This is the world of the godslayer.

So what is a godslayer?

Godslayers are kings.

Because of the power that was usurped by killing gods, it dominated the mortals on earth.

Godslayers are overlords.

Because it killed the gods in the sky and seized the supreme divine power held by the gods.

The God-killer is the Demon King.

For this reason, no mortal living in the world can have the power to compete with it!

And this is the godslayer.

"It's really worrying to come to the world of the godslayer!"

Although he was worried, there was no trace of worry on Emiya Shirou's face.

There is only joy on his face now.

That's right, Emiya Shirou was feeling joy from the bottom of his heart at this time.

Emiya Shirou is extremely familiar with the world of godslayers.

For his previous life, where he loved to read fan fiction, the Godslayer was a frequent visitor in various comprehensive novels.

After all, the way the world wants to gain power is extremely simple.

That is to defeat the **** of disobedience and become a god-killer.

Then you can gain power that rivals the **** of disobedience.

That is power.

This is the power that can completely transform one.

"This is a world that can completely transform me."

With his hands in his pockets, Shirou Emiya silently walked down the street.

It's just that unlike his appearance, his heart is extremely excited at this time.

After all, the existence of power is really fragrant.

To be honest, just in terms of combat power and the strength of the world, Shirou Emiya does not think that the world of godslayers is better than the world of Earthly Wrong.

Although in the wrong world, the gods are all sealed.

So much so that he felt that the combat power of the wrong world was nothing but that.

But these are all illusions.

The gods of the wrong earth are undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

At full strength, they have the ability to clean the surface without a doubt.

Moreover, when the gods named LV.2 adventurers, they often gave them some titles that were full of middle and second grades, which made the other's main **** feel pain.

Many titles are existences that the gods cannot look directly at, and they feel embarrassed to hear them.

However, it is these embarrassing titles that many adventurers like very much.

Because they are not ashamed of these titles.

It can be seen that the world that the gods can observe is obviously more than one wrong world.

Maybe the wrong world is just the world where the gods were born.

In this way, the force of these gods has risen in an instant.

Good guy, all these **** guys are multiverse level guys?

Comparing the adventurers in the wrong world with the godslayers in the godslayer world, Shirou Emiya did not think that the godslayers would definitely win.

Regardless of power, the body of the godslayers that can fight against the gods, their muscles are only at the level of steel.

But in fact, Emiya Shirou's muscles were equivalent to steel long before LV.6.

And now, it's even tougher.

How important is it to have a generally good weapon in a world of wrong places?

extremely important.

Because they don't have the top weapons, they can't even cut the skins of those advanced monsters.

Not to mention muscles.

However, as long as power is added, it will be difficult for adventurers in the wrong world to gain an advantage.

Valley and that is the power of power.

A little comparison, Emiya Shirou felt that the adventurer was very much like the hero of steel in this world.

They are all extremely powerful beings.

"A strong body, coupled with a strong power, will make me even stronger."

"It's stronger than ever."

"It's the ultimate transformation."

Thinking of this, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth rose slightly.

At this moment, his mission in this world has been determined.

That is God-killing!

Become a godslayer!


"I'm back?"

Carrying some bags, Shirou Emiya returned to his home in this world.

"Welcome back, Shirou-sama."

As soon as the door was opened, Emiya Shirou saw the figure of Zhu Cai, who was standing at the door and waiting for Emiya Shirou.

"Here, this is the outfit I bought for you, try it?"

Although Zhu Na had prepared the costumes before, she made them based on the descriptions of Shirou Emiya and Rimuru.

Before the two of them changed, they were both otaku-level existences.

How can I remember too many women's clothing!

Therefore, Shirou Emiya bought some special costumes of this world for them on the way back to let Zhu Cai get more creative ideas.

After all, the clothes made by Zhu Cai are more suitable for them than the clothes made by ordinary people.

"Yes, thank you Shirou-sama!"

After taking these bags from Emiya Shirou, Zhu Cai glanced at it for a while and asked Emiya Shirou, "Sir Shirou, have you obtained any information about this world?"


Leading Zhu Cai into the house, walking over to Little Limuru who was playing on the computer and rubbing her head, Emiya Shirou said with a smile, "This world is very interesting, and I am very satisfied."

"As long as you are satisfied!"

As Emiya Shirou's Zhu Cai naturally knows that Emiya Shirou is constantly pursuing strength and constantly improving himself.

Therefore, seeing that Emiya Shirou was extremely satisfied with this world, Zhu Na also laughed.

"Then what should we do next? Lord Shirou."

"How to do it?"

Emiya Shirou raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Of course I'm going to leave here and go to the next stop, Italy."

"There, we will have the toughest fight."

Emiya Shirou already has a goal for the deity that is about to be killed.

That is naturally the **** of disobedience who will be killed by Godou the pheasant in the future, Veleslana.

The reason why he was chosen was naturally because his traces were the best to look for, and he just had to wait and see in Sardinia, Italy.

Although there have been many gods of disobedience in the world of godslayers, those gods of disobedience have either not yet appeared, or their whereabouts are mysterious and difficult to find.

Although Emiya Shirou can use his super-intuition to find it.

But he didn't know much about the other party's intelligence, and he was far less familiar than Welleslaner.

The so-called battle, intelligence gathering is very important.

As for Welleslana, who is the **** of disobedience killed by the protagonist in the original work, Shirou Emiya didn't care if Shirou's actions would affect others.

After all, he's not that pedantic yet.

Although he chose Veleslana as his prey, he would not grab the Prometheus slate of the protagonist and then replicate the opponent's behavior to become a godslayer.

He will use dignified means to invite the opponent to fight.

Then defeat the opponent and plunder the opponent's power.

And this is his way of fighting.


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