Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, the surrounding Demon Lords couldn't help but cast their eyes.

After all, in their eyes, this kind of battle has always been king to king, adversaries.

At this time, Emiya Shirou, who was a general, actually issued a declaration of victory for the king.

This is really strange.

What was even more surprising was Rimuru's attitude.

After hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Rimuru calmed down.

Then she smiled and said, "That's right. Victory must be ours. It just so happens that we can take advantage of the situation to save Milim, which is like killing two birds with one stone!"

"What a joke, you're going to die miserably, lowly slime!"

Seeing that Rimuru actually said such a thing, Clayman on the side was not to be outdone and declared his victory.

All he got was a contemptuous response from Rimuru.

"You are the one who will die! Clayman!"

"To deal with you, don't say it's me, even Shirou doesn't need to shoot."

"Your opponent is nothing but aster."

For Clayman's strength, Rimuru really didn't like it.

After all, he's just an ordinary Demon Lord, and Rimuru is the real Awakened Demon Lord!

The gap between the two, Rimuru could not be more clear.

The current Clayman does not need her to take action at all.

The blessed aster was just right for him.

Although in Rimuru's eyes, Clayman's strength is nothing but that.

But in Clayman's eyes, Rimuru's words undoubtedly despised him.

So, the angry Clayman released his demonic energy.

But this aura was completely vulnerable in the eyes of Emiya Shirou and Rimuru.

Seeing Clayman's strange anger at this time, Rimuru, who felt that the other party would definitely reveal his flaws, gave Aster a wink.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Signal her to seize the opportunity.

However, Aster who received Limuru's wink instantly appeared in front of Clayman's eyes, and a set of dozens of punches immediately knocked him to the ground.

Then she turned around, looked at Rimuru and said, "Is this okay?"

Rimuru was stunned for a moment.

Looking at this scene, Emiya Shirou kept laughing in his heart.

This scene in front of me is really happy.

"Limlu, this child is very simple, Shiwan, you should stop showing her with your eyes in the future. If you have something to do, just use the missnet to say it directly!"

"Ah, I think so too."

Rimuru, who was taken aback by Aster's behavior, said helplessly.

Clayman flew out due to the impact of the beating and fell into the center of the circular clearing.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

Facing this shameful humiliation, Clayman stood up from the ground with a ghostly roar.

And his injuries are also visible to the naked eye.

This recovery speed is even faster than the original pig head emperor.

However, considering that he was a Demon Lord anyway, Rimuru stopped paying attention to it.

"As you wish, I will kill you all!"

In the angry roar, the fox at Clayman's feet suddenly grew bigger, and also roared at Emiya Shirou and the others.

At the same time, from Clayman's shadow, a man in black with a cloak also emerged from it.

"Is this your subordinate?"

Following Rimuru into the center of the circular space beside the seats, Shirou Emiya and the two stared at Clayman and said.

Afterwards, Shirou Emiya ordered: "Aster, your opponent is the Demon King Clayman, be careful of his hidden moves, but don't be tricked by this despicable villain."

"Yes, Emiya-sama! What about the two followers next to Demon King Clayman?"

"They are!"

Glancing at the fox who turned into a nine-headed beast and the entourage in the black cloak, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "Their words will naturally be resolved by others."

After saying that, Emiya Shirou threw the longbow that he was carrying behind him.

"Little Limuru, the two of them will be handed over to you!"

"Please leave it to me, my father!"

Turning into flames in the air and falling to the ground, little Rimuru with a longbow said with a smile.

Seeing the figure of little Rimuru, Rimuru couldn't help stroking the sword hanging behind her.

Rimuru didn't throw Koemiya and let her fight freely.

In addition to the fact that he didn't need to work **** the scene, she also wanted to assist Rimuru in the battle.

After all, her opponent with Emiya Shirou is Milim himself!

To fight against Milim, Rimuru needs to use all her strength as much as possible while making sure to hide her ultimate abilities as much as possible.

As all the fighters arrived, the space where the round table was located was instantly enveloped by the barrier.

Subsequently, this space continued to expand outward.

The small space that was originally small suddenly became incomparably wide.

With the completion of this space expansion, the showdown also ushered in the opening.

"Milim, kill that guy!"

Following Clayman's roar, Milim jumped out in an instant and threw a fist at Rimuru.

"Don't think about it!"

Emiya Shirou, who was already covered in golden armor, also appeared in front of Milim in an instant, and blocked Milim's attack with his strengthened arms.

With the collision of the two arms.

The terrifying magic power continued to overflow.

A wisp of powerful magic continued to roar around, destroying the surrounding ground.

At the same time, the surrounding wind pressure was also constantly rotating and spreading around the two of them.

For a time, the celestial phenomenon in the enchantment was twisted~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This guy! "

Looking at the vision caused by the collision between Milim and Emiya Shirou, Clayman's pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt fear in his heart.

He never imagined that in the Federation of Monsters, there would be someone who could fight against Milim.

This news was undoubtedly unknown to him before.

If he hadn't controlled Milim before, his end seemed to have been seen.

Thinking of this, cold sweat continued to flow down Clayman's face.

But the next moment, he adjusted his mentality and continued to challenge Aster.

In his heart after all.

"Milim is the strongest!"


"Hey, hey, that guy can really fight Milim!"

"Didn't you know it before? After all, that's the one you brought!"

"Ha, of course I don't know!"

Hearing the conversation between Ramiris and Dino beside his ears, Guy who was sitting at the head couldn't help showing an interested expression.

Although he could sense it, it wasn't Milim's full strength.

But to be able to tie with Milim in that state can also show the extraordinaryness of Emiya Shirou.

"This guy is so interesting!"


"I'll help you, Shirou!"

Ignoring the magic storm caused by Shirou Emiya and Milim's collision, Rimuru rushed in and slashed at Milim with his sword.

At the same time, Emiya Shirou also bounced off Milim, then summoned his own weapon and slashed.

Facing the two swordsmen, Milim threw out both fists to meet the swords in their hands.

The next moment, the storm of magic swept out again. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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