"First meeting, Rin, Luvia! I'm Shirou Emiya from another parallel world!"

"Please advise!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's response, everyone present showed a look of horror.

Among them, Tohsaka Rin, who asked this question.

"What's wrong, Rin? Why are you so shocked?"

"Isn't it you who asked this question in the first place?"

"Ah, having said that, but I just made a random guess based on the current situation. I didn't expect that the blind cat met the dead mouse, so I guessed it right."

Involuntarily wiping the sweat from his head with his arm, Tohsaka Rin said with a wry smile.

Because his ancestors were disciples of the second magician, Jewel Weng, Tohsaka Rin knew a lot about the parallel space interference of the second method mastered by Jewel Weng.

Therefore, when she saw the red-haired youth who was very similar to Emiya Shirou, especially the girl who was exactly like her own sister, she would say those words.

But that was just a whim.

But this speculation was actually confirmed.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it. After all, I never thought that I would meet you the first time I came here."

"After all, there is Sakura here, so it's really impossible to hide the past easily."

"So the moment I saw you, I actually had the intention to confess!"

After hearing Rin Tohsaka's explanation, Shirou Emiya, who gently stroked Miyu's head, responded with a smile.

"Oh, it looks like I've been exposed!"

"It's been a long time, sister!"

"It must have been five years since we last met!"

"Have you not seen each other for five years?"

Looking at Matou Sakura who waved to him, Tohsaka Rin said with an incredible expression.


Matou Sakura smiled and nodded.

"So it seems that you are really from a parallel world!"

Luvia, who had been listening to the conversation of several people, also interrupted.

But then she looked at Emiya Shirou with a strange emotion in her eyes and said, "I didn't expect Shirou from other worlds to be a magician!"

"No, what you said is wrong, Luvia!"

"It should be said that Shirou Emiya in your world is not a magician, but it is even more unusual."

"After all, Emiya Shirou is a human being who will become a heroic spirit, so no matter in that world, even if the technology is half-baked, he almost has practice magic."

"Hey! My brother will actually become a heroic spirit in the future!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Illya, who already knew the existence of Heroic Spirits while collecting cards, shouted in surprise.

"That's right, but Shirou Emiya in your world shouldn't have that chance! After all, he doesn't have the same belief and environment as other Emiya."

"That's it!"

After hearing Emiya Shirou's explanation, Illya didn't know whether she should feel regret or joy.

"Miyu is your sister Shirou. Could it be that Miyu also came from a parallel world?"

"That's right!"

Squatting down and pressing Miyu close to his head, Emiya Shirou said seriously: "In order to let Miyu escape from there, I used the power of the Holy Grail to send her to another world."

"Now that I finally have the power to protect her, of course I'm going to find her!"

"elder brother!"

Miyu quickly threw herself into Emiya Shirou's arms, recalling the past and he cried loudly.

"Then what's your purpose of coming here, Shirou? Are you taking Miyu back?"

"Take Meiyou back?"

"Go back to a parallel world and never see each other again?"

Hearing Luvia's question, Illya's whole body seemed to be demented, standing there silently, unable to move.

She really wanted to shout out her thoughts so that Miyu would not leave.

But she can't.

She knew that reuniting with her family must be Meiyou's dream. Valley

Because she has the same idea.

She also really wanted to be with her parents, brother, Sera, and Rigilet all the time.

"Go back?"

Looking at Miyu's expectant look in front of him, Shirou Emiya smiled and said, "We don't plan to go back, we want to stay here!"



Under the surprised eyes of Miyu and others, Emiya Shirou said seriously: "Because Miyu's friends are all here! If she goes back, won't she become lonely again!"

"elder brother!"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Miyu's eyes were moved to tears.

"How is it, do you want to stay? Miyu!"

"Well, I want to stay, brother!"

"Then let's stay!"


"Come in, everyone!"

Walking into her mansion, Luvia said with a smile: "If you don't dislike it, you can stay in my house for the time being!"

"No no no! How can we dislike it? Luvia is a mansion here!"

Waving at Luvia, Shirou Emiya continued: "Actually, we originally planned to buy real estate here, but since Luvia is so kind, let's live here for the time being!"

"And I think Miyu doesn't want to leave just like that!"

"Well, Sister Luvia is very kind to me! She takes good care of me!"

"That's it! That's a real thank you to Luvia!"

Looking at Luvia in front of him, Emiya Shirou smiled and thanked him.

"No, there's nothing left!"

Luvia turned her head shyly, and then said embarrassedly, "After all, Meiyou is so well-behaved, and I like Meiyou very much!"

"That's why I want to thank Luvia!"

Patting Luvia on the shoulder, Shirou Emiya said seriously: "Thank you for loving her! And taking care of her for me! Thank you so much, Luvia!"

"No, nothing!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's face in front of him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Luvia's face became very red, and even her head was emitting steam-like gas.

This made Tohsaka Rin on the side extremely envious.

After all, Luvia really gave Miyu a place to live when she was at her most embarrassing.

And treat her as his own sister.

She can't take credit for this kind of work at all!

Although she also took good care of Miyu, she definitely couldn't keep up with Luvia.

This caused Tohsaka Rin to bite the handkerchief in distress.

Seeing this, Illya couldn't help but smile bitterly, after all, Rin looks so happy!

At this moment, Luvia, who was still shy, suddenly said, "Since you are new here, Shirou, there must be no household registration information in this world."

"Why don't I ask Augustus to handle the household registration information for you!"

"In that case, I'll ask you to Luvia!"

As a modern person, Shirou Emiya certainly understands the importance of household registration documents.

In modern times, it is impossible to do without household registration information!

When he was in the Fallen World, Shirou Emiya was delighted that he could provide him with identity and household registration information in a "distant moment in time".

"But since it's a new identity, Sakura and I should change our names!"

Looking at Matou Sakura on the side, Emiya Shirou thoughtfully said: "After all, this world exists, whether it is Emiya Shirou or Matou Sakura! It's a bit troublesome to live in the same city with the same name and surname! "

"Then what will it be changed to?"

After thinking for a while in silence, Shirou Emiya suddenly said with a smile, "Why don't I change it to Shirou Sakutsuki!"


Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Miyu's face turned rosy involuntarily.

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