"Is this a surprise?"

"The opportunity to get rid of Demon Lord Clayman's control suddenly appeared in front of me."

"Replace the heart!?"

Recalling Shirou Emiya's promise, Miu Ran's heart was chaotic.

For Emiya Shirou's promise, Miao Lan is very trusting.

After all, through the conversation with Youmu, she knew that the two leaders of the Monster Federation were people who valued their promises.

And their attitude towards their subordinates is also excellent.

They did not take the lives of their subordinates in their hands like Demon Lord Clayman.

Instead, treat subordinates like family members.

This can be seen from the atmosphere in Emiya City.

Here, the relationship between different monsters is extremely close, and there is no sense of opposition at all.

This is rarely seen under Demon Lord Clayman.

Therefore, Myolan trusted Emiya Shirou's promise.

As for whether to trust the other party's technology?

That man was spying on her with a familiar, and Murray couldn't even notice it.

Not to mention that she was secretly implanted with a monitoring technique without knowing it, and the other party's means surpassed her too much.

Therefore, she trusts each other.

"Maybe this is my salvation!"

"Thank you, Emiya-sama!"


Hearing the call in his head, Emiya Shirou smiled and ignored it.

Instead, he quickly returned to the guard house and began to think about what might happen next.

"According to the communication between Mulan and Clayman, they must have shot against us recently, so who exactly will be shot?"

Emiya Shirou didn't think Clayman would do it himself.

According to his guess, it is estimated that other forces will attack them.

Most likely it is the human side.

Even the Western Church might do it in person.

"If the opponent is a human, Rimuru may be able to evolve into a real Demon Lord!"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou quickly dialed in contact with Rimuru.

Get her back quickly.

"How's it going, Shirou? Is there something about Mura's side?"

Rimuru, who returned quickly through teleportation magic, looked at Emiya Shirou in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"Ah, it really has something to do with Murat."

Emiya Shirou didn't sell out, but directly stated his conjecture.

"An attack from the human world?"

"Is that really going to be the case?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, my super-intuition keeps reminding me."

"That's it!"

Limlu nodded, and then said seriously: "If the enemy is really human, then I will never release water."

Rimuru, who had already made up her mind in her heart, responded earnestly.

"Ah, I know that!"

"But now the more important thing is your safety. I'm worried that the other party will take the opportunity to attack you. You must pay attention to your own safety recently."

"Do not worry!"

Rimuru answered seriously.


After chatting for a while, Rimuru returned to the human world.

After all, it's daytime, and he still has classes at school.

At this time, Rimuru has taken the children to obtain the protection of the upper elves, so that they are out of danger.

Now, Rimuru is accompanying them in their final semester.

After this semester, he will return to Emiya City.

And there are only a few days left until the end of their semester.

Therefore, Rimuru has been very busy recently.

Although the attack from the human world was important, she believed that there would be absolutely no problem with Emiya Shirou.

As a result, Shirou Emiya was the only one left in the conference room.

Looking at the empty conference room, Shirou Emiya muttered to himself, "So where will the war start?"


A few days later, Murran, who was wandering around the street, suddenly received another magical communication from Demon Lord Clayman.

This time, she was no longer nervous.

She let the familiar who had been watching her know about it by gesture.

While hiding in the alley beside him, he answered the communication from Demon Lord Clayman.

Listening to the constant communication in his head, Miao Lan's pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person trembled.

"So, what is Demon Lord Clayman's order?"

Emiya Shirou, who came after the communication between Myolan and Clayman, asked indifferently.

As for monitoring Miao Lan's voice, it is only possible when you are very close to her.

Unlike last time, this time, before receiving the notification from the familiar, Shirou Emiya was dealing with things in the town.

Two days after he captured Mulan, he received a notification from Souei that a large number of people were rushing to Emiya City.

During the period, Gobuta and others went to inquire about their destination, but the other party was very tight-lipped and did not get a specific answer.

But Emiya Shirou knew that the other party came to him and others.

Later, Souei and others learned from other places that the other party was the Knights of Farmus Kingdom.

After identifying the enemy again, Shirou Emiya ordered Souei to investigate the information inside the Farmus Kingdom.

And today, Souei's information collection has also been completed.

It is said that the Farmus Kingdom is actively preparing for war, and it is possible to launch a large number of troops to start a war at any time.

Afterwards, Shirou Emiya received a communication from the Orc Kingdom.

"Yellow Snake Horn" Albis, one of the three beastmen in the beast kingdom of Ulasenia, made emergency contact using magical communication.

"The beast kingdom Ulasenia will fight the Demon Lord Milim in a week. I hope you can take in our refugees."

The messy information continued to emerge, and Emiya Shirou didn't expect that Clayman's game was so big.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Emiya City, the orc kingdom launched an offensive at the same time.

If that's the case, Rimuru's side will probably attack too!

After that, everyone couldn't get in touch with Rimuru.

"Everyone is on alert, ready for war at any time!"

"Yes, Emiya-sama!"


Because Emiya Shirou came after finishing the other side's affairs, he didn't know about the conversation between Mulan and Clayman.

Hearing Emiya Shirou's question, Miao Lan quickly got out of her painful feelings, UU reading www. uukanshu.com started reporting on Demon Lord Clayman.

"A large magic with a radius of five kilometers, is it anti-magic magic that nullifies all magic within the range?"

"It seems that Clayman's purpose is to cut off the connection between Emiya City and other places!"

"Is his goal not to let Rimuru come back in time?"

"I'm worried that Rimuru will contact Milim and let her intervene in this matter!"

"And this magic is obviously not the opponent's trump card, their trump card is still out there!"

After roughly sorting out the order of things, Emiya Shirou said with a smile: "It seems that Clayman is using you as an abandoned child. After all, as a pure magician, you can't use magic in this barrier. Bar!"

"Yes, and this magic only needs to be unfolded, and I don't need to exist later."

"That is, even if I die, there is no problem."

"And that's exactly how Clayman does things!"

After sighing, Miao Lan asked Shirou Emiya, "What should I do next? Lord Emiya!"

"Just do it as usual!"

To say that they can't contact Rimuru, they can't contact Rimuru now.

So there is absolutely no need to worry about it.

As for the battle with the opponent, it doesn't matter.

In the case of not being able to use magic, after all, it is still the basic quality of the soldiers.

Emiya Shirou is not worried about the quality of his troops.

It should be the other party who needs to worry about the basic quality.


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