"A comeback? Do we still have a chance?"

Fiore said silently.

"Of course, with me here, the winner of this Holy Grail War is definitely us!"

Emiya Shirou answered firmly.

"It's not that we don't have a chance to win, on the contrary, our chance to win is still great!"

"Now, we just have to wait and wait for the final moment to come."


After the small meeting of several people was over, Shirou Emiya took Joan of Arc to arrange a room for her.

"How about it, do you still like the environment here?"

"Please don't worry about me, I don't have any requirements for external conditions such as accommodation."

For the luxurious appliances of the Thousand World Tree family, Joan of Arc didn't care.

After all, this French village girl had never experienced such a luxurious life even in her previous life.

"Really? What about the food?"


For Emiya Shirou's question, Jeanne looked at him suspiciously.

After a while, Shirou Emiya and Jeanne were sitting at the dining table in the hall. Through the dark night outside the window, the two ate a luxurious meal.

"good to eat!"

Joan of Arc groaned as she put the beef she had cut into her mouth with a fork.

She has never eaten such delicious food.

After coming to this world and eating the food of this era, she thought she had come to heaven.

After all, in his previous life, even when she was at her wealthiest, he had never eaten food comparable to modern street food.

But now, Shirou Emiya made her own steak, but she was addicted to it.

It's so delicious!

"How is it, do you like it?"

Lying on the table and leaning on his face with one hand, Shirou Emiya asked with a smile.

"I like it, it's really delicious, Shirou!"

"As long as you like it!"

Emiya Shirou also has some research on Western food.

After all, the degree of Westernization of Japan is already very high.

For things that are popular in the West, they are also popular there.

So like some very basic western food skills, such as steak and other skills, Shirou Emiya can also know.

Looking at Joan of Arc gobbling down, Emiya Shirou's mouth and eyes showed a smile.

After all, as a chef, Joan of Arc's performance at this time is undoubtedly an extra point.

"Shirou, why is your cooking so good!"

"Of course it was practiced!"

"But this is too delicious!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's admiring eyes, Joan of Arc, who was constantly eating, couldn't help but slowly lowered her head.

She dared not look directly at Shirou Emiya.

The moonlight outside the window shone on the two of them through the window.

Under the beautiful moonlight, Shirou Emiya quietly admired Joan of Arc who was eating.

Alluring night.

Joan of Arc is extraordinarily beautiful tonight.

Emiya Shirou thought so.

On the other side, affected by this atmosphere, Joan's head was already lowered to her chest, and she didn't dare to lift her flushed face at all.

That night, Joan of Arc, who was lying in the VIP room of the Thousand World Tree family, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.


early morning.

The bright Mirenia Fortress was very lively again.

Everywhere in the fortress of Mirenia is full of artificial people who are repairing the fortress.

After all, the battle last night had done too much damage to the fortress of Mirenia.

All parts of the fortress have to undergo repairs.

And on the plains outside the fortress of Mirenia, there are many artificial humans carrying out restoration work.

Although this work has been going on since last night.

But at that time, it was more about cleaning the battlefield and recycling the damaged dragon tooth soldiers, golems and androids.

By the way, let's deal with the artificial blood.

It wasn't until the daytime today that there was time to free up the terrain for refinishing.

Because of this, the Thousand World Tree family deployed a large expelling barrier in the vicinity overnight.

As a result, there were no figures at all near the Mirenia Fortress at this time.

At the same time, it is not only the androids who are busy.

The masters of the Thousand World Tree family are also busy contacting the Magic Association and communicating with them about the Holy Grail War.

At this moment, Chiron and Joan of Arc came to Shirou Emiya's room together and knocked on the door.


After opening the door, Shirou Emiya saw the two who came together.

"Why did you come together?"

"I happened to meet Mr. Chiron on the way."

"Why, don't you invite us in and sit down?"

"How could it be, Mr. Chiron! Please come in quickly!"

After saying that, Shirou Emiya took the two in.

Walking into Shirou Emiya's room, looking at the magic materials and various drawings on the table in the room, Jeanne asked doubtfully, "What are you studying!"

"A special prop!"

Looking at the blueprint that Joan of Arc picked up, Emiya Shirou said with a smile, "See if you can understand it!"

"is it hard?"

Spreading out the blueprint in his hand, Joan of Arc instantly fell into a state of confusion.

"What, what is this!?"

All kinds of patterns, all kinds of symbols, and all kinds of mathematical formulas.

For Joan of Arc, who didn't even understand basic mathematics, it was like reading a book from heaven.

"Look, I knew you didn't understand!"


As he spoke, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but laugh.

Seeing this, Jeanne couldn't help blushing, and punched Shirou Emiya in anger.

But this punch was received steadily by Shirou Emiya.

Holding Jeanne's fist, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but grin at Jeanne.

This made Joan of Arc, who remembered the atmosphere from last night, blushed again.


After pretending to cough a few times, Chiron said helplessly: "Can you two flirt and choose a place where no one is there. You embarrass me like this!"

After receiving Chiron's reminder, Emiya Shirou quickly put down his fist.

Joan of Arc also hurriedly stepped back, carrying the two of them behind her back.

Although the two of them have not said anything clearly, a feeling has already been generated in their hearts.

Emiya Shirou immediately changed the subject of the embarrassing scene.

"Mr. Chiron, do you know why you came to see me today?"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's question, Chiron's expression suddenly became serious.

"Shirou, did you really know the true face of Amakusa Shirou Tokisada from the very beginning?"

Hearing Chiron's question, Emiya Shirou's expression became serious.

He knew very well that after experiencing what happened in the Hanging Garden, he would definitely be questioned by him.

"Yes, I know!"

"Then you appeared in this world because of Shiro Amakusa Tokisada's wish?"

"It's not all ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I also have my own wishes."

"Then will you fight to the last moment as Black's Servant?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Chiron was very satisfied with Emiya Shirou's answer.

This is enough, as long as Emiya Shirou still thinks that he is a servant of Black and will fight for Black to the last moment.

Other things don't need thinking.

Chiron trusts his new disciple.

Patting Emiya Shirou on the shoulder, Chiron said earnestly, "Then keep going according to your inner thoughts!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and prepared to leave here.

Emiya Shirou was also very moved by Chiron's trust.

He immediately stopped Chiron and said, "Master, don't leave yet, the props I have prepared for Fiore have been completed!"

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