Soon, the time for the mission will come.

On this day, Aster, Zhu Cai and others built a high platform on the central square of Emiya City.

Under the stage, the cadres and ordinary residents of the Monster Federation gathered. They were surrounding the front of the high platform, waiting for the coming kings.

In the center of the crowd, Benimaru, Riguru and the others were standing upright.

They also changed into gorgeous and majestic new clothes.

This was a speech that was arranged before Benimaru's mission. Accompanied by the excited shouts of everyone, four figures slowly walked up to the high platform.

And standing in the center of the high platform, it was Rimuru and Emiya Shirou.

Aster and Zhu Cai were standing beside them respectively.

"Oh, it's Rimuru-sama!"

"And Lord Emiya who leveled the forest!"

"The two adults actually appeared at the same time!"

Looking at the figures of Rimuru and Emiya Shirou, the crowd suddenly became noisy.

The heated discussions kept coming to mind.

This surprised both Rimuru and Emiya Shirou on the stage. They did not expect that they would be so popular in the eyes of the people.


Aster suddenly roared, which directly calmed the atmosphere of the scene.

Seeing that the surroundings had calmed down, Rimuru coughed first, and then began to speak.

"Everyone, you must work hard!"

"That's it!?"

As soon as Rimuru's voice fell, Emiya Shirou's voice rose in his heart.

"Hey hey hey, this is a speech to all the people! What are you talking about!"

"Don't ask for an hour or two, at least twenty minutes!"

"Twenty minutes? How can I have so many words!"

He kept complaining about Emiya Shirou's words in his heart, and Rimuru also knew that he really should say something.

"It seems that I have said too little. Otherwise, I will say more!"

Let me know first, and then Rimuru started explaining what to pay attention to after going to the other country.

Demon Lord Kalion is not only one of the Demon Lords, but he is also an outright martial artist.

If a country is governed by such a Kalion, it is doubtful whether it is basically a country ruled by law.

"Listen well. This country is made up of 'power is everything' demons. So don't be underestimated by them. Once you show timidity, they will lead you by the nose."

"You may not be their opponents in the fight, but you have to work hard not to lose in momentum! I, Shirou, and everyone are supporting you. Don't forget this, and convey your thoughts to the other party. ."

"Also, if there is a real fight, then run back. Part of the purpose of this trip is to observe, to see if there is a chance to continue friendship with the country in the future. If there is no possibility of communication because of our indomitable, that kind of relationship Not at all."

"Whether we can form a friendship with zero burden, I hope you can see it with your own eyes. Please everyone!"

When Rimuru finished speaking, the whole square was filled with applause.

"Benmaru, don't be too restrictive when it comes to doing things, and do it with confidence! We are behind you! Remember it for me!"

"Yes, Emiya-sama!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's request, Benimaru quickly knelt down and responded earnestly.

"If you can, you can even practice with the Demon King Kalion!"

"No, not allowed!"

Before Emiya Shirou finished speaking, Rimuru interrupted him directly.

"Remember Benimaru, you are not allowed to challenge the Demon King, do you know?"

Glancing at Emiya Shirou, Rimuru hurriedly exhorted Benimaru.

"Don't worry, Rimuru-sama, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know what to do, after all, that's the Demon King!"

"Don't you know that just by looking at Milim-sama?"

"So I won't be impulsive."

Benimaru replied with a smile.

"That's fine!"

Rimuru couldn't completely trust Benimaru's words, but there was no other choice besides him.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Although she could still send Aster, who is her secretary, but considering her character, Rimuru canceled the idea.

That guy is even more reckless than Benimaru.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Logically, I should be the one to go out in person."

"No, you shouldn't step into the Demon King's territory until it's safe to do so."

Benimaru categorically denied Rimuru's words.

He still wanted to confirm with his own eyes whether the character Kalion was trustworthy.

Not only to confirm Kalion, Benimaru even intends to comment on all the powerhouses of the Orc Kingdom.

Evaluate whether the establishment of diplomatic relations is beneficial to one's own country.

And the most important thing is to see if the other party intends to harm us.

But because of this, Rimuru was even more worried.

She was worried that Benimaru was deliberately looking for the demon king Kalion in order to confirm the strength of the opponent, and then took the opportunity to fight.

Having said that, but only sending Riguru and the others as an envoy to Rimuru, the kingdom of demons, is still uneasy.

She had to send someone with superior combat ability to accompany her as an escort.

"Don't worry, Benimaru, Demon King Kalion is not an opponent of Milim's level. He, Clayman, and Frey are all new-generation Demon Lords, not real Demon Lords."

"The real devil?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Rimuru said in surprise, "Are you saying that they haven't awakened yet?"

"That's right!"

Emiya Shirou affirmed: "So now the three of them and you should have the same strength. The four of you are all Demon Kings, so the strength is not bad!"

"The strength is comparable to that of Rimuru-sama! That's the case, I probably know it!"

Seeing Benimaru's nodding, Rimuru couldn't help but sigh.

"Don't act recklessly! Benimaru!"

Knowing that after the other party leaves, Limuru, who can't control him, can only change "Don't take action" to "Don't act Don't worry, Limuru-sama! "

Benimaru said with a smile.

"Liguru, you all have to work harder! Learn from other people's advantages."

"Understood, Rimuru-sama. I will definitely study their good points."

Riguru replied with his bright eyes open.

In Riguru's eyes, Rimuru saw full of energy.

Rimuru was extremely relieved about this.

"Wow, Liguru has finally grown up and become a useful talent!"

Ligrud, who had been crying with excitement for Ligru's recycling from the beginning, was still crying to this day.

Rimuru forced a smile and smiled a few times, then looked at Langa on the side and said.

"Ranga, you sneaked into the shadow of Benimaru. I hope you stay in the shadow to avoid people's eyes and ears, and protect everyone in secret."

"As ordered. Don't worry, Master!"

Following Rimuru's orders, Ranga dodged and sneaked into Benimaru's shadow.

Benimaru also used the demonic energy to hide his traces, hoping that others would not find the traces of Ranga.

"Okay! Let's send them off with grand pomp!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Cai secretly winked at the side.

After receiving the signal from Zhu Cai, the performance team on the side started a grand performance.

They played loud and majestic.

Then, under the watchful eyes of city residents, the envoys began to strut.

Every step leads to a promising future.

It is hoped that under these accumulated exchanges, one day we will be able to formally conclude diplomatic relations.

In this way, the envoys who tried to cry for the first time embarked on their journey. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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