The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible. Is Uncle Jiu going to help Mr. Shit Big Kou find a burial place in advance?

Little Girl: Actually, in Little Girl's world, the place of burial is really important. I heard some people say that if you bury it in the wrong place, something ominous and hairy will happen (serious face. jpg)!

Rem: In that case, Mr. Big Shit really needs to find a good place to bury him! Otherwise, he will definitely turn into a hairy zombie, right (fear.jpg)?

Staff Goddess: What?! Mr. Big Shit has turned into an undead creature like a zombie? This goddess will destroy you on behalf of justice, so you must die (Goddess's Judgment.jpg)!

Genos: Huh? Mr. Big Shit died like this?

Iron Man: I feel so tired and I don't want to talk. I feel like the whole world is targeting me, and only Jarvis can give me the last bit of warmth.

Iron Man World.

Sir, are you really not going to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination? Jarvis has observed that your number of cardiac arrests has been increasing day by day, and you may die suddenly at any time!

As Iron Man's loyal artificial intelligence, Jarvis naturally cares about everything.

Tony: ...

This time I felt even more tired.

The conscientious administrator: Okay, everyone, please stop being naughty. The boss of Sun Star has already asked. Let's try our best to prepare for Hongjun's sermon. Even though we may not understand it at all, we still have to have a correct attitude!

Can Liu: My little friend, you are right. After all, he is the founder of the Taoist sect and deserves respect from all of us.

Moreover, maybe he, who has become a saint of heaven, can also use the power of heaven to detect our existence.

Let's try to leave a good impression.

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: Having said that, I am reminded of the horror when the Eye of Heaven appeared last time! I can still vividly remember it. The feeling of being humble and insignificant is really hard to describe in words.

Aizen Sosuke: It is precisely because I realize my own insignificance that I have to strengthen myself and constantly realize my own evolutionary leaps. This process is what I enjoy (confidence.jpg)!

Time Elf: As expected of Mr. Aizen, even in a situation like this, he didn't lose his confidence at all. It's terrible!


[Welcome new member Love Eating Carrots to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome the new member Deadpool to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome new member Xiao Xun'er to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome new member Electric Mouse to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome the new member Wing Chun Grandmaster to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

Dedicated administrator: Congratulations on the new member! After watching the memory clips of joining the group, please move to the new group member announcement, and you can quickly change from a cute new member to a novice group member!

Rem: What's the difference? Between a novice and a newbie (curious.jpg)?

Esdeath: The rules of this group are that when new members join the group, the men should wear women's clothes! The women should pant! No rebuttal is allowed, and all questions will be explained by the administrator!

Aizen Sosuke: Welcome to the newcomers. It seems that the speed of new members joining the Bankai chat group has been much faster recently.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: I hope that the newcomer will be a domineering person like Li Yunlong. I, Ban, like to make friends with such people!

Iron Man: Wait, wait, what the hell did I see? Deadpool?! Wang Defa, this guy actually joined the chat group of all realms (shocked.jpg)!

The conscientious administrator: It's really interesting that Deadpool actually joins the same world as Mr. Big Shit. I wonder if Little Spider will join in the future?

Sun Star: The universe is so vast. With such a probability, you can attract guys from the same world. I feel like you can get married right where you are to celebrate.

On the Sun Star, Chen Fan's avatar opened his eyes with a little interest.

Another group of new people joined the group, and it seemed that this time, two of the new people didn't look like humans.

Well, let’s take a blind guess at the electric mouse, and it turns out it’s Pikachu from a certain elf!

Electric Mouse: Pikachu, Pika, Pika? (Where is this, can anyone understand me?)

Dedicated administrator: awsl! I never expected that one of the newcomers to the group this time would be the cute creature Pikachu, a childhood wish!

It's a pity that I can't travel across the world now, otherwise I will definitely go to the elf world and conquer a large group of Pikachu!

When the time comes, just think about it...hehe, hehehehe... (Silly smile.jpg)

Electric Mouse: Pica! Pica! (trembling, scared)

Loves to eat carrots: Hey, is there such a magical chat group in the world? Is this also a unique product of the human world? This is the first time Xiao Wu has seen it (excited.jpg)!

Deadpool: Wang Defa?! Damn it, Fakeer, there is such a weird chat group in this world that looks exactly like an old prostitute? Could it be that I added God's mother's a** to bring this dog? Shit luck?”


[The administrator has banned member Deadpool for 36,000 hours, and added a note: Random chatting is prohibited in the group, and if you mislead children, you will be struck by lightning! (Really struck by lightning!)]

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, can the mute time be so long? (Kanna's doubts.jpg)?

Xiao Xun'er: Although I don't quite understand what it means, it doesn't seem like a nice thing to say (disgusted.jpg).

Wing Chun Grandmaster: My Wing Chun - Ip Man, I have met all of you... friends!

The conscientious administrator: Well, when Master Ye Wen talks like this, it always seems like he is accepting the challenge from the members of the group. Such a scene,'s scary just thinking about it!

Revitalize the world.

Mu Jinxuan lies on the bed every day, acting like an exquisite dead house.

Such a picture emerged in my mind.

Master Yip Man, the master of Wing Chun, made a hand gesture and looked straight ahead.

He whispered: Wing Chun, Ip Man!

However, in front of him, there was the incarnation of the Sun Star boss, Aizen, young Uchiha Madara, Bone King, Evil Sword Sen and a bunch of other bosses.

Just waiting silently, ready to attack.

hiss! ! !

That scene was probably really too horrific to behold, unimaginable!

Wing Chun Grandmaster: Well, is there anything wrong with the way I speak?

The conscientious administrator: “That’s not true, but forget it, you’d better see for yourselves!”


[The administrator has uploaded a memory clip and named it Ip Man 1-4. Please browse it by yourself. 】

[Administrator, uploaded a memory fragment and named it Pokemon. Please browse it by yourself. 】

[Administrator, uploaded a memory fragment and named it The World of Dou Qi. Please browse it by yourself. 】

[Administrator, uploaded a memory fragment and named it Douluo World. Please browse it by yourself. 】

[Administrator, the memory clip has been uploaded and named Deadpool 1-2. Please browse it by yourself. 】

Dedicated administrator: Friendly reminder, these memory fragments are just a future direction, not an established fact, just like the other memory fragments in the group.

For example, Mr. Aizen, the direction of his world has changed dramatically.

Aizen Sosuke: Although this is true, can the administrator please not use me as an example (Kyouka Suigetsu Warning.jpg)?

Rem: Shivering, is this Aizen's big Zanpakutō? It's absolutely hypnotic, I fell asleep (funny.jpg)!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Without further ado, I'm going to go after him first!

As for my Italian cannon: I really want to fuck you, so imitate me again!

Time Elf: Please don't worry about it. After all, an old man always has to have some fun in his later years, right?

Iron Man: Yes, it's understandable that old people like Madala are a little boring, but it's different for people like me. I'm in my prime and in great shape!

When everyone in the Wanjie chat group was casually chatting and spanking.

A little bitch who lives in the same world as Iron Man keeps spitting out fragrant words and his eyes are full of depression.


After seeing Iron Man's speech, his eyes lit up instantly!

Shet, I hope this shit guy is the man in the tin shroud that I imagined him to be.

In this case, as long as I find him, I can ask the great administrator to unban me!

Oh my God, I swear on God’s **** that I will never talk nonsense in the group!

This feeling of not being able to speak freely is really *****”

As he finished speaking, he put on his Deadpool suit and brought his beloved small pistol and long knife.

Then embarked on the journey to Stark Industries Building.

And a certain Comrade Iron Man, who he didn't know yet, was drinking red wine, sitting on a recliner and enjoying his leisure time chatting and spanking with his friends.


[It’s more convenient to set Deadpool and Iron Man to be in the same world]

[After writing about the conspiracy against Immortal Yang Mei in the previous chapter, there was a comment that I didn't expect. I was really speechless. I don't know how he understood it. He thought that Immortal Yang Mei would be Dao's biological son? 】

[And he seems to think that Yang Mei Daxian is invincible, and Honghuang is nothing in the eyes of the other party. The author doesn't like confrontation, so he flew away directly]

[I hope you all have fun reading the book. There is no need to argue about who is stronger and who is weaker. Everyone has different preferences. There is no need to argue and make yourself unhappy, right? ].

Chapter 81

Even though I am old, I can still dance: After I refreshed Ip Man 1 at the fastest speed in my life, I completely understood what the administrator meant.

Next, Wing Chun - Ip Man, who can give me some advice (dog head saves life.jpg)?

Wing Chun Grandmaster: ...

Electric Mouse: Pica, Pica, Pica! (Wing Chun, Ip Man!)

Time Elf: His! Electric Mouse Pikachu's imitation ability is so good? I have a picture in my mind!

The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible, can Pikachu eat it (confusion.jpg)?

Xiaoxun'er: Pikachu is so cute, how can we eat Pikachu? (How about we braise it in braised pork? Just a joke)

The conscientious administrator: Powerless, can I say that I am worthy of being Kangna? In Kangna's eyes, our childhood fantasy is just a kind of food that we want to try?

The hungry dragon roared: Hey, I'm just asking out of habit. I don't really want to eat Pikachu (well-behaved.jpg).

Electric Mouse: Pikachu... (trembling)

Xiaoxun'er: I've watched several episodes of Pokemon. It's so interesting! Is this the so-called memory fragment? There are so many, enough for Xun'er to watch for a long time (satisfaction.jpg)!

Loves to eat carrots: Hey, I just watched some memory fragments of Xiao Wu's own world. Will I turn into a human form and go out? It feels like the people outside are so scary. Xiao Wu doesn't want to go out at all now.

The conscientious administrator: Don't worry, you are also a hundred thousand year soul beast after all. After reading the memory fragments, it's up to you to decide what to do.

However, although I am also a human being, I still have to give a word of advice... people's hearts are unpredictable, so be careful.

Loves to eat carrots: Thank you to the administrator for reminding me. Now that the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group exists, I just want to stay in the Star Bean Forest. The memory fragment is so beautiful +1!

Time Elf: The administrator has trained two crazy otakus for this group? How wonderful!

The big bones were boiled into soup: What's wrong with being a salted fish? I eat and drink every day and lie in bed watching TV shows. I have always dreamed of such a life!

It's a pity that I don't know why here, monsters appear every once in a while, it's too busy.

I really envy the big guys in the group, they don’t have to go to work and can still be at home (envious look.jpg).

Rem: Is this Ultraman Tiga? Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's so miserable, it doesn't look like you have any personal freedom at all!

Evil Sword Immortal: So, what's wrong with being a hero? This thing is the most tiring. I've seen a lot of it in this world.

Thousands of heroes died in battle, but in the end, only a few could remember their names.

Aizen Sosuke: Not really, although I think I am not a good person, but different beliefs lead to different things that I will stick to.

The so-called heroes, although I can kill them, I will not look down on them because of it.

It's just that the paths they take are different.

Time Elf: It's really surprising that Mr. Aizen can say such a thing! In my impression, Mr. Aizen is an extremely proud villain!

Sun Star: Aizen's words are not wrong. As I once said, good and evil are both paths, and light and darkness are just two different paths.

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