And I see that Da Gu’s body does not only have the so-called power of light.

The giant who gave Dagu power was actually light transformed from darkness.

The big bones were boiled into soup: Ah? Is there such a thing? Isn't Diga the incarnation of light (looking confused.jpg)?

Jing Jing Jie Administrator: “I forgot before, there is indeed a memory fragment that can be regarded as an extra, but I forgot to upload it.

Dagu, do you want to take a look? It’s about Diga’s love and hatred (squinting smile.jpg)!

Bones boiled into soup: I'm just complaining that I'm too busy at work. There's no need for everyone to discuss it in such an inscrutable way, right? (I want to cry without tears.jpg)?

Iron Man: Everyone! Please help! Please help! That madman Deadpool rushed into my Stark Industries building with a knife and scared away a lot of my customers!

Zhang Junbao: I have just watched Deadpool 1-2, and I have a good sense of this guy who seems crazy but is actually full of a sense of justice.

Of course, if his mouth could be sewn shut, this man would be perfect!

Uncle Jiu: +1, Deadpool's mouth is really scary!

As for my Italian cannon: I'm just fucking uneducated, but this guy is really full of bad words. I admire him!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: The way of speaking that even I don't want to learn is obviously too much.

Where's my Italian cannon: Second Battalion Commander, bring me the fucking Italian cannon. I have to give this old guy a shot today (furious.jpg)!

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: ...

Rem: The Dance King is old. The days of retirement are so boring and uninteresting. I can only imitate other people's words.

Iron Man: Everyone, please help! I'm asking for help! Can you pay attention to me? Am I so insignificant? After all, I am also a hero!

Genos: Hero? The kind that comes out of interest? Speaking of which, my teacher Saitama is a hero out of interest!

Dedicated administrator: Saitama, the legendary bald head - strong! A hot man who broke the limiter, a plug-in also known as King, and a villain inspirational master!

Genos: Um...does my teacher still have such a title?

The conscientious administrator: Yes, every weirdo who dares to challenge your teacher has excellent spirit and courage, and in the battle, he showed his tenacity and unyielding spirit, preferring to bend rather than bend!

Although everyone died miserably, it still couldn't stop them from continuing to kill people.

Isn't this inspiring enough?

Esdeath: Even though the dog management said that, it still feels like something is wrong.

Crippled Evil God: Is there any? I feel that it is indeed very inspiring, just like how I am afraid of forks, but also want to resist Kurumi Tokisaki!

Staff Goddess: Goosegoose...the evil god who is afraid of forks, goosegoosegoose...

Time Elf: It seems that the fact that the crippled evil god is afraid of forks has long been spread among the group, right? Can this also make a goose cry out with laughter? (I am stupid.jpg)

Gu Aotian: A god whose IQ can lower the lower limit of the entire group really scares the skeleton (stay away from me.jpg)!

Iron Man: Boss, I'm asking for help! I'm asking for help! I'm asking for help! Please, can you look at me and pay attention to me (crying in my arms. jpg)!

On the top floor of the Stark Industries Building, Tony was on the verge of tears and his eyes were blank.

In his ears, Jarvis's voice kept coming.

Sir! Deadpool has broken into the conference room. Ordinary firearms have no effect on him at all. Are more severe measures to be taken to prevent the other party's intrusion?

Sir! Deadpool has begun to rush towards your floor, and his body is already full of bullet holes. Still unable to stop his action, should we take coercive measures?!


Similar warnings kept reminding Tony, but he didn't react at all.

Obviously, for a man who is full of honey and confidence in his own charm.

I asked for help in the group, but there was no response at all. This was so disappointing.

You know, in the eyes of the people of the United States, when has Iron Man not been the center of attention and the center of attention?

Changed, everything has changed.

Friends in the group are not even willing to call themselves Mr. Big Shit.

After all, the feelings have faded and the human touch has disappeared, so naturally, he will not care about the life and death of Mr. Big Shit.

Tony looked up at the sky, filled with sadness for a moment, and had the urge to recite a poem.

Well, a certain Iron Man's net-suppressing cloud moment was completely opened.

Bip! Blop! Blop!

Rapid sirens kept sounding, and then...

The door was violently broken into.

The little bitch, who was wearing a red tights, caught sight of Tony in a powerless state on the recliner.

Oh! I think I must not have cleaned my eyes with toilet cleaner today, and I actually saw Tony lying here like an old fat woman.

Honey, are you going to die?

But don’t worry, your dear Deadpool arrived by chance. How about I give you artificial respiration first?

The little Jianjian threw away the two knives in his hands and ran away with a strange posture...


A big foot kicked the approaching little bitch away without hesitation, Tony had a disgusted expression on his face.

What on earth are you going to do, you guy? Trouble my industrial building into a mess. If it weren't for the fact that you are also a member of the group, I swear I will use a nuclear bomb to explode your vagina!

Tony couldn't help but cursed.

This guy in front of me is really disgusting.

When he thought that the other party actually wanted to use that terrifying face to give himself artificial respiration.

Goosebumps broke out on Tony's body!

Don't be angry, dear, of course I came to you for a trivial matter, as small as a prostitute's underwear! I can swear on my a**!

Xiao Jianjian said in that unique tone.

Tony: ...

I just want to use the small missile on the armor to shoot the guy in front of me!

Then the whole world might be peaceful.

However, with this guy's immortality ability, I'm afraid he will be the first to recover that annoying big mouth!

If you call me honey again, I swear I will put a nuclear bomb in your mouth!

Tony had a dark face and his mood was extremely depressed.

Today is really a dark day. Deadpool comes to the door, asking for help from friends, but no one cares.

The most important thing is that he has no idea what the guy in front of him is going to do! Suddenly he came to kill.

Hey, relax, we are just friends in a group, eh, group friends.

oh oh! Put that thing away, I was wrong! I admit my mistake!

I don't want to spend time recovering my little a** right now.

Deadpool quickly raised his hands in surrender and tried his best to look relaxed.


Tony had already put on the armor at this moment, and the small missile on his shoulder was aimed at the little bitch's mouth!

If you say anything wrong again, then you will say goodbye to this world with my office. I swear I mean it!

Tony's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He swore that now he just wanted to get rid of this guy as soon as possible, who could get a tenth level of lethality rating just by relying on his mouth!

Hey, I just want you to help me say a nice word to the administrator. This chat group that suddenly appeared is so interesting!

But the feeling of having something to say but being able to hold it back is like the feeling of stool being blocked in the throat!

Can you understand how I feel, dear... Oh, I was wrong again!

Xiao Jianjian spread his hands helplessly and tried to relax his body.

Then, a micro-missile finally aimed at Xiao Jianjian's lower body.


boom! ! !

Outside the Stark Industries Building, Tony was flying in the air with his armor, his face as black as carbon ink.

Looking at the crowds of people evacuating outwards, I feel even more depressed.

And in his smoke-filled office, he seemed to be able to vaguely see half of his body, holding on and waving to himself.

This made him almost unable to hold back and wanted to fire another missile.

Fortunately, the defense capabilities of the Stark Industrial Building are top-notch, and even such a shot did not cause any casualties.


Tony still had a dark face as he picked up the bloody upper body from the rubble, threw it into an intact room, and locked it up.

Listening to the parting words, Tony almost couldn't hold back and actually put the missile into the other person's mouth.

Until now.

He finally realized the power of Deadpool's mouth.

If possible, he really wants to give Deadpool a 360,000-day ban package in the real world!

Wang Defa! When did I, Tony, become so stupid? Why can't I develop an anti-Deadpool armor?!

He is just immortal, and he is not a special superpower!

Just wait for me, hehehe...

Tony's face showed a perverted smile for the first time, as if he had seen the tragic situation of Deadpool in the future!


[Well, feel sorry for my little bitch for a minute. Okay, it’s time! It’s time to pick up my wife Rem and go to sleep].

Chapter 82

PS: Thank you [Why do you always force me? 】100VIP point reward from the boss, and 400VIP point reminder ticket support! Many thanks!


A little bitch who was locked in the house.

Only half of his body was left, and his whole body was covered with wounds, exuding bursts of barbecue smell.

Damn it, Fakir, this guy in a steel shroud is actually being serious! It's so cruel! He doesn't care about our relationship over the years at all.

Shet! After I recover, I must ask this guy to ask the administrator to unblock me!

Otherwise, I swear on God’s a** that I will make this tin nesting doll look good...

The little bitch kept spitting out dirty words without any sign of stopping.

He has extraordinary self-healing ability, but such an injury can only be regarded as a sprinkle of water.

Just suddenly.

Xiao Jianjian shivered violently all over and had some bad premonitions in her mind.

Oh, Shet! The nesting doll won't make a set of armor specifically for me, right? That son of a bitch can really do such a thing!

Frank, no! My dear nesting doll, I can't stay with you any longer.

drink! ah……

The little Jianjian struggled to use her hands to crawl toward the window.

After spending nearly half an hour.

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