I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

Even the great hero Karna didn't have a gun from the beginning.

He was originally riding a chariot, drawing a bow and shooting arrows, and won people's admiration as a warrior with both Archer and Rider characteristics.

Of course, that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to use guns and swords.

So, why was Karna summoned to the Lancer class?

Before the final battle with the five Pandu brothers, that is, with Arjuna, a Brahmin monk visited Karna, who had become the commander-in-chief of the enemy army at that time.

Then, the monk asked Karna, who was bathing, for the golden armor.

There is no need for monks to use gold armor at all.

However, when Karna was bathing, he had already made an oath that whatever the monk wanted would be given to him.

Under the premise of knowing this oath, the great **** Indra, who incarnated as a Brahmin monk, asked Karna for the golden armor.

After all, the five Pandu brothers are actually his sons.

Indra, who was very aware of Karna's power, didn't want to see Arjuna die at his hands anyway.

As a result, even though he knew all this beforehand, Karna immediately took off the golden armor fused to his body and gave it to Indra.

Witnessing such a noble action, Indra couldn't help feeling deeply ashamed of his actions, so he dedicated a gun to him.

At the cost of the golden armor, what Karna got was the legendary spear that could kill even a god.

It is because of this spear that Karna is considered the strongest spearman.

And now, the strongest spearman is showing the majesty of the strongest spear here.

With this ultimate blow, Siegfried was eliminated here without any twists and turns.

This virtuous hero finally fulfilled his agreement with Karna himself in this world and fought to the death.

So far, Saber of both red and black has withdrawn.

As the strongest class among the seven major classes, no one would have thought that the two of them would be the first to retire, which is unexpected!


Looking at Karna standing on the burning ground, Vlad III was full of killing intent.

He understood that he was being calculated by the other party.

And this directly led to the death of his own Saber Siegfried.

But what surprised him even more was Karna's attack just now.

In the face of that blow, in order to prevent the destruction of the Mirenia Fortress, all the masters on his side died.

At the last moment, Vlad III returned to the front of the fortress of Mirenia and blocked the front of the fortress of Mirenia with the constantly erected wooden stakes.

This will block the aftermath of the opponent's Noble Phantasm.

"But now you shouldn't be able to exert your full strength, Karna!"

Riding a horse made of a golem and walking on the ground scorched by flames, Vlad III said earnestly as he approached Karna.

"In your legend, when you use the spear, you lose the armor."

"And that kind of attack, I'm afraid you can only use it once!"

"How can you resist me now?"

"Although your plan to quickly eliminate Saber has indeed been completed, what should you do yourself?"

"If I execute you here, we will still make money!"


"Do you think so?"

Looking at Vlad III who was walking slowly, the corners of Karna's mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"What's the meaning?"

Seeing Karna's confident appearance, Vlad III couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, the Master's voice sounded in Karna's ears.

"In the name of the Command Spell, please take back your divine armor, Karna!"

Following the command of the Command Spell, a dazzling light circulated on Karna's body.

The next moment, Karna in golden armor appeared again in front of Vlad III.

"Can Command Spells still do this?"


Waving the inextinguishable blade, Karna said lightly.

"In the end, our Servants are just spiritual bodies composed of magic power. Although everyone's performance is different, they are essentially just a group of magic power."

"So as long as there is enough magic power, what can't be done?"

"After all, with the Command Spell, even miracles like space travel can be accomplished, so what's the harm in getting back the weapon that originally belonged to you!"


Vlad III knew that he was completely fooled!

Red Fang's plan completely calculated him!

This result undoubtedly made him particularly angry.

"In that case, let's start our fight! Karna!"

"It's natural, Vlad III!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two men with long spears fought together in an instant.


"So that's the case, is this the other party's plan?"

Looking at the changes in the field, Chiron sighed helplessly.

"First, let Karna use the command spell to strengthen his strength, so as to force Siegfried to use the command spell to respond to the enemy. After all, the situation at that time was too urgent."

"The red side is very clear that Siegfried lost two Command Spells because of the master's operation during the duel with Achilles. Therefore, as long as he loses one more stroke, Siegfried has no possibility of escaping. !"

Facing Karna's ultimate blow, Siegfried had no ability to deal with it.

Only if the Master uses the Command Spell to move through the space and move the Slave away to avoid it.

This is also the only chance for Black to break the game.

It is also Black's only flaw.

If the red side wants to reduce the strength of the black side, it must first eliminate a general of the black side.

At the moment when Chiron's existence is unclear, only Emiya Shirou, Vlad III and Siegfried are their targets.

Others can't affect the situation at all.

Black may not be able to take this blow, but except for Siegfried, everyone else has enough Command Spells to avoid this blow.

This is the evil result of the random use of Command Spells, a continuation of past events. In this way, Black's only flaw was caught by the opponent!

"As expected of the Holy Grail War, it's really impossible to have any flaws!"

"The ones listed are all heroes who have been passed down through the ages, and no one will give you the chance to make mistakes!"

"Siegfried, what a pity!"

On the other side, in the Fortress of Mirenia, Danick, who had also figured it out, threw the red wine in his hand angrily.

"Bastard Gold, it's his fault!"

"That's what led to Siegfried's death. I really want to kill him!"

"In the beginning, it was better for Coles to summon Saber than him!"

At the same time, in the Fortress of Mirenia, the masters of the Servants also had a new understanding of the importance of Command Spells.

"However, the most important thing now is not our form, but that guy!"

Looking at the huge monsters advancing on the battlefield, even Chiron couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Under the direct damage of Atalanta's Noble Phantasm and the aftermath of Karna's Noble Phantasm, Spartacus, who was constantly proliferating, turned into a huge monster and moved on the battlefield.

After Spartacus was captured, all of Black's followers learned of his Noble Phantasm.

Spartacus' Noble Phantasm "The Roar of the Defective Beast" is an anti-human Noble Phantasm that can convert part of the damage into mana and accumulate it to improve its own abilities.

Under the constant damage and accumulation of magic power, Spartacus at this time accumulated incomparably terrifying magic power in his body.

Once his Noble Phantasm reaches the critical point and self-destructs, its power is comparable to that of an Ex-level opposing Noble Phantasm.

And now, his size is approaching the critical point!

Once he blew himself up, this plain as a battlefield would probably be completely destroyed!

Moreover, Black's base, the Mirenia Fortress, is also here.

If it is affected, I am afraid the consequences are unimaginable!

Now what Black needs to worry about most is that Red uses Spartacus' self-destruction to destroy its own base.

After all, the Noble Phantasm Red Fang of Spartacus must know.

Moreover, the opponent's base fortress is not on the ground!

"How is this good!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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