In the advance force of Farmus Kingdom, there are three foreign visitors.

The three were called Taguchi Shogo, Tachibana Kyouya, and Mizutani Nozomi.

Among them, Taguchi Shogo and Tachibana Kyouya are both male, while Mizutani Nozomi is female.

Although these three were all from Rimuru's hometown, unlike Rimuru, they were all scumbags.

"It's ridiculous, this town is more advanced than the city of Farmus Kingdom!"

Shogo widened his eyes in surprise.

After parting ways with more than 100 knights, the three left the coachman knight who was in charge of the carriage to visit the city with several of their otherworldly visitors.

Shogo was speechless and fascinated by the sight of the city now far beyond his imagination.

Because this is the kingdom of monsters, he didn't take it seriously at first.

However, the scene in front of him was full of surprises. It seemed that because of the sewage system, there was no foul smell at all.

And that's not the only thing that's powerful here. How can the residents here look like monsters? No matter how they looked like human beings, they walked the streets with their heads held high.

Their clothes were more beautiful and neater than those of the merchants and residents who walked in the great city of Farms.

At a glance, you can tell that the residents here are rich.

Adventurers are everywhere in the city, and business dealings create an atmosphere that keeps the city thriving.

"Damn, what a joke! Why are the scumbags better than us!"

As the shock subsided, a dark anger surged in Shogo's heart.

So does Xixing.

"Oh, this is so strange, isn't it? Why are these guys so cool? We've never been so good, and it's very popular after watching it!"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Don't be angry, Miss Xixing. You don't need to be knowledgeable with them."

Although Gongmi comforted, he also felt that the town had progressed to the point where it was a bit ridiculous.

He narrowed his eyes in a dangerous light.

"I remember their boss is Slime, right? Kill that guy and we can be kings here!"

"That's right, Sanggo! I agree!"

"I agree too, but it's not good to act without authorization."

"No problem. Before the group of uncle knights attack, aren't we going to cause a commotion? That's just right."

"That's right! They want to have definite evidence, saying that monsters attack us good citizens, right? So, let me say something with 'Kyogenist', and adventurers other than monsters will be at my mercy!"

"Super win!"

What Xixing said was right.

That's what Shingo and the others came here for.

They want to cause contradictions in the city, and preach that everything here is fake.

Let the three of them pretend to be attacked by monsters.

This is a legitimate reason to send troops here to kill.

While causing a war, it was a tactic to put all the blame on the monsters, killing two birds with one stone.

And the three of Shogo were the ones who were sent as bait.

And 'Kyogenist' is Mizutani Xixing's unique skill.

When Mizutani Xixing was summoned, because she did not have the ability to directly hurt people, she could only use negotiation skills to influence the minds of others, so she was mistakenly regarded as a failed summoning item and was not treated with courtesy.

At that time, Mizutani Xixing was furious for this.

He also used that power in language and shouted: "What a joke, a bunch of rubbish! Everyone who dares to look down on me will die!"

Immediately afterward, the effect was manifested, and all those who failed to resist ended themselves.

And this is the ability of Mizutani Xixing'Kyogen Master'.

Just using verbal commands can make opponents obey.

No matter the language, Mizutani Xixing means everything.

Until the Summoner noticed it and quickly suppressed Mizutani Xixing with a 'spell', her life continued to be tortured by her.

It can be said that he does not care about human life at all.

"I really can't do anything about the two of you. Lord Razan did give such an order."

Gong Mi also seemed to think that this was the easiest and fastest method, and agreed with Xi Xing's proposal without saying a word.

"Tsk, what kind of adults are you calling that kind of dead old man!"

"That's right, I wish that stinky old man died sooner. That way we can recover our freedom?"

"Ahaha, I'm used to it. Besides, wouldn't it be bad to accidentally tell the truth to him one day?"

Kyungsoo explained with a wry smile.

He doesn't think now is the time to show his true nature, and thinks he must continue to play the good baby.

"You can make any excuses. In short, it's right to provoke a dispute, and use the power of Xixing to make the adventurers our side! Let's start our actions simultaneously."

This is an order from Razan.

"It's alright, let's get to work soon."

Stroking his hair, which was fixed with special resin and shaped like a cockscomb, Shogo threatened to do it.

And Xi Xing was the first to dispatch.

"Yeah! It's you who stole my **** just now? Are you trying to attack me?"

She randomly picked a dumb-looking guard and deliberately ran over to him.

"I-I didn't do anything?"

Gobujie, who was framed, looked flustered, looked around in fear, and asked others for help.

"What are you doing, don't pretend to be stupid. Why are you attacking me? Explain it to me clearly!"

She approached Gobujie and demanded an explanation from him, and then deliberately flopped backwards.

"It hurts! Oh, who can do me a favor! Call the guards!"

"Misunderstanding! I didn't do anything! Also, I'm a guard!"

Gobujie's eyes were full of tears, and he was completely helpless.

In fact, Gobuji was the victim, and he really did nothing.

However, everyone around him gave him a stern look.

His dull face deducted a lot of impression points for him, and everyone began to doubt him.

Not only that, Xi Xing also activated his unique skill 'Kyogen Master' casually to manipulate people's consciousness.

"Hey, hey, that goblin attacked this woman."

"Isn't he the guard here? He has been protecting How could he do such a thing? I don't believe it."

"But he still pushed that girl?"

"Really? I heard that the monsters here are very good?"

"There was no problem before, why did you suddenly attack people?"

People were still skeptical, but all the adventurers and merchants didn't intend to side with Gobuji.

The people around are still a little unclear, but sooner or later they will be confused by Xi Xing's skills.

Shogo and Kyouya looked at each other and smiled, and took a step forward, intending to deliver a fatal blow.

"Hey, hey, the people here are actually rough with the guests?"

"Call us in before we do it. What you really want to do is this kind of dirty business?"

The two shouted excitedly and stepped forward to protect Xi Xing, who was pretending to be afraid.

They plan to use the stupid goose guard in front of them to make a knife, and put false charges first.

Waiting for the boss of the other party to come forward is the main event.

If he admits his mistake and apologizes, these three people can convince everyone to stand on their side, and it is easier to call the other party's superior.

It's better to take a shot if you can't hold back your anger.

Even if things don't develop in this direction, as long as the scene is a big one, the advance troops of the Knights can come to arbitrate when they arrive later, and the situation will be one-sided.

In the eyes of Shinggo and the others, they hoped that this stupid monster would take action.

However, things obviously won't go so smoothly.

"What's wrong?"

Having received a notification from the master in advance, Gobuta, who knew that he was about to face the enemy's attack, appeared in front of Shogo and the others, riding a Lanfang wolf in full armor.

Then stared at them coldly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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