Although there is the divine nature of the Holy Light and the divine nature of the God of War within the body, the consequences of this have to be careful.

Utos Demon Blood God shook his head and stretched out his palm to show that he didn't know either.

"If you ask me about this consequence, I don't know. I naturally became the Heretic God King, and my body is in the vast universe, and it has appeared since I was born."

Lu Yu didn't seem to be lying when he heard the Evil God King's words.

Especially now that the Evil God King has worshipped him as the master, if he was lying to him, it would simply be unreasonable.

"Why don't you integrate into the ancient gods and become stronger like us?"

Lu Feier raised her own question, their body is the new force of belief in ancient gods.

At the same time, extracting the power of the ancient gods to enhance his own strength! Lu Yu shook his head, and a wisp of solemnity suddenly appeared in his eyes! "If you merge into the ancient gods and become stronger, it is very likely that another situation will happen. You will become more and more dependent on the ancient gods in the stage of order, and in the end you will meet and become the slaves of the ancient gods, if you want to truly become a false god and have his own god as a developer, he must obey his own laws of power!"

Lu Yu put forward his views to Lu Feier.

Lu Feier nodded, and what Lu Yu said made some sense.

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Chapter [-]: Blood Mystery Technique, Deterrence of Thousand-handed Demon God! (Please collect! Please subscribe! i)


"However, I heard from them that you can use your own abilities to change monsters. If that's the case, why don't you try to change the bloodline and exchange the blood of the human powerhouse with each other to visit them. If the changes in it are beneficial to you, then accept them; if they are unfavorable, you can completely reject them.”

"You are quite clever."

Lu Yu was not stingy with his praise, and what Lu Feier said was somewhat of a reference for him.

"That is."

Lu Feier proudly raised her delicate face, stretched out her palm and spread it out to Lu Yu, saying, "Tuition fee!"

"Learn from your size, and it's good for me to take care of you."

Lu Yu chuckled, this little girl will start talking about the price to herself.

"Okay, since that's the case, then let's go. Next, we must rescue those humans first. Utos Demon Blood God should know where they are!"

Lu Yu turned to look at Utos Demon Blood God, Utos Demon Blood God is a kind of evil god king.

As for where the other evil god king is, I am afraid that the evil god king understands the psychology.

"I know I know, but"

The Demon Blood God of Utos was a little hesitant, especially when he saw the light in Lu Yu's eyes.

If you want to use him, it is very likely to have an adverse effect on the evil god companion.

A sneer appeared on Lu Yu's face, he walked towards the Evil God King, and put it on the Evil God King's shoulder.

"I hope now you can be: smarter, as I hope, better tell me all you know, and the cooperation between the two of us is just beginning, isn't it?"

Utos Demon Blood God can only helplessly nodded, and stepped into this endless black mist space.

"The space folding that we just presented is absolutely impossible in the general realm, unless your realm level is higher than mine, or at the same level as me, then the folding situation can occur, but why did I just will fall into the river of time"

The Evil God King asked softly, wanting to know the reason why he is the blood god of Utos! Unlike Lu Yu, he is a natural evil god. Another saying is that he was taken care of by heaven and earth, but now he has indeed been defeated by Lu Yu. It is normal to be unhappy.

Lu Yu chuckled lightly and shook his head, there is no such question as Wang.

"You should know all the dangers and the road ahead. Which of us are Joe Sanev, come over here, do you want him to see what those people look like? Maybe he has a little impression and says no.


"it is good!"

Josanev hurriedly walked away from behind.

He was fiddling with the dark green tablet in his hand. When he saw this Evil God King standing in front of him, he still felt a little horrified! The Evil God King's fighting power is known to the world, but in front of Lu Yu's eyes, he seems to be a little bastard who is not worth mentioning. .

This made him even more fearful of Lu Yu, and worshipped him inexplicably. If he followed Lu Yu, it would be fine for them to become gods! "Have you seen it?"

The Evil God King fixed his eyes on this slab.

He slowly shook his head, and the brilliance of divinity displayed all over his body, and said, "I have only seen these few people, and the few people you mentioned are just the little guys on the periphery."

A figure appeared in front of him with divinity.


With cold murderous intent in Lu Yu's eyes, he turned to look at the Evil God King.

"cough cough"

Utos Demon Blood God coughed twice and said, "I don't mean to slander them, but it is true in terms of our combat effectiveness. I have only met a few people."

As soon as he finished speaking, several gray-haired old men suddenly exhaled from the divine brilliance of his body.

When it freezes, it is undoubtedly not a gentleman in a suit. Above their eyeballs, with a golden luster, they don't seem to be human.

It looks like the ancient gods carved in the Thousand-handed Demon God.

"Oh my god! This is the Grand Duke of Di Liuke! He is known as the economic pillar of the human system. I didn't expect that he disappeared a few months ago, and you are actually tied!"

Josanev exclaimed, and the Grand Duke of Di Liuk was a huge and well-known tycoon.

I don't know why it suddenly disappeared! This is just one of the most taboo things in the Di Liuke family.

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