The **** of disobedience!

Also known as the gods of disobedience, they are all gods who escaped from their own myths and wandered on the earth.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, the existence of a **** who does not obey is itself a disaster.

As long as they appear in the human world, the human world will start to vibrate violently.

The existence of the God of Storms will cause the area where he exists to blow up a storm, destroying everything around him.

The existence of the sun **** will cause the temperature of the place where he is to rise in a straight line, which will cause the river water to evaporate and the earth to dry and crack, as if the sun is on the earth.

And if the **** of reproduction comes, the people on the land where he is located will continue to perform reproductive behaviors, causing social chaos.

Therefore, irrespective of their good and evil, the existence of a **** of disobedience is a disaster for human beings.

Humans simply cannot defeat it.

The only gods who can defeat the gods who do not obey are godslayers.

And if you want to become a god-killer, you have to kill a god.

Such a chain of relationships seems like a refutation.

Hence the famous saying.

It is not that human beings kill gods and become godslayers, but only if he can become godslayers, he can complete godslayers.


"So that's how it is! What a beautiful and difficult world!"

After listening to Shirou Emiya's description of this world, Zhu Cai on the side showed an indescribable expression on his face.

At this time, the three of Shirou Emiya were sitting on the table in the living room, while Shirou Emiya explained the information of this world.

"I always feel that this world seems to emphasize fate."


Emiya Shirou very much agrees with Zhu Cai's emotion.

After all, he felt the same way.

The identity of the God-killer always gives people a sense of destiny.

Makes people unable to resist.

"But even if there is destiny's guidance, it is aimed at the people of this world, and has nothing to do with us."

Without thinking much, Emiya Shirou quickly put it behind him.

After all, whether he is destined or not, it has nothing to do with him.

As someone who is capable and confident that he can accomplish the feat of killing a god, Shirou Emiya only needs to gain power.

"I remember that the time Godou took the Prometheus Slate to Sardinia seemed to be when he was on spring break. According to the time on the calendar, it is not far from the time of spring break now."

"In this case, I should prepare as soon as possible and go to Italy."

"After all, according to the original trajectory, it seems that Godou had already had a fight with Mekal before Godou met Veleslana."

After recalling some memories for a while, Emiya Shirou already had a rough plan for his next itinerary.

"Really? Is Shirou-sama going to kill a god?"

There was a little worry in Zhu Cai's eyes, but then she became firmer.

"I believe that Shirou-sama can definitely become a godslayer."

"I also believe that, and I will fight with my father at that time to help him defeat the **** of disobedience."

Seeing this, Little Limuru also shouted loudly.

"That's right, I will definitely defeat Welleslana with Little Limuru in hand."

Rubbing little Rimuru's head, Emiya Shirou also laughed.

Little Rimuru's combat power for Emiya Shirou is extremely high.

After all, just by giving up the ability to chant, Emiya Shirou's two great magics can be activated in an instant.

It can be called a bug-like ability.

Think about it, it would be terrifying if Riveria, the strongest magician of Orari, could give up her chant!

Looking at Little Limuru's happy expression, Zhu Cai on the side couldn't help but feel envious.

Gu Zhu Cai knew that in order to gain the power of a **** who does not obey, he must defeat the opponent in a fair way.

And little Rimuru is a weapon, so naturally you don't need to care.

Therefore, little Rimuru can fight alongside Emiya Shirou, but she cannot.

After all, from Emiya Shirou's previous explanation, Zhu Na knew that godslayers were immune to magical attacks.

If that's the case, the **** of disobedience should be the same.

In this case, isn't she useless as a magician?

Thinking of this, Zhu Cai's face darkened a little, obviously a little frustrated.

Seeing this, Emiya Shirou instantly understood Zhu Cai's mentality.

I saw that he quickly held Zhu Cai's shoulder and comforted: "Zhu Cai, don't think too much!"

"Although magic is useless to gods and godslayers, it is useful to other people."

"When I fight the God of Disobedience or I get injured after the war, then I need your protection!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's comfort, Zhu Cai quickly lifted her spirits.

"I see, Lord Shirou, I won't be depressed anymore."

After saying that, Zhu Cai stood up and put up his sleeves and said happily: "Since everything that needs to be said has been said, then it's time for me to cook. Is there anything you want to eat, Lord Shirou?"

"I'm free."

"What about little Limuru?"

"Me too. After all, Zhu Cai is delicious in cooking."

"Then leave it to me to choose!"

Nodding earnestly, Zhu Cai walked to the kitchen with great interest.

Looking at Zhu Cai's happy back, Emiya Shirou also smiled, and then played on the computer with little Rimuru.

This kid seems to be addicted to computers.


Sardinia and surrounding islands form the Autonomous State of Sardinia.

The capital, Cagliari, is a port in the south of the island. The city was originally founded by the Phoenicians in the eighth century BC.

Even in Europe, where there are many ancient capitals, ancient streets with such a long history are still very rare.

"It's such a peaceful pastoral scene!"

Walking out of the airport and feeling the sea breeze blowing from the sea, Shirou Emiya felt leisurely.

"It's a completely different scene from Romania. Is this an island?"

Emiya Shirou seldom goes abroad, and he went abroad several times in other For example, Romania, where he participated in the Holy Grail War, and the United Kingdom, where the Clock Tower is located where he went to learn magic knowledge.

Besides, this was the first time he had come to an island like this.

After looking around the streets with incomplete modernization for a week, Shirou Emiya went out and started looking for a place to live.

After all, the purpose of his trip was to wait and see.

Therefore, he needs to stay here, quietly waiting for the appearance of the **** of disobedience.

Before that, he needed a place to live.

Then, let out Zhu Cai and Limuru, who were in Tempest at this time.

After all, Shirou Emiya came by plane.

Emiya Shirou, who has this world household registration system, can naturally take a plane.

And Zhu Cai and Little Limuru, who were originally smuggled in, naturally couldn't take the plane.

Therefore, the two were drinking tea and enjoying flowers in Tenpest at this time.

"Find accommodation first, and after the two of them come out, let's go for a walk in the city!"

Thinking about the next plan in his heart, Shirou Emiya followed the navigation on his mobile phone and quickly walked to the hotel he had booked.


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