I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 209: Joan of Arc following the revelation

I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://


The sound of the collision of the gun and the sword reverberated in the air.

Facing Emiya Shirou's flaming sword, Achilles' face did not show the slightest fear.

Instead, it was filled with joy.

The two people with the same exaggerated speed kept moving and colliding in mid-air.

He kept shifting his position, and soon hit a forest.

But even so, the aftermath of Karna's release of the Noble Phantasm still reached the sight of the two of them.

"Hahaha! It seems that our red party's plan seems to have succeeded!"

Waving a midweek shot, Achilles said with a laugh.

Emiya Shirou has also learned about the plan that Achilles mentioned by speaking with Chiron.

But he didn't feel bad about it.

Because such an outcome is undoubtedly the best outcome for Ziegfeld.

In the original book, Siegfried gave up his oath with Karna in order to save the life of the android.

Ultimately, this oath was inherited and fulfilled by Zig.

It was probably the best ending for him back then, but he is clearly better now.

After all, this time, he not only saved the android, but also fulfilled his vow with Karna, which was enough for him.

"So what, as long as I'm here, you red side don't want to win the final victory!"

"Stop talking too much! The final winner is me!"

The extremely agile two people are constantly rushing in the jungle. The two of you come and go, and the battle is extremely fierce!

But in this fierce battle, the two were hardly hurt.

After all, they are both offensive and defensive beings.

After becoming LV.6, Emiya Shirou's projection magic also sublimated.

Today, the projection of ordinary Noble Phantasm will no longer drop one rank.

In other words, the Noble Phantasms that Emiya Shirou is projecting today are all genuine items.

Because of this, the dragon's blood armor he wore at this time also had an effect equivalent to the real one, and could ignore attacks below rank B.

The power equivalent to B-rank is deducted from attacks that exceed B-rank.

This made Achilles' attack a lot lessened by Emiya Shirou.

At the same time, even though Achilles' Noble Phantasm, the Brave Noble Phantasm, has been deciphered after obtaining divinity, it is still effective.

In order to completely ignore Achilles' defense, he must have the same level of divinity.

And Achilles' divinity is C rank.

And every time the opponent's divinity is one level less than Achilles, the damage will be reduced by 25%.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou, who only has E-rank divinity, can only deal 50%, or half, damage to Achilles.

This makes it almost impossible for either side to inflict mortal wounds on the other.

And both of them are being treated constantly, which is equivalent to returning blood all the time.

In this case, the two have fallen into a protracted war.

This fierce battle is destined to last for a long time!


And just as the battle between red and black was fiercely going on, a shadowy figure finally appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

She is the Ruler Joan of Arc in this Holy Grail War!

"Is it there?"

Under the reminder of the revelation, Joan of Arc instantly determined the direction she needed to go.

It was in the jungle on the edge of the steppe.

There, there is the real purpose of her present life.

From the very beginning of this world, Jeanne had a feeling that something was wrong.

With a large number of people, the seven cavalry fights against the seven cavalry.

This is indeed an extraordinary state of affairs for which Ruler must be summoned.

However, Joan of Arc was convinced that "the purpose she was given was not this".

Something seemed to be urging him somewhere inside.

That is not so much a sense of mission, but a sense of crisis.

Something irreversible is happening.

The moment she saw the huge floating fortress, Joan of Arc's anxiety reached its peak.

I'm afraid the big battle between Black and Red is about to begin.

No matter which side wins, as long as the victor's wishes in the Holy Grail are good, that's enough for Joan of Arc.

On this point, Joan was quite reassured at first.

Because the masters of both camps are magicians.

Although magicians are out of human ethics, at the same time, they do not pray for the realization of evil wishes.

All they expect is to get to the root.

Or it may be other wishes related to the magic way.

All in all, their wishes should be relatively appropriate content.

However, Joan of Arc had doubts on the issue of the Red Direction launching an attack on himself.

Black's attempt to win over Ruler was fine, as that was just an action to win the Holy Grail War.

However, the red side is a big problem.

I really can't think of a reason for them to kill themselves.

After all, the disadvantages of doing so far outweigh the advantages.

Now, the red side is attacking the black side's stronghold Mirenia with an air fortress.

The steppe outside the fortress of Mirenian has become the center of the battlefield.

The androids and the golems collided with the dragon tooth soldiers and started a tragic battle.

Magic exploded everywhere like cannonballs, and the battle between Servants turned the surrounding into a barren land.

"I must go there as soon as possible and find the real purpose that I have been given!"

Speaking of which, Joan of Arc suddenly thought of Emiya Shirou, who had just become a good friend.

"If he's willing to tell me, then I don't need to bother so much!"

"But since Shirou doesn't want to say it, he must have his concerns!"

The girl who didn't want to force the other side to cast her gaze into the distant jungle, where the revelation had prophesied.

"Then I should go too!"

Joan of Arc charged quickly towards the battlefield. The next moment, countless dragon tooth soldiers rushed to her surroundings.

These dragon tooth soldiers even ignored the androids and golems who were fighting with them, and directly targeted Joan of Arc.

"Is that so!"

Joan of Arc waved the battle flag in her hand and smashed the dragon tooth soldiers one by one. Although Ruler basically takes "avoiding actions that are directly related to the outcome of the Holy Grail War" as a principle, since he is hostile to himself, there is nothing he can do.

With a sharp roar that split the battlefield, Joan of Arc galloped towards the destination.


Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, who was fighting Frankenstein, suddenly stopped what he was doing.

He clicked his tongue and jumped back with a serious expression.

"Caster, I'm going to retreat. It seems that her 'detection' is faster than expected. Maybe she has received some revelation."

Frankenstein felt bewildered by Shiro Tokisada Amakusa who suddenly distanced himself, and decided to observe the situation for the time being.

"In order to enforce a fair and selfless judgment, I heard that most of the people selected as Ruler are saints, does she belong to that category~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Shakespeare shrugged his shoulders in a sarcastic manner.

"Looks like that. Now is the critical moment, Caster. If she impeaches me, the situation will be very messy. No, it will be very boring in your words."

"Forcibly lengthening the part that didn't have any ** plot is a feature of stupid work. In that case, the story of the Master on the battlefield will end here for the time being."

"Well, let's retreat! Soon things will develop to a situation where even Ruler can't do anything. Besides, it seems that my decision is correct. Because I still avoided 'death' by a tiny margin."

After Amakusa Shirou Tokisada said that, he inserted the black key into the ground in front of Frankenstein who was about to dash forward like a wall was erected, and then started to leave the battlefield with all his strength.

"Master, that fellow Ruler is charging straight in your direction. Hurry up! There's no way to stop it with the Dragon Teeth Soldiers alone!"

"I know!"

After hearing Semiramis' reminder, Shirou Tokisada Amakusa quickly ran back.

Now is not the time to meet Ruler.

"But the other party has already come to the battlefield, I'm afraid they won't give up easily!"

"In that case!"

"Atalanta, lead Spartacus to Ruler, and give her that dynamite bag!"

After chatting with Atalante through reciting, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa began to retreat quickly.

"I wonder if you can survive Spartacus' self-destruction! Ruler!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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