I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 264: primary school teacher atalanta

"Sakuzuki Shirou?"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's opinion, the wise Matou Sakura looked at the shy Miyu, then covered her mouth with her fingers and said, "If that's the case, then I'll be called Sakura Sakura!"

"Sakura Sakura?"

Looking at the smiling face of the parallel world sister, Tohsaka Rin showed a stiff smile.

Although the other party is from a parallel world, Tohsaka Rin has regarded the other party as her sister.

And she believed that the other party thought so too.

But now, Tohsaka Rin doesn't have to guess to know that Matou Sakura definitely has an affair with this Emiya Shirou.

This made Tohsaka Rin, who also liked Emiya Shirou, sighed with emotion.

The sisters actually fell in love with the same person.

Is this fate?

"Sakuzuki Shirou! Sakuzuki Shirou! Sakuzuki Shirou!"

"Meiyou, what's the matter with you!"

Staring at Miyu who kept repeating the name of Shirou Sakutsuki, Illya shook her by the shoulders, but she never called Miyu out of her world.

It wasn't until Matou Sakura said that her name was Sakura Sakura that the alert Miyu woke up instantly.

"What's wrong? What happened? Miyu!"

Looking at Illya's nervous expression, Miyu said hesitantly, "Actually, my previous name was Miyu Sakuzuki."


"Ah, so that's how it is!"

Ilya understood Miyu's heart in an instant.

After all, in Japan, surnames change.

For example, if the woman marries into the man's house, the woman's name will be changed to the man's surname.

And if the man is married to the woman's house, the man's name will be changed to the woman's surname.

So, after hearing what Emiya Shirou said, Miyu obviously thought a lot.

After hearing Matou Sakura's words, he obviously thought more.

I really understand! Beautiful tour!

Ilya said with emotion.

"And what about this lady?"

Looking at Atalanta on the side, Luvia asked suspiciously.

Because Emiya Shirou specially made hidden props for Atalanta to hide her unusual ears and tail.

So Luvia and Tohsaka Rin and the others did not notice her strangeness.

"My name is Atalanta!"

"Atalanta? It's the same name as the heroine in Greek legends!"

"What's so strange about that!"

Looking at Rin Tohsaka, Emiya Shirou said with a smile, "Isn't it normal that the names of modern people are the same as those of ancient people?"

"That's right!"

"If that's the case, then let's decide!"

"Shiro Sakuzuki, Sakura Sakura, and Atalanta, right?"

"Augustus, I'll leave this to you!"

"Don't worry, miss, I'll finish it within fourteen hours!"

After saying that, the butler disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"If it's already dark today, everyone, let's have dinner first! Augustus has already prepared everything in advance!"

"Then we will thank Luvia in advance for your hospitality!"

"Don't be so polite!"




After dinner and washing up, Shirou Emiya accompanied Miyu and told her about his adventures.

Although he didn't want Miyu to worry too much about him, the pleading expression on the other side was really hard to determine.

In the end, Shirou Emiya told her everything.

Seeing Miyu lying asleep in bed, Shirou Emiya smiled and turned off the light for her, then walked out of her room.

He then walked through the corridor and returned to his room.

"Yo, you two are not resting in your own room, why did you all come to me?"

"Isn't it a little sleepy! After all, there are a lot of things today."

"That's it."

With a sigh, Emiya Shirou turned his gaze to Atalanta who was beside him.

"What about you? Atta!"

"Can't you sleep either?"

"I'm just staying with Sakura until you come back. After all, if she's alone, she'll definitely be lonely."

"Oh, did the two of you get along so well when I didn't know it?"

With his eyes turning back and forth in front of the two, Emiya Shirou asked with a smile.

"Soak in the magic workshop all day, what do you know!"

After giving Emiya Shirou a white look, Atalanta said and walked out.

"This kid is really not funny!"

Looking at Atalante's disappearance, Shirou Emiya shook his head and turned to Matou Sakura and asked, "Do you think we should find something for Atalanta to do?"

"I should find something to do, but what should I ask her to do?"

"What are you doing?"

Emiya Shirou stroked his chin lightly and thought slowly.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he laughed and said, "I think about it, I will mention it to Luvia tomorrow and see if she can help!"

"Huh? What kind of work is that!"

"Oh, is that what you want to know?"

Raising Matou Sakura's chin with his palm, Shirou Emiya said with a smirk, "It depends on whether you can serve me well!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou threw Matou Sakura on the bed and started their nightlife.


"Huh? Going to be an elementary school teacher?"

Early in the morning, Atalanta, who came out of her room, heard the order of Shirou Emiya who was sitting on the sofa, and couldn't help asking loudly.

"Yes, I remember Atta, don't you like children very much?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it suit your heart to be an elementary school teacher? It saves you feeling lonely because you have nothing to do."

"I already asked Luvia this morning, and she said that there is no problem. You can go directly to Miyu Ilya and their class to be a teacher."

"Yes, Luvia!"

"Of course it is!"

Facing everyone's gaze, Luvia covered her mouth with her small hands and laughed loudly: "As long as it's Shirou's request, I can do it! Oh hoo hoo hoo!"

"Are you going to be a teacher in our class?"

During last night's exchange with Emiya Shirou~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Miyu already knew Atalanta's identity.

She is a heroine from Greece, a true heroic spirit.

Therefore, when she heard that she was going to be a teacher, Miyu couldn't help but worry about her.

Can Atalanta adapt to life as a teacher?

And Atalante on the side had the same idea.

For her who loves children, being able to take care of children is the best thing.

But she was very worried, what could she teach them?

Can't teach bow and arrow at all!

As if aware of Atalante's worries, Emiya Shirou said with a smile: "Don't worry, you are just going to be a gym teacher now."

"When you have the strength to be another teacher, you can completely change jobs, and you don't need to worry at all."

"In that case, I am very willing!"

For Atalanta, who lived in ancient Greece, or even in the jungle, there is really nothing that makes her nostalgic in the current era.

After all, there is nowhere to hunt.

This made the huntress very distressed.

Now, it would be an excellent transition for her to devote herself to the education of her children.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Luvia!"

"Just leave it to me with confidence!"

Emiya Shirou smiled and nodded as he looked at Luvia who was patting her chest and taking responsibility.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's have breakfast! Today's breakfast is specially made by me for entertaining everyone!"

"Shiro made it himself!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin instantly showed expressions of surprise.

"Yes, everyone, please come to the table!"

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