At the beginning, at Chiron's request, Emiya Shirou thought of a way to repair Fiore's body without relying on the Great Holy Grail.

But it is just an idea, and it takes a lot of effort to realize it.

Taking advantage of this period of research, the initial finished product was finally produced.

It was a flowable red liquid in a box.

In this liquid, Chiron felt a majesty that could not be ignored.

"This is?"

"This is a special item I made, I named it, God's Blood!"

"Blood of God!?"

"That's right!"

The blood of God, its function is to replace the blood of the gods, to endow others with the gift of God, and to renew the special props of the gift of God.

This is a unique miracle that only Emiya Shirou can achieve.

As for the reason, it's not because of the deep secrets it contains, but because other mysterious owners lack the authority related to the gift of God.

That is, acting alone.

Although the skill of acting alone was originally only an inherent skill unique to the Archer profession in the Moon World.

But in the wrong world, under the integration and induction of God's grace, it gave Emiya Shirou the authority related to God's grace.

That is, to renew the grace of God on its own.

This is almost impossible in the eyes of other gods and adventurers.

Because it violated the realm of the gods and gained the power of the gods.

The greatest blasphemy.

And it was this ability that gave Emiya Shirou the ability to create the blood of God.

With its help, Emiya Shirou derived the authority of the gods and created this miraculous power.

Through it, Emiya Shirou can expand the Loki Familia's sphere of influence to the outside world.

Make more worlds shrouded by their Loki Familia.

To be honest, if this item was placed in Orari, it would be a batch of garbage.

If you want to use him to develop your family, you must write the favor of God for the other person who is strong in sacred writing.

But every expert who is proficient in sacred writing is the elite of the major clans.

If these people want to develop family members, they can directly find their own master gods.

Why bother yourself?

Therefore, its greatest use should be to renew the favor on its own.

After all, in Orari, there are adventurers who are forced to join other families because their main **** is sent back to the heaven.

They really didn't want to give up their relationship with their former companions, but they had to join other family members for the road ahead.

Of course, there are also adventurers who are wanted for certain things and cannot update their favors.

For example, Ryu Leon!

Therefore, Shirou Emiya thinks that his prop is probably more popular with those who live in the dark!

But that's in Eulalie.

But now it's not Eulalie.

For people in other worlds, the grace of God can be regarded as a clear road to the road to the gods.

After all, the pinnacle of grace is the gods!

Although almost no one has come this far.

If it was in the Moon Moon World, it is estimated that Dingtian would only be able to rise to the third or fourth level.

After all, today's Xingyue world can be called the era of the end of the law.

Strong team players are not easy to find!

But with it, as long as Shirou Emiya develops Fiore into a member of the Loki Familia, as long as she is trained in the future, Fiore's body will be able to withstand the burden of her magic sooner or later.

Finally stand up for real.

"Can this thing really heal the Master's body?"

"Not now, but in the future."

"He can tap people's potential and continuously strengthen people's bodies. As long as she keeps exercising, Fiore will be able to stand up through her body sooner or later."

"That's it! That's really nice!"

Chiron's heart was full of joy for the fact that his Master could have a better future.

After all, in a sense, Fiore, like Emiya Shirou, is his apprentice!

"This is great!"


"Really? Shirou! Can you heal my leg?"

After hearing Chiron's narration, Fiore cried out with joy.

Fiore was pessimistic about her legs, otherwise she wouldn't put it on her wish to use the Great Holy Grail.

Fiore is very greedy, she wants to keep her legs, or her talent as a magician.

But the fact does not allow her to be so greedy.

It was tormenting her.

But now, Emiya Shirou has brought her good news, and she may be able to stand up.

How could this not make Fiore ecstatic!

"Don't get excited, this is just the seed of strength. Whether you can make it germinate or not depends on your own good fortune and hard work!"

"I will definitely try my best!"

Fiore answered decisively.

"That's good!"

Looking at Fiore's affirmative eyes, Shirou Emiya smiled and said to Chiron beside him.

"Mr. Chiron, you go out and let the wind go out first. I still have some related things to tell Fiore, and then I will hold a ceremony for her. The teacher guards the door, please don't let others disturb the ceremony."

"I understand!"

Chiron nodded and disappeared from the room.

He trusted Emiya Shirou very much, so he gave Fiore to him without hesitation.

Looking at the serious Emiya Shirou in front of her, Fiore's heart began to beat gradually.

For Emiya Shirou, she has a lot of goodwill.

This unknown, sudden feeling fascinated her.

Maybe it's because of the feeling of shyness when the other party checked his legs!

Fiore thought so.

"Speaking of which, Fiore, do you have faith?"


Hearing Shirou Emiya's question, Fiore was stunned for a while, and then immediately said, "I don't have any faith. It should be said that magicians have almost no faith!"

"Really? Then you will have faith from now on, the Goddess Loki!"


Hearing Emiya Shirou's statement, Fiore was completely stunned.

This ritual actually requires faith.

And the **** of this belief is a bit strange!

Why the goddess Loki!

"Excuse me, isn't Loki a male god?"

"No, Loki is a real goddess!"

No matter if Loki in the Moonlight World is male or female, she must be a goddess.

Anyway, the sexual transformation culture in the world of Xingyue has always been strong. Isn't it common for her Loki to become a goddess?

"Is that right?"

"Just kidding! I don't know if the Loki in this world is male or female, but the Loki we believe in is indeed a goddess!"

"The goddess we believe in?"

Regarding Fiore's doubts, Shirou Emiya explained slowly: "Beyond the world, there are other worlds, and that is a world called Orari!"


"And this is the grace of God!"

"Is it such a remarkable thing?"

After hearing Shirou Emiya's explanation, Fiore said in horror, "This is actually an ability from outside the world!"

"That's right! This ability comes from outside the all the abilities related to it, you can't tell anyone!"

"Unless it is another God's grace holder!"

Emiya Shirou did not refuse the gift of God's grace. After all, everything was made, and it would be very uncomfortable if it was not used!

"Yes, I understand!"

To Emiya Shirou's request, Fiore responded very seriously.

She knew very well the importance of this kind of thing.

If you spread it casually, it will bring you a lot of trouble.

"It's good that you know, since the explanation is over, it's time for us to get to the point!"

"Then what should I do next, Shirou!"

"Take off your clothes first!"


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