"It was only through the secret investigation of my subordinates that I learned about what happened there."

"However, Miao Lan, the subordinate who provided me with information, died tragically at the hands of the other party, and they even planned to take action against me!"

"In order to avenge Mulan, I held this Demon King's dinner party to judge them."

As he spoke, Demon King Clayman squeezed out a few tears, revealing his grief.

What a qualified actor!

Looking at this scene, Emiya Shirou not only couldn't empathize with him, but even wanted to laugh.

After all, Mulan was still alive.

In order not to let himself and others see through the details of Demon King Clayman's plan, Rimuru would pretend to kill Muran when she changed her heart.

I didn't expect to actually deceive him.

Seeing this, Emiya Shirou no longer paid attention to the situation in the field, and Emiya Shirou was not interested at all in the next part of the defense.

At this time, Emiya Shirou was moving his palm.

Get ready for the upcoming battle.

Just as Emiya Shirou thought, after Demon Lord Clayman finished speaking, it was Rimuru's turn to speak.

Rimuru refused to accept Clayman's slander.

He also revealed the information that Muran was still alive, in order to attack the testimony of Demon Lord Clayman.

In this regard, Demon Lord Clayman is not a vegetarian.

He quickly attributed Mulan's life to the fact that Limuru summoned the undead to attach to Mulan's body and made false statements for her.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

After all, there is magic in this world.

Therefore, there is no loophole in Demon Lord Clayman's statement.

This makes Murrin's testimony no longer of decisive weight.

But unfortunately, at this time, Clayman didn't know yet, whether it was the army he sent to the Orc Kingdom or his old lair, Limuru had already bought the dips.

Therefore, the information that Rimuru has at this time is completely enough to kill him.

In this way, Rimuru kept coming up with evidence, while Demon King Clayman kept arguing and dismissing these evidences as fakes.

His rambunctious gesture really annoyed Rimuru.

"Damn, don't underestimate me, the slime who is bluffing with the help of the evil dragon! You can't think of being a demon king!"

"It doesn't matter if it's a slime or not. Besides, Veldora and I are friends."

"I didn't come here to listen to your bullshit. It's almost time to stop, right? Just admit it, those clowns followed your instructions to revive the Great Storm Vortex, and the devil named Fabio in the picture can testify. Oh! Said he was instigated by that clown 'Footman'."

"And just now, on the battlefield, your subordinates turned into a storm and a big demon vortex. These are all clear evidence. Even if you think I'm making a fool of myself, it's fine. Just take this idea and go on the road."

After saying that, Rimuru slapped the table in front of him fiercely.

The next moment, this huge round table disappeared instantly.

It was devoured by Limuru's 'King of Gluttony'.

After clearing the space in front of him, Rimuru kicked his seat away.

The kicked chair rubbed the Demon King Clayman's face with majestic strength and flew past, hitting the wall behind him.

The demon kings were indifferent to this.

From beginning to end, the only one who was scared was Demon Lord Clayman.

"Everyone, can you allow this kind of guy to use violence! This guy doesn't take the Demon King in the slightest. We should punish her collectively!"

"This guy is really a despicable villain! Shouldn't he do it himself at this time?"

"It's too embarrassing to ask for help from other demon kings, isn't it?"

In the chat group with Rimuru, Shirou Emiya sneered at Rimuru with a look of contempt.

In this regard, Rimuru also thinks so.

"This guy actually planned to use mental manipulation to control me just now, it's not ordinary despicable!"

"Fortunately, under the protection of the King of Wisdom, I am not under his control!"

"And this one? This guy really doesn't have the spirit of a demon king!"

In the face of Demon King Clayman's slander, Rimuru argued with reason, and later revealed that Demon King Clayman wanted to mentally manipulate her.

In the end, in the face of the situation that the two of them could never tell the winner through words, as one of the oldest demon kings, the demon king at the top, Qi Yi, said, "Do you want to be a demon king?"

"Think! Anyway, I have already taken over the position of the leader of the Jura Forest. In the eyes of humans, I have long been a demon king."

Limuru knows that humans don't care about the origins and circumstances, they only know that they and the evil dragon rule the forest hand in hand.

Therefore, being called the Demon King, he did not intend to deny it.

"That's good. The witnesses are just meeting here. If you beat Clayman in front of us, then we'll allow you to be the Demon Lord."

"In this way, the conflict between the two of you will also end here!"


Facing Guy's question, Limlu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled confidently: "It's exactly what I want!"


Facing the current situation in front of him, Clayman quickly regained his composure and suddenly laughed.

"Giggle, really. I made a plan, I just didn't want to get my hands dirty, and it made things more complicated. What a mistake."

Looking at Clayman, Rimuru tilted her head in confusion.

"Isn't this guy looking away?"

Rimuru asked suspiciously in the Missing Net. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Of course not. I guess the other party still has a trump card! For example!"


Before Emiya Shirou could express his guesses, Clayman lifted the trump card.

"It's your turn to play, Milim!"

Hearing Clayman's indifferent words, even the Demon Lords beside him became nervous.

Of course, there were also several Demon Kings who didn't seem nervous at all.

Still so relaxed.

Looking at this scene, Emiya Shirou knew that these people had also seen through Milim's plan and were watching the play leisurely.

What a pathetic Clayman!

"You really know how to play tricks and talk so much, but in the end, you still have to rely on others? You also involve Milim, and if you don't win, you have to fight."

Unlike Emiya Shirou, Rimuru did not know that Milim was disguising at this time.

Thinking that Milim was really being controlled, she was very worried at this time.

After all, Milim is super strong.

So, Rimuru tried to provoke Clayman with these words, but Clayman was not stupid, he was not stupid enough to be involved in such a scheme.

"It's boring. Needless to say, I'll also fight. Guy, are you okay with that?"

"It's okay, Clayman. If Milim volunteers to help you, I won't interfere."

Seeing that Lian Qiyi didn't mean to stop Milim, Limuru's face couldn't help but look ugly.

She really doesn't want to fight Milim!

And at this moment, Emiya Shirou stood up.

"Don't worry, Limuru, the winner of this battle must be us!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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