And now, he had an epiphany in Hongjun's preaching, and he was about to enter the late stage of Daluo, and he had left those three thousand mortal guests far behind.

Be aware.

Although after Hongjun first passed down the Taoism, Daluo Jinxian in the ancient world sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Not long after, those famous powerful men all reached the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal.

However, there are only a few Da Luo Jinxian in Zixiao Palace.

It can be seen from this that the teachings taught by Hongjun have greatly promoted the development of the prehistoric era!

He preached three times, from Daluo Jinxian to the coming of the age of saints.

Hongjun, the number one saint in heaven, can be said to be the most meritorious person.

Of course, Chen Fan also knew that this so-called preaching was not just as simple as Hongjun feeling the way of heaven.

He, Hongjun, was a heavenly saint who gathered the great fortunes of heaven and earth. He preached and received his karma here in order to gather the great fortunes of all sentient beings.

In this way, he can go one step further.

Although it is already a bit insignificant to Hongjun who has become a saint.

But if he can make further progress, he will naturally not let go of such an opportunity.

Not to mention, there are also the Six Saints of Heaven in the future. The cause and effect formed at this time is of course very important.

After the last word from Hongjun's mouth fell.

In the Zixiao Palace, all living beings in the ancient world woke up one after another and worshiped devoutly. The joy on their faces could not be suppressed.

Even many creatures feel that their realm is about to break through.

As for Dijun and Taiyi, there were no signs. The true fire of the sun appeared on their bodies, and the scene of the golden crow flapping its wings and spanning thirty-three days instantly evolved!

Two bright suns were rising from behind them, making them afraid to look directly at them!

Daluo Jinxian's late stage coercion poured out without reservation.

This caused the expressions of the beings on the futons around them to change slightly.

at the same time.

Hongjun's voice also sounded at this time:

“I look at the creatures in the ancient world, they are chaotic, disorderly and unsteady.

Therefore, we should entrust the heads of the two immortals to set an example and establish a rule for the ancient world!

The words just fell.

The three thousand mortal guests, including the creatures on the eight futons, all had their own concerns.

The two Xiantian Golden Crows, who had already awakened and made breakthroughs, raised their heads to look above the clouds, with a lovely look of anticipation in their eyes.

The person they were looking at was not Hongjun, but their own God Father!

Obviously, they are born with the supreme destiny.

He is extremely interested in this so-called head of immortals!


Chapter 91

Although the eyes of the two little Golden Crows were looking at Senior Sun Star.

But Hongjun couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart, this was clearly a threat to himself!

Helplessly, he also secretly sent a message to Chen Fan:

Senior, look at this...

Don't pay attention to them. These two little guys possess the Nine-Nine Supreme Destiny. Once they leave your Zixiao Palace, they will have some insights and know the true thoughts in their hearts.

Chen Fan looked calm and didn't pay any attention to the cuteness of the two little guys.

Just kidding, they are just the head of male immortals and the head of female immortals. How can they compare with what Chen Fan has prepared for them, the future throne of the demon clan in heaven?

Not to mention the two products selected today.

They are just two cannon fodder in the future, not worth mentioning at all.

It can only be regarded as a little calculation by Hongjun.

However, because 627 planned the Lich Tribulation for Chen Fan, the future leader of male and female immortals would be less of a nuisance to the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

After all, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court has not yet been established.

Naturally, there will be no conflict with the authority of the so-called leader of the two immortals.

The reason why Hongjun still points out the reason for this matter is to make many immortals in Zixiao Palace understand.

The future of the prehistoric world needs order!

The leader of the two immortals is just the first reminder here.

As for their life and death, Hongjun didn't care much, and even deliberately selected two candidates who seemed to be very suitable.

In fact, his position within the prehistoric era is extremely embarrassing.

However, one of them, Duke Dong, felt very proud and relied on the authority granted by Master Dao Ancestor to do whatever he wanted.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

At this time, Hongjun faced the eyes of the two innate golden crows, but he had to consider whether it would be a good sale.

Add some authority to these two unimportant positions to give them enough weight.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the status of these two young ancestors, right?

Fortunately, Senior Sun Star spoke, so there was no need to pay attention.

Then Hongjun naturally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, what he thought at the beginning was that these two positions were just cannon fodder pushed out to give the sentient beings a boost.

Although the way of heaven is impermanent, it should be orderly. Only in this way can we have long-lasting good fortune and long-term plans.

Since none of the Sun Star seniors objected to what he was doing, he naturally agreed with it.

Thinking about this.

Hongjun also looked at two of the three thousand Hongchen guests.

There was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

The heel is good, just what I need, but it has no great achievements and is not outstanding.

Isn’t this the best cannon fodder that can be elected?

Prince of the East and Queen Mother of the West come forward. You are transformed from the two innate yin and yang qi, and your feet are extraordinary.

Therefore, Prince Hongdong was granted the title of the first of the wild male immortals, and the Queen Mother of the West was granted the title of the first of the wild female immortals.

I have given you both a dragon-headed crutch and a water-purifying bowl. You must set an example for all the immortals and do not act recklessly!

The words fell.

The faces of the East Prince and the Queen Mother of the West showed expressions of great surprise.

After the two people came forward to thank each other, they each received the treasure given to them.

The attire all over his body was actually blessed by the power of heaven, and he became extremely majestic and majestic. He was completely different from before.

Even his strength has become slightly stronger under the blessing of the power of heaven!

Thank you to the great virtue of the Taoist ancestors. I, the Prince of the East, will definitely restrain the immortals in the ancient world and make the ancient world orderly!

Prince Dong actually thanked him again and looked very upright.

And as soon as these words came out.

Not only the three thousand Hongchen guests, but also the beings on the eight futons also had slightly changed expressions.

A secret annoyance arose in my heart.

who are they? An innate creature from the prehistoric times, with strong cultivation, a disciple of the Taoist ancestors who listens to the Tao.

How could you be willing to succumb to the so-called male and female immortals?

At this moment, many powerful men secretly cursed in their hearts: This guy, using chicken feathers as arrows, really thinks that he is the leader of the immortals!

Sharp eyes were constantly scanning the East Prince and even the Queen Mother of the West.

However, the two of them showed completely different expressions.

Dong Wangong didn't know what had fascinated him, but he still had a proud look on his face at this moment, not caring at all about the murderous eyes of these powerful men.

He held the Tao Ancestor's order without any fear in his heart.

The Queen Mother of the West was different, her hands holding the water purifying bowl began to tremble slightly...

Obviously, Queen Mother Xi has realized the seriousness of the problem at this moment, and her eyes are full of worry.

Her strength is mediocre, and she is not outstanding among these three thousand mortal guests.

In such a situation, he has become the leader of female immortals.

Feeling the sharp eyes like rays of light on her back, Queen Mother Xi wanted to leave immediately.

If she stayed for a while longer, she would feel like she was in danger at any time!

But fortunately, since he was the head of the immortals appointed by Daozu after all, these three thousand mortal guests would not really kill them.

But as for whether to obey their orders, the answer to the question is obvious.

If possible, Queen Mother Xi really wants to find someone to send the purifying water bowl in her hand right now!

Then by the way, he threw the so-called head of the female fairy to the other party!


Except for the three thousand Hongchen guests.

At this moment, she clearly saw that on the eight big futons, there were two innate golden crows that had just broken through to the late stage of Daluo Golden Immortal, and their visions persisted for a long time.

At this moment, he was staring at her hatefully with eyes filled with embarrassment and anger!

Queen Mother Xi's scalp felt numb.

She knew these two very well.

When many great masters from ancient times had just entered the Zixiao Palace, they were already in the process of enlightenment.

As soon as Taozu finished preaching for the first time, he immediately broke through to the late stage of Daluo Jinxian, and his strength was overwhelming to all the listeners in Zixiao Palace!

These two people were actually targeting him at this moment.

Queen Mother Xi felt like crying but had no tears in her heart, but on the outside she had to pretend to be calm and a little happy.

After all, she dared not say goodbye to Daozu's gift. If she still showed an embarrassed look.

Wouldn't that mean that it doesn't even give Daozu his face?

Ever since.

In such a strange atmosphere, the future heads of male immortals and female immortals were decided.

And this first mission in Zixiao Palace has come to an end.

As for how many troubles were buried in it, many causes and effects were formed.

That is still unknown.

Only Chen Fan and Hongjun, who were high above the clouds, were in control of the overall situation from beginning to end.


Chapter 92

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