That charming figure only had a weird smile on her lips, showing no intention of evading it.


The silent black fog instantly enveloped it.

But Balegang, the leader, did not experience the joy of being a winner at all.

The skeleton body started to tremble slightly.

No, it's impossible! How can anyone resist the power of decay?!

Baile Gang's exclamation made the three Daxu on the side have a look of disappointment on their faces.


The reason why Ninielle and others came to look for Balegang was because they had a glimmer of hope, expecting that Balegang's ability could restrain this weird monster.

But the result was desperate.

Bailegang's extremely troublesome ability has no effect at all on this weird guy.

I saw only the black mist.

The petite figure walked out slowly, holding in her hand a slender Zanpakutō that was as white as snow.

At the handle of the knife, a slender ribbon danced in the wind, drawing a graceful arc.

If there is a Shinigami from Soul Society located here.

Then he must be able to recognize it!

This Zanpakutō is said to be the most beautiful Zanpakutō in Soul Society - Sode Shirayuki!

And the owner of this sword slowly stepped out of the black mist, revealing the exquisite face of Kuchiki Rukia!

at the same time.

The figures that were speeding towards each other also stopped less than a hundred meters away from Lucia.

Mr. Aizen, it seems... things are a bit beyond your expectation?

There seems to be a hidden reason for the disappearance of Rukia Kuchiki!

Tokisaki Kurumi frowned slightly, looking at Kuchiki Rukia who had a strange aura, and said in a strange tone.

And at this moment.

Aizen also had a frown on his face. The cause of the matter seemed to be different from his own inference.

In particular, there was no sign of being controlled or unable to control herself at all on Kuchiki Rukia's face.

Anyway, it's right that the target of the mission is her. I believe everyone has also felt that the mission information of the chat group has been updated, right?

The unstable factors in the world have been identified as a single individual - Rukia Kuchiki!

There was a bit of disbelief in Mu Jinxuan's eyes.

As someone who was familiar with the plot, she never imagined that Rukia Kuchiki would make such a big fuss.


[This chapter is not easy to separate, so it is simply two-in-one. Secondly, in order to push the author's own potential, the author plans to combine all future chapters into two-in-one]

[In this case, three major chapters will be updated a day, which is the amount of updates of six chapters in the past. This will improve the author's handicap and make it more enjoyable for everyone].

Chapter 75

Jie Jie Jie... Captain Aizen! We haven't seen each other for such a short time. You seem a little anxious?

Are you looking for something? Oh, by the way, there is a small bead inside my body.

That should be what you want!

But unfortunately, it has completely integrated with me! My current strength is also thanks to it!

I really want to thank you, Captain Aizen!

It was full of weird laughter and a tone that seemed to be a mixture of thousands of voices.

It's hard to believe that it came from the mouth of the delicate-faced little girl in front of him.

Especially Aizen, his face was full of complexity at this moment.

The chess piece that I always thought I could control at will turned out to be the root cause of the world mission.

This, indeed, did not occur to Aizen.

Rem: Hand over the microphone and let's do the interview - may I ask, how is Mr. Aizen feeling at the moment (curious.jpg)?

Iron Man: Aizen - I'm in a complicated mood at the moment and don't want to be interviewed, thank you!

Little Nannan: That sister looks so scary, as if there are endless souls screaming in her body, and she looks very painful (fear.jpg).

Big bones boiled into soup: I have never seen such a weird little girl. Just her laughter makes people's hair stand on end (thriller.jpg).

Queen of Cuteness: Mr. Dagu, you are Ultraman Tiga who represents light, how can you be afraid? Go ahead! Mr. Ultraman Warrior!

The big bones are boiled into soup: ...

Uncle Jiu: As a professional Maoshan Taoist priest, I am very responsible to tell you, even though I only watched the live broadcast through projection.

However, this little girl definitely has the resentment condensed by at least tens of thousands of wronged souls!

That strange voice was obviously filled with resentment.

It’s really unimaginable how much evil such a little girl could have caused (trembling.jpg)!

Have you seen my little bear: After taking a look at this guy, I feel that I can now give up the title of Daughter of Darkness (hug the little bear.jpg).

Can Liu: As expected of an existence that can become a destabilizing factor in the world, this little girl should have some ability to devour and fuse, just like what Senior Sun Star said.

The creatures in this space should have been devoured to the point of almost disappearing.

It is precisely because of this that the continuous devouring and fusion in a short period of time will cause the terrifying resentment to affect itself to a certain extent.

Zhang Junbao: Could it be said that the reason why this little girl became like this is actually caused by the Bengyu developed by Mr. Aizen?

Aizen Sosuke: Although I also have such doubts, I have studied Bengyu for many years and know the characteristics of Bengyu. A mature Bengyu will make its owner continuously evolve and become stronger.

But he will never be like now, constantly devouring other souls to strengthen himself.

If Bengyu was like this, I wouldn't spend such a price to cultivate him.

The conscientious administrator: This sentence is not a lie. After all, Mr. Aizen is actually a very proud villain!

Time Elf: If that's the case, in other words, the current changes in Kuchiki Rukia may be related to herself? What if she herself caused the changes in Bengyu?

Aizen Sosuke: This...maybe possible, but I have observed Kuchiki Rukia's character and she is not such a person.

Moreover, Bengyu's power cannot be used by her at all!

You know, before problems arise, I am the master of Bengyu, at least I can guarantee this.

Evil Sword Immortal: Pure evil thoughts, an evil thought that desires to devour everything, tastes so wonderful (please, the more, the merrier.jpg)!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Is it possible that it is similar to the jinchuriki situation in the world where I live? People cannot control the power, so they are controlled by that will and become a puppet?

The conscientious administrator: It doesn't look like it. Rukia Kuchiki's current state shows no signs of being manipulated at all. I think the Bone King should be able to sense this through magic, right?

Gu Aotian: Although I really want to complain about why my title became Bone King again! But the administrator is right, there is indeed no trace of her being manipulated.

I can even feel that all this seems to be her own wish?

Crippled Evil God: As Lord Evil God, don't you plan to refer to my analysis? You stupid mortals (come and ask me.jpg)!

Rem: If you didn't add that expression, maybe someone might refer to the advice of a crippled evil god, right?

Staff Goddess: Hahaha... I'm laughing so hard. Does the crippled evil god actually want to express his opinion (making faces.jpg)?

Iron Man: It is a disgrace to the two great gods of this group. The Staff Goddess would be happy to be laughed at because of the crippled evil god. I deeply regret it.

Staff Goddess: ...

Crippled Evil God: ...

The big bones were boiled into soup: I think the crippled evil god is also an evil god after all, and although the evaluation of his strength is unstable, he may have some insights that ordinary people don't know?

The crippled evil god: I knew it! As expected, this evil god still has someone who has a keen eye to recognize pigs, no, he has a keen eye to recognize pearls! Ultraman Tiga, this evil god is optimistic about you (thumbs up.jpg)!

Rem: So, Lord Crippled Evil God, what is your opinion (bad premonition.jpg)?

The crippled evil god: Ah? Have you finally asked me? Then I, the evil god, will reluctantly analyze it.

Ahem...I think the little girl in front of me must be possessed by an evil spirit, right?

This evil god is very professional. You should trust my judgment. Well, that’s right, he is possessed!

All the friends: ...

Sure enough, they knew that the duo who could be called by Iron Man together with the Staff Goddess - the shame of the gods.

How can there be any serious analysis?

Genos: Tell me a little, why don't you just ask the boss of Sun Star? I think the boss knows everything, right?


The group fell into silence for a short time.

Genos's words seemed to bring everyone's IQ directly to Aqua's level.

In the group stood a big boss who was at the top of the world.

They foolishly analyzed it for a long time, even hoping that the crippled evil god could give some good hints.

But the result is that there is no conclusion at all.

This wave is Nayako's clever operation to bring the IQ of the sand sculpture friends to the same starting line as Aqua.

Conscientious administrator: @Sun Star, boss, please come out and explain. I feel like my IQ is declining rapidly (scared.jpg)!

Sun Star: Don't say that. In fact, you are much better than Aqua, at least...a little better.

As for Kuchiki Rukia, she indeed still has her own will.

However, the Bengyu inside the body was infected by foreign objects, causing it to evolve into what it is now.

Rukia was seduced by that power and fell.

After all, for a little girl who is desperate for her big brother's approval, and who is at the heart of Aizen's conspiracy.

The temptation of this kind of power is obviously irresistible.

After praising the administrator, Chen Fan still clarified the doubts of the group members.

After all, the special foreign object that infected Bengyu did not belong to Aizen's world.

That thing is like a parasitic thing, without its own subjective consciousness.

But once it parasitizes into any living organism, it will continue to lure the other party and let it continue to devour everything.

Thus posing a threat to the entire world!

As for Aizen, it can only be said that he was very unlucky. This thing happened to be parasitic in Rukia Kuchiki's body.

Later, the parasite first chose Bengyu as its main body, severing the relationship between Bengyu and Aizen.

Kuchiki Rukia also learned that there was such a thing in her body.

Under such a situation, Rukia, who was tempted and fell, completely merged with the infected Honyu.

And in a short period of time, he gained terrifying power!

The most important thing is, as seen every day, blackening is ten times stronger and whitewashing is three times weaker.

Rukia Kuchiki is not an ordinary little animal, but a god of death with good wisdom.

Ever since.

Shen Yun develops in a low profile, so that she can hide her from others.

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