Decisively using Bengyu's power, he killed and devoured many virtual beings in a short period of time, and then came directly to the virtual world.

This is a place where there are almost no intelligent creatures except for high-level Daxu.

Naturally, it became the best paradise and hunting ground for Kuchiki Rukia.

Its strength has expanded to an incredible level in the shortest possible time!

Just when the group of friends suddenly realized because of Chen Fan's explanation.

Within the virtual circle.

Because of the arrival of Aizen and others, Rukia Kuchiki's original actions suddenly changed slightly.

The Bengyu in the body may not be called Bengyu now.

It was it that made Rukia Kuchiki know who the things in her body originally belonged to!

Now, this hatred of being exploited meets the arrival of the rightful owner.

Naturally, I was completely inspired!


Accidents and other things always happen one after another.

Due to Niruri Cocoon's caution, a copy of the photo that was originally thought to be used to threaten Aizen was retained.

This made the Shinigami captains of the Serenity Court know Aizen's movements.

In addition, in order to add interest, a certain Sun Star secretly left markings for guidance (the instruction arrows left behind are not only indestructible, but also have the power of mandatory rules).

A group of Death God captains were also rushing over at this moment.

Among them, Kuchiki Byakuya's face, which had always been rigid, and Furui Muha's face, finally showed unprecedented anger for the first time!


Kuchiki Byakuya called out in a low voice with an incredible tone.

Brother, can I get your approval now? I already have the most powerful power in the world!

If this is not enough, I can continue to devour and become stronger!

One day, I will grow up to the point where you recognize me.

Even...devour this whole world!

The moment Rukia Kuchiki saw Byakuya Kuchiki, her emotions obviously fluctuated violently.

Although the sound is still extremely weird and terrifying, you can still feel that special obsession!

When Kuchiki Byakuya heard this, his expression became stiff in an instant.

For a moment, his mood was extremely complicated.

Originally, he came just to chase Aizen, but unexpectedly encountered such a scene.

I have to say that Byakuya Kuchiki really didn’t expect that.

He even thought that Rukia Kuchiki had been killed by Aizen.

But looking at it now, maybe that would be better.

Now Kuchiki Rukia's crazy will is completely unstoppable.

In order to achieve her goals, Rukia Kuchiki will devour everything and turn it into her own power.

Thereby gaining the so-called recognition from his elder brother.

Aizen! What on earth is going on with all this?!

On the side, the straightforward Captain Kashiwamura asked angrily.

As you can see, I also came to solve this problem, but... there were some minor accidents.

Aizen spoke calmly, telling the truth.

Anyway, we have reached this point, and the break with Jinglingting is inevitable.

But the only thing that made Aizen feel uncomfortable was that almost all the Daxu within the Hueco Mundo were swallowed up.

Only the four in front of me are left.

What are Aizen's plans after getting rid of Rukia Kuchiki? This has become Aizen's biggest problem at the moment.


While solving Rukia's problem, deprive Bengyu of it!

Then find a way to restore the mixed powers swallowed by it to the new virtual body.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Aizen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He tapped the hilt of his Zanpakutō lightly with his fingers, turning a blind eye to the gazes around him.

He was thinking about how he could do it and control Bengyu again.

After all, the boss of Sun Star had said that Bengyu was infected by certain substances.

If that special existence is not erased, Bengyu will obviously be difficult to recover.

For a while.

Even Aizen felt a headache.


[Well, this is my first attempt at daily updating, I hope the author’s bacteria can be maintained (the pain of handicapped people)].

Chapter 76

Captain Aizen, it seems that this is not as simple as you said, right? Solve the problem? Or is it you who created the problem?

Neli Cocoon spoke in a gloomy tone.

Obviously, he was a little bit upset about being controlled by Aizen before.

For a guy who calls himself a great scientific researcher, this is a shame.

Aizen, you hid your Zanpakuto's ability and became the captain of the fifth division. What kind of conspiracy is there?!

Hitsugaya Toshiro was also filled with indignation and pointed his Zanpakutō directly at Aizen's forehead.

The other captains were also very wary of Aizen.

After all, the opponent's Zanpakutō ability seems extremely weird!

And the other side.

Hey! Death captains, instead of discussing that Aizen, why don't we just kill the enemy in front of us!

Harribel said coldly, his eyes full of coldness under the bone mask.

The same was true for Ulquiorra and Nineel, facing this monster that had swallowed up almost all the creatures in Hueco Mundo.

They have a terrifying feeling like facing a natural enemy.

Tsk, when did the God of Death actually fall in line with the Hollow?

Zaraki Kenpachi looked disdainful, and slowly raised the pitted Zanpakuto in his hand.

Hey, Byakuya, if you don't mind, I'll start chopping! A guy who can make these Daxu fearful should be a good prey!

As he spoke, a golden spiritual pressure that ordinary people could not penetrate instantly burst out from Zaraki Kenpachi's body.

It seemed to have turned into a golden devil's face, roaring ferociously behind him.

It's about to happen!

With a low drink, the bells on his hair made a crisp clanging sound.


Without any hesitation, Kuchiki Byakuya's silence was the best response for Kenpachi.

This madman who enjoyed fighting became the first Shinigami to attack Rukia Kuchiki!


The crisp sound of swords clashing was like a battle horn being blown.

What followed closely was Kenpachi's seemingly random and crazy slashing, as well as the terrifying collision of spiritual pressure!


There was only a moment of fighting time, and the Shinigami and Aizen's side were watching and analyzing.

It didn't take long to see the problem.

Kenpachi is a terrifying slash for most captain-level beings.

But in front of Kuchiki Rukia, she was dealt with calmly, and her slender sleeve Shirayuki elegantly drew a perfect arc.

The airtight attacks were resolved one by one, seemingly so easily and with ease.



A crisp sound came out again.

But almost all the members of the Death God's side had dull expressions on their faces!

Because...Zaraki Kenpachi's sword was actually caught by Rukia with her bare hands!

The most frightening thing is that it seems that even Kenpachi can't pull out the Zanpakutō under that terrifying power!

Too weak. Is this the captain I once admired?

Rukia said with a hint of sarcasm, before Kenpachi could take off his blindfold and fully explode.

She gently bent her right hand.


Something happened that shocked the hearts of a group of Shinigami. Kenpachi's Zanpakutō was like a piece of bamboo.

Was easily broken!


Kuchiki Byakuya quietly activated Shunpo and instantly pulled Kenpachi's body away from Rukia.



A trace of blood instantly exploded from Kenpachi's shoulder, and the wound reached to his lower abdomen. Blood spattered and dyed the sand under his feet red.

Brother, why do you want to save him? Isn't it normal for the weak to be devoured by the strong?

After I devour them, I will be able to gain your approval, big brother!

An anger appeared on Lucia's face that looked a bit ferocious, and the Sode Shirayuki in her hand exuded a cold and extremely cold aura.

And next.

An even more bizarre and terrifying scene appeared!

It seemed to be driven by extreme anger.

Tentacles that were dark and as thick as a thousand-year-old tree grew out from Kuchiki Rukia's back.

On the tentacles, there are strange masks with different shapes and patterns.

Each mask corresponds to the terrifying number of Hollows devoured by Kuchiki Rukia!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

It hurts! It hurts!

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