I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 363: New images of the messenger and Rimuru

After Milim left, months passed by in a blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, Shirou Emiya has been in this world for nearly a year.

This was absolutely intolerable in the eyes of former Emiya Shirou.

Before, he had always been worried about the passage of time in different worlds, worried that before he went back, Miyu and others would be involved in their former world.

But as his strength increases, his control over the 'distant moment of time' is also increasing day by day.

After he became LV.6, his time in the world stopped.

And he can rest assured in other worlds.

"Really? Sending envoys to each other to assess whether the alliance of the two sides is beneficial?"

Hearing the message from Rimuru, Shirou Emiya responded with a smile, "Isn't this very good? This shows that the other party really wants to form an alliance with us."

After all, both allies must exchange resources with each other to achieve a win-win situation.

A unilateral gain will only make the covenant of both sides vulnerable.

"Yeah! I thought so too!"

Lying on the table in front of Emiya Shirou in the image of a slime, Rimuru's mouth couldn't hide a smile.

Today, she was correcting documents and handling affairs in the town.

After all, with the continuous construction of the city and the paving of the road to the dwarf kingdom, the city of Emiya became more and more hot.

Therefore, many affairs continue to breed.

Many things need to be decided by him as the leader.

Just as she finished part of her work and sat on the side to rest, she suddenly received a message from Souei, saying that an emissary from the Orc Kingdom was coming.

After that, she learned the news from the messenger's mouth.

This made Limuru extremely excited.

"Since Shirou and I have the same opinion, then it's time to choose the ambassador."

Thinking of this, Rimuru couldn't help but think.

"There's no reason to hesitate, the only one who can represent us as an ambassador is Benimaru!"

"Huh? Brother?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Zhu Cai, who was standing behind Emiya Shirou, exclaimed.

There were only four people in the conference room at this time, Emiya Shirou, Rimuru, Aster, and Zhu Na.

After all, Rimuru only called Emiya Shirou alone to discuss it.

Aster was Limuru's secretary and was always by her side.

As for Zhu Cai, the reason why she appeared here is because she was Emiya Shirou's secretary at this time.

With the passage of time, the work of the military has gradually formed regulations, and Shirou Emiya no longer needs to worry about it all the time.

So Emiya Shirou spent his mind on logistics craftsmen.

And Zhu Cai itself is one of the leaders in this regard.

In addition, she often discusses magic-related techniques with Emiya Shirou.

Later, Zhu Cai asked to become Emiya Shirou's secretary.

In this regard, Emiya Shirou did not refuse.

After all, Rimuru has a secretary, how could Shirou Emiya be without him!

"That's right!"

Emiya Shirou directly affirmed: "For this kind of thing, the envoys must be the confidants of both sides, and Rimuru and I's subordinates, the strongest and the highest position should be Benimaru!"

At this time, the main body of the monster federation was composed of several monster tribes.

The first is the goblins who joined the two of them first, and their representatives are the Goblin King Rigrud, Rigru, Gobuta and others.

The second is the pig tribe with the largest number of people, and their representative is the pig king Klute.

Later, after the crusade against the Pig-headed Emperor, after joining Gaviru and his sister Cang Hua, they evolved into the dragon people and demons.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

In the end, there are the fewest, but the strongest ghosts.

Benimaru and the others, who had only six members when they joined, were undoubtedly the strongest among them.

Any of the six of them are on the same level or even beyond the representatives of other races.

Benimaru was the son of the leader of the once-great ghost clan.

Later, he became the leader directly, and brought the remaining five people to find Limuru, and joined them by chance.

It can be said that in the Federation of Monsters, Benimaru is now the number three person who is serious.

With Rimuru as the leader and Emiya Shirou as a human being, neither of them are suitable for the mission, Benimaru is the most qualified person.

"Benmaru! Indeed, there is no one else to choose except him!"

Taking into account the issue of strength, there is no doubt that the candidate for the mission must be one of the ghosts.

Except for the logistics, Kurobei, the old Shiro, Souei, who is in charge of the secret agency, and Shiwan, who is her secretary, these four clearly unsuitable characters.

The candidates themselves are only Benimaru and Zhu Cai.

In the current Monster Federation, if Benimaru is the No. 3 character, then Zhu Na, who used to be the princess of the Great Oni clan, is undoubtedly the No. 4 character.

Of the two, both Emiya Shirou and Rimuru prefer Benimaru.

"If that's the case, then it's definitely Benimaru!"

After Rimuru and Emiya Shirou looked at each other, they decided on the final candidate.


After confirming Benimaru as the ambassador, the following work is relatively simple.

Riguru was appointed as Benimaru's deputy to assist him in his journey to the Orc Kingdom.

The selection of other envoys and the preparations for the envoys were carried out in an orderly manner under the preparations of Zhu Cai and Besta~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, in addition to Benimaru's mission to the Orc Kingdom, the envoys of the Orc Kingdom It will also be sent to the Monster Federation.

Before that, they need to be prepared.

Therefore, at times like this, Besta, who used to be a minister in the Dwarf Kingdom, is particularly important.

After all, he is a professional in this regard.

Meanwhile, Emiya Shirou and Rimuru didn't have time to rest while everyone else was working hard for the ceremony of sending messengers to each other.

The two of them needed to make adjustments to their clothing and appearance.

After all, this is a major diplomatic event. As the twin kings of the Monster Federation, they must be decorated with incomparable honor!

"Well, sure enough, this style is better!"

Looking at Rimuru wearing a red cape and a single ponytail, Emiya Shirou's mouth showed an irresistible smile.

"Why didn't I think of this hairstyle before?"

Looking at Rimuru, who was full of cute girls at this time, Shirou Emiya felt more and more satisfied.

"Rimuru, you can use this hairstyle in the future! It's much more handsome than a wig!"


Looking at her new look through the mirror in front of her, Rimuru was also very satisfied.

After all, her usual clothes are full of femininity.

Before you know it, Limuru's aesthetic is being reshaped.

"Of course, Rimuru-sama!"

"That's right, Rimuru-sama!"

Seeing that Aster and Zhu Cai said the same, Limuru responded with a smile: "Then let's change the shape to a single ponytail in the future!" Click to download the APP of this site , Massive novels, free to read!

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