When Lu Yu asked, he stood in front of many evil gods and did not hide what he wanted to do.

Many evil gods sighed, and Lu Yu's purpose was already obvious.

Utos Demon Blood God's face was clearly embarrassed. This was his brows twisted into eight characters, his body turned into a gray stone, not as majestic as a diamond.

"Hey, if I don't chase this kid and let him go, there's no such thing as this, I'm really careless."

"What are you muttering, speak quickly, don't be long-winded."

Lu Yu urged, no matter how remorseful the Utos Demon Blood God was, it was no longer his business, what he wanted to know was how to become the original God.

The Demon Blood God of Utos gave Lu Yu a wink, and then walked over to the long river of time not far away.

Lu Yu looked at Utos Demon Blood God mysteriously, but Utos Demon Blood God couldn't do anything, so he followed.

"Could it be the Utos Demon Blood God Statue for some kind of method, or else we'll go up and have a look."

Tan Si said softly from the side, looking at this Utos Demon Blood God, he always felt that something was wrong.

Yaojiu shook his head, since this Utos Demon Blood God wanted to carry what they said behind his back.

Then there must be big news, even if it's fake, they can't go forward and listen to it.

“Better to wait”

Lu Yu noticed on the edge of Time Changhe that Lu Feier, who was following quietly behind him, glanced at her.

Luffy felt a little guilty.

"My realm is also higher, and I am also qualified to become a Yuanshen. What's wrong with having an extra human powerhouse, and it can also help you."

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Chapter [-]: The Origin of the Heretic God, the Devourer of the Worlds!

Lu Fei'er was anxious and wanted to become the original god. She really wanted to know how this evil god became the blood god of Utos.

Moreover, Lu Yu's choice was whether he planned to become the original god with a false god, or whether he planned to follow the path of the blood god Utos.

Lu Yu didn't chase Lu Feier, and turned to look at the evil god king.

"If you have something to say, don't talk anymore. She and I are already close to Yuanshen. If you just joined forces to kill you, I'm afraid you won't be able to form the Diamond Realm as soon as possible."

Utos Demon Blood God regretted it too late, but now he has to bow his head under the eaves.

"You now have the heart of the Heretic God King, the divine personality, and the next step is the divine nature. This divine nature can accept the incense of many evil gods. This thing can't be faked, but you have one more thing, it is not enough to become a heretic god. Wang, I mean the strong one... the evil god king, it's not like we are born with deficiencies."

Lu Yu's eyes rolled around, and he realized that once these things were successful, then it should be Yuanshen.

But why did this Utos Demon Blood God still say that he was born with flaws: "Speak and listen, if it is really difficult, then I will not embarrass you, but if you dare to lie to me, you will know the consequences."

Lu Yu warned Utos, the blood god.

The Utos Demon Blood God itself is an evil god, and it is very likely that he will come to fool him, which needs to be paid attention to.

"I know, in front of this little girl, I don't dare."

Utos Demon Blood God nodded.

Even if this little girl with decent fighting power is standing here, the lies she said will be easily exposed by them, after all, the organization of false gods is very powerful.

"I don't want you to be flattering, hurry up."

Lu Feier looked at Utos Demon Blood God and urged urgently, just waiting nervously, but this guy still wanted to talk to him about other things.

Utos Demon Blood God just wanted to refute, but he opened his mouth and let it go. After all, he can't fight Lu Feier now, why bother, "Our evil gods are inherited from the ancient evil gods, or the blood of the ancient evil gods, This is what has led to our strength from ancient times to the present, and the bloodline has not been broken until this step.”

"Then what you mean is the bloodline. As long as the most powerful bloodline is found, then I will be the original god, and there will be no problem at all."

"Yes, so to speak."

Lu Yu nodded like an old schoolboy and looked at the east, suddenly a solemn message came out of the gods.

"However, I have to do one thing, the strength of the blood means the strength of the feet, and some

Divinity and divine personality are not important at that time, no, if your bloodline is strong, someone will naturally attract you, after all, it is the descendant of the ancient giant god, you should understand when I say this.”

Lu Yu nodded.

"Then this means that the stronger my bloodline is, the stronger my own strength will be, and the stronger the fusion will be. In this way, the so-called powerful bloodline, where do we start?"


Lu Yu frowned and said, just now this Evil God King was always staring at the east, and the one who just came to rescue... Evil God, should be the strongest.


The Utos Demon Blood God nodded, with a certain tenacity in his eyes, for fear that others would say that he was lying.

"The bloodline has no inheritance for humans themselves, but the Evil God King does!"

Lu Yu fell into a certain amount of thinking! If they want to integrate into the blood of the evil god, then they are likely to join the will of the evil god, and there will be a certain danger of assimilation! "What are the consequences?"

Lu Yu laughed.

He wants to know the secret of bloodline.

Especially the powerful Utos Demon Blood God bloodline, it is very likely that he may enter the riot.

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