaven in all directions in the ancient world!

What does it mean to be the leader of immortals? Thanks to you two little guys, you actually like it!

Saying that, Chen Fan angrily slapped one of them on the head again.

Dijun and Taiyi stuck out their tongues in embarrassment.

Listen, it's about future planning, and you two are also a crucial part. What you have to do next is to establish the Demon Clan Heavenly Court, and then...

The power of order and law enveloped Chen Fan and the two little guys.

This makes this space impossible for any living being to spy on.

He said that it was related to the planning of Yang Mei Daxian, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, so he naturally had to teach the two little guys a good lesson.

The first sermon of this Taoist ancestor has passed.

The power of the Wu clan on the ancient land has expanded to a certain extent, and the family is the only one.

The power of measuring calamity has begun to take shape, and the calamity has quietly begun to manifest itself.

At this time, it is the time when Di Jun and Tai Yi’s demon clan’s heavenly court is about to be established!

However, there is a little more calculation from the Sun Star.

Chen Fan speculated that if he was correct, Taoist ancestor Hongjun should also start preparing to lure out Taoist Yang Mei at this moment.

As long as the other party appears, Chen Fan believes it.

With Hongjun's calculating ability, it is naturally not a problem to implement his own plan.

What's more, there is a huge cause and effect between them, and Immortal Yang Mei is determined not to make it easy for Hongjun.

After a long while, Chen Fan finished explaining everything.

Although he knew how smart Di Jun and Tai Yi were, they were his good daughters after all, and there was no room for any mistakes.

Okay, now that the Witch Clan is powerful, you two should also establish the Demon Clan Heavenly Court to control it.

Turn on the Lich Measuring Tribulation to make the calamity fall, and then wait and see what happens, waiting for Na Hongjun to make the oath of heaven.

Fang Ke gradually began to show his minions and forced Taoist Yangmei to die personally. Do you understand?

Facing Chen Fan's teachings.

The two little guys nodded immediately, bowed to Chen Fan with excitement, and then walked out of the Zixiao Palace.

Chen Fan could feel the joy in the hearts of Di Jun and Taiyi, and couldn't help but laugh.

Randomly turned his head and looked aside.

The sand sculpture friends are still in a state of enlightenment, with a dim light all over their bodies.

Their bodies underwent incredible transformations from the inside out.

Especially for a being like Liu Shen, who is at the top level of strength in the group, the benefits gained are even more immeasurable.

And a certain crippled evil god who has a pretty good upper limit seems to really look like an evil god at the moment, and the aura he exudes is strange and unpredictable.

As the person with the lowest IQ in the group, Aqua had a silly expression on her face, but the divine power in her body had made a qualitative leap.

As for whether her IQ has increased, it is unknown.

After all, if you multiply zero by any number, the final result is still zero!

With a wave of his hand, Chen Fan's figure, together with the projections of his friends, disappeared into the Zixiao Palace.

Outside Zixiao Palace.

The Queen Mother of the West was quite confused at first as to why the two Taoist boys suddenly disappeared.

After a while, her eyes immediately locked on Di Jun and Taiyi who were stepping out of the door.

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