"Tell me more about what's going on over there!"

Seeing that Limuru attached great importance to this matter, Fabio, one of the three beastmen, stood up and said solemnly: "As the entourage of Lord Kalion, I followed him to the last moment."

"During that battle, Demon King Milim's strength was unrivaled. Her strength was too strong, and the orc kingdom of Ulasenia was directly destroyed by her."

Hearing Fabio's explanation, Rimuru nodded involuntarily.

Rimuru still has some opinions on Milim's strength.

After all, her battle with Emiya Shirou almost destroyed the entire Jura Forest.

Now tell her that Milim destroyed Eulasenia, and Limuru is not surprised at all.

According to Fabio, Milim directly destroyed Eulasenia with a powerful blow, and Fabio, who was watching at the time, almost died.

Even if he survived, he was seriously injured.

After moving through the base and reconciling with Albis, he received Gaviru's complete recovery potion in Emiya City and healed his body.

After listening to Fabio's explanation, the atmosphere in the conference room could not help but become silent.

At the same time, Emiya Shirou, who was sitting on the side, was also thinking about the information in front of him.

At this moment, Fabio suddenly remembered something, and he hurriedly added.

"After the exaggerated big explosion, Kalion-sama was plotted by the Demon Lord Frey. It's unimaginable that the two Demon Lords will join forces. After all, Demon Lord Milim hates such small tricks, I believe she is not the kind of people."

"And looking back now, there are some things that I find weird."

"What's weird?"

Emiya Shirou asked quickly.

"At that time, when Demon Lord Milim took Kalion-sama away, it was only for a moment, but I seemed to have exchanged glances with Demon Lord Frey."

"Because I was nervous at the time, and the other party didn't respond, I thought it was just my illusion, and she didn't see me."

"However, thinking about it now, Demon Lord Frey has the best eyesight of all Demon Lords. It is said that those eyes can snipe small animals from a high place. Although I hid at the time, she could never miss it. "

"That's it!"

Emiya Shirou nodded.

Obviously, she also felt that it was impossible for the other party to miss it.

After all, being able to snipe small animals from a very high place, that kind of vision is already comparable to clairvoyance.

"Besides that, there's one more thing that's weird!"

"When Demon Lord Milim took Kalion-sama away, the direction they were heading was not Demon Lord Milim's territory, but Demon Lord Clayman's territory."

"Demon Lord Clayman?"

Hearing this, White Tiger Claw Sophia said and went out.

Albis, who understood her thoughts, quickly stepped forward to stop her and said, "Wait, Sophia! Don't be impulsive!"

"And even if we are going to go to the Demon King Kalion to settle accounts, we have to go together."

Hearing Albis's consolation, Sophia stopped her movements and sat back in her seat.

"Demon Lord Clayman?"

Thinking about the name, Emiya Shirou's eyes became sharp.


"Ah, I know!"

Without having to communicate at all, Rimuru understood what Emiya Shirou meant.

"Demon King Clayman? It seems that this account is going to be settled together!"

Standing up and looking at the three beastmen in front of him, Rimuru said earnestly, "Since it's Demon Lord Clayman, let's go together!"

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"It just so happens that I want to settle accounts with him!"

"That's right!"

Emiya Shirou, who was beside him, also agreed.

"Limuru-sama, Emiya-sama!"

Seeing that the two were willing to help them deal with Mo Demon King Clayman, the three of Albis exclaimed with emotion.

"This is not just to help you, after all, we also have to settle accounts with Demon King Clayman!"

"Although I don't know what means he used to bewitch Milim, he absolutely can't escape!"

Rimuru and Emiya Shirou looked at each other and said seriously.


After meeting the three beastmen, the people of the Monster Federation started a celebration ceremony.

In order to celebrate Rimuru's becoming the Demon Lord, everyone worked hard to set up the venue here.

Even Emiya Shirou joined in, and as the head chef, he cooked a lot of delicious food for everyone.

In this banquet, everyone had a great time, and satisfied smiles filled everyone's faces.

After this banquet, the demon 'Black' summoned by Rimuru finally got his wish and joined Rimuru's command.

And was given the name Diablo by Rimuru.

This undoubtedly made the devil extremely happy.

"Shirou, do you want to lie down in a cave with me?"

The cave that Rimuru mentioned was the cave where he was born, and the entrance of that cave was where Shirou Emiya and Rimuru first met.

"What are you going to do there?"

Seeing Shirou Emiya asking, Rimuru looked around and saw that no one was nearby, so he whispered in Shirou Emiya's ear, "I'm going to release Veldella."

"Storm Dragon Veldera? Have you finished analyzing the barrier that sealed him?"


Limuru gestured with his thumb and said: "With the evolved great sage, that is, Raphael, the king of wisdom, it will be completed soon!"

"So fast? Don't I remember that it will take another hundred years? The King of Wisdom is too strong!"

Hearing Rimuru's explanation, Emiya Shirou said enviously.

But the next moment, suddenly remembering something, he said quickly: "Rimuru, since the King of Wisdom is so strong now, I don't know if he can complete the magic I need!"

Emiya Shirou just remembered, since the King of Wisdom is so strong, can't he help him calculate?

At the beginning, Shirou Emiya also looked for a great sage, but the great sage said that it would take hundreds of years, so why should Shirou Emiya wait!

You can't stay in this world for a hundred years!

Now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Since even the centuries-old enchantment analysis and the King of Wisdom can be completed in a few days, the portable space for storing life that you need should also be completed quickly!

Looking at Emiya Shirou's expectant eyes, Rimuru immediately asked the Great Sage.

"The magic calculation of the portable space that can store life... The estimated time is three days! 》

"Shirou, the King of Wisdom said he only needed three days to complete the design of this magic!"

After receiving the good news, Rimuru immediately notified Shirou Emiya.

"It only takes three days!"

Emiya Shirou's mood is extraordinarily happy!

"It turns out that the super-intuitive guide is Rimuru you?"

After knowing that he could obtain the magic he needed in this world through his super-intuition, Shirou Emiya continued to study it.

However, he had no idea what to do before.

Now, after Rimuru became the Demon King and acquired the ultimate skill, the King of Wisdom, this matter was solved.

"That's right, if it means that the world's strongest research and ultimate skills can't solve it, then how can anyone in this world solve this problem!"

"It seems that I think too much myself!"

Thinking back on the idea that he wanted to study it, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but smile.

Then, he looked at Rimuru seriously.

"That's all up to you, Rimuru!"

"Ah! Leave it to me, Shirou!"

Rimuru, who understood how important this matter was to Shirou Emiya, answered earnestly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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