Under the search of Youmu and others, they found a lot of unfortunate people.

These people were all injured at the time. Fortunately, Shirou Emiya thought of them, otherwise, these guys would probably die there!

This is really a suffocating death.

After less than a day, Zhu Cai and others woke up.

After all, their evolution was not a powerful transformation from a demon like Rimuru to an awakened demon.

Therefore, in just one day, they woke up and regained control of Emiya City's defenses.

"The transformation of monsters is really terrifying!"

"The strength of the few of you is probably comparable to that of the Demon King!"

"In this way, the strength of the two of you is probably comparable to that of the three new era demon kings, Clayman, Kalion, and Frey!"

"Really? Have we enhanced this much?"

Shaking his fist, Benimaru, who had tried a few times with Kalion, naturally knew Kalion's strength.

But now, Emiya Shirou claims that they have a strength comparable to Kalion.

This makes Benimaru feel a little unreal.

"Yes, after all, you are all monsters named by Rimuru himself!"

"You and her soul are connected."

"This is a blessing that only you can get!"

After listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, the monsters gathered around Emiya Shirou all showed a look of excitement.

Obviously, such a blessing made them extremely happy and satisfied.

"So, do the other Demon Kings also have a large number of powerful subordinates?"

Standing beside Emiya Shirou, Zhu Cai Nuo Nuo, who had always blushed before, asked.

Recalling how she looked when she woke up just now, Zhu Cai's face turned even redder.

After all, she had been in Emiya Shirou's arms before.

As soon as she woke up, she saw Emiya Shirou's face, and Zhu Cai has never recovered from such happiness.

"No, your existence is a special case!"

Emiya Shirou smiled and explained to everyone: "Monsters rarely name other monsters. After all, it takes a lot of magic energy, you all know this."

"But Limuru is different. She named other monsters, and she didn't consume her own magic power, but another guy's magic power."

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"In addition, she didn't know about it, and as a human in her previous life, she used to call other monsters by name, so you exist."

Emiya Shirou looked around with a smile and shouted loudly: "Cheer, this is your unique honor!"

In this way, under the instigation of Shirou Emiya, everyone cheered excitedly.


After Zhu Cai and others woke up, Emiya City's defense mechanism was back online.

During the short period of time that Rimuru was sleeping, other things continued to happen.

For example, the arrival of the three Aileen.

After hearing that the Farmus Kingdom was going to attack Emiya City, the three of Aileen, who were far away in the human world, rushed over to see the slime who was evolving into a demon king.

Looking at Rimuru on the high platform, Aileen felt a headache for a while.

After all, from Emiya Shirou's gratitude, she knew that the reason why Rimuru could evolve into a demon king was because of the story she told Emiya Shirou on a whim.

Back then, looking at Shirou Emiya, who had just come to this world, he was bewitched by his charm. At that time, Eileen said everything and didn't mean to hide it at all.

Now, the bitter fruit has been made.

A new Demon King was born because of her.

But after some thought, Ailian returned to her original state and became free and easy again.

Isn't that the new Awakened Demon King?

After getting along in the past, Aileen believes that Rimuru is not a brutal guy like other demon kings.

On the contrary, Ellen felt that the other party was a gentle person.

Even if she killed the 20,000 troops of Farmus Kingdom in order to become the Demon King.

But Aileen knew that all this was forced by the other party.

She understands Rimuru's will to live peacefully with human beings.

The other party will never take the initiative to find prey in order to become a demon king.

After she figured out everything, Aileen lived in Emiya City again, and was going to meet Rimuru, who became the Demon Queen, to see if she had changed.

After Eileen, refugees from the Orc Kingdom also came to Emiya City.

This is what Albis had talked to Emiya Shirou through remote communication before.

After that, the three beastmen headed by Albis also came to Emiya City.

From their mouths, Emiya Shirou learned what happened in the Orc Kingdom.

Orc King Kalion was defeated by Milim.

Under Milim's absolute strength, even the capital of the Orc Kingdom was completely destroyed.

"It's tragic!"

After Emiya Shirou sighed, he arranged the three of them in the State Guest House.

Whatever future plans are, that's not something to discuss now.

Now, there is only one thing to do in the whole of Emiya.

That is waiting!

Waiting for Demon Lord Rimuru to wake up.


After Rimuru slept for three days, she finally woke up again.

I saw the slime on the high platform jumped, jumped into the air, and then fell to the ground.

In the process of landing, Limuru transformed into a humanoid~www.wuxiamtl.com~ with a smile on her face.

"Yo, everyone, I succeeded!"

"Congratulations on becoming a real Demon Lord, Rimuru!"

Emiya Shirou, who had been sitting in the square, waiting for Rimuru to wake up, smiled and welcomed Rimuru's awakening.

"Ah, Shirou, it's really thanks to your protection during this time!"

"It's not just me, everyone is waiting for you!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Rimuru looked around.

Looking around at the people around her, the smile on her face became more and more happy.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

"Welcome back, Lord Rimuru!"

In the cheers of the crowd, the real Demon King came again!


"Congratulations to Rimuru-sama for becoming the real Demon Lord!"

The three Albis who were summoned entered the conference room and greeted Rimuru respectfully.

Originally, Rimuru, the leader of the Monster Federation, was terrifyingly powerful.

Now it is on a higher level, terrifying beyond imagination.

Coupled with the fact that their own refugees came to vote, the three of Albis naturally became respectful.

"Sit down!"

Rimuru waved his hand and started asking about the battle between Milim and Kalion.

Although Rimuru knew that the two were going to fight after returning from the human world, she did not expect it to happen so quickly.

This made Rimuru's heart feel worried.

Was Milim deceived by Demon Lord Clayman and used by him?

Otherwise, how could she go to Kalion to declare war?

Thinking of this, Rimuru couldn't help but get nervous. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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