Her palm slammed on her heart, and in an instant, the meridians above her arms floated up, her muscles tightened! A slender beauty turned into a violent muscle girl! Lu Yu almost Stunned: "Drink!"

With a strong exhalation, there is no divine spirit on her fist, just an empty punch! "Crack"

In an instant, with the strength of the fist, it broke the void.


The powerful divine brilliance, under this punch, actually retreated step by step, and exploded with a burst of air! "What kind of power is this!"

Lu Yu was stunned: "Yi Fan can fight against God! Such power can defeat God, how could human beings reach such a limit just with that pair of flesh fists? Without such a trace of God, it seems like Back to basics! Yes, back to basics! "Damn ancient gods!"

Sen Bai cold bone gun scolded angrily, then shook his arm.

The bone just now had been beaten into powder, but he repaired it so quickly that he didn't have an immediate body.

turned into powder.

"Boy, your energy is still not gathering faster, use my Chaos Qi! I drag her, and you will shoot her to death immediately! If you continue to delay, I am afraid Gufa will come out, and my thoughts will be lost. You will surely die!"

He said in a hurry, that face seemed to be a little hesitant, "Okay!"

Lu Yu's eyes are sure! His face is solemn, but his heart is already happy.

For the regulation of the surrounding chaotic qi, regardless of his strength, he has seen all the chaotic qi around him rushing towards his chaotic revolver gun: Chaos revolver gun: the chaotic qi above is getting stronger and stronger "If you want me to be a slave, go to hell, you forced me to do everything today, and you brought it on yourself!"

Each of Lu Yu's words was a word that jumped out of the gap between his teeth. However, his words

His eyes blinked slightly! Sen Bai's cold bone gun didn't have time to see Lu Yu's face. Hearing Lu Yu's words, he knew that Lu Yu must be in the same camp with him! The bone ball smashed in the past! Lu Feier quickly stepped back! What the hell is that bastard Lu Yu being vicious on the surface, but now he blinked.

"It's teasing"

She muttered to herself, and a black winged brilliance slammed out of her palm! "Destroy!"

A word in the mouth is spit out, the golden lines flow, and the blood of gold flows.

Huge characters appeared behind him, and strange lines slowly emerged from that literal.


The dark portal poured out from behind her, and the word happened to be located in the center of the portal! "Don't do it! She will have the power of the ancient gods! It is very exhausting for her, but she is now Die with us!"

Sen Bai's cold bone gun looked at Lu Yu's angry rebuke, and the chaotic energy was already reprinted from Lu Yu's chaotic revolving gun: In the middle, but this kid was stunned! "To die together!"

Only then did Lu Yu know why the power of the ancient gods is so powerful! You can punch it with her flesh fist, and the divine light directly retreats. It turns out that this is it! Lu Feier already has the will to die! "Dodge!"

He watched Lu Feier roar loudly and pulled the trigger.


Like a chaotic revolver bullet like a divine sun, it swept across the sky and rolled over the back of Sen Bai's cold bone gun! "Damn human, at the last moment you dared to smack me!"

Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun looked at Lu Yu and roared angrily, one of his weapons had his indiscernible will to control this Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun! But! Lu Yu actually dealt with it directly at this last moment. The most unfortunate thing is that he still cooperates automatically, which means that Lu Yu sold him, and he is counting the money for Lu Yu! Lu Feier knew Lu Yu's intention and hurriedly put away the one behind him. Portal, if you do it, you will definitely be destroyed with Lu Yu, the Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun! Lu Yu attacked the Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun, but there is no need to do it again! "Wu Shen, Yi San, escape!"

Her swirling wings turned into a black ray of light, jumping directly into the sky and rushing up! "The claw of time and space, go."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and the whole space was exploding! "Om"

A ripple appeared.

Chapter [-]: Edit new monsters, priests of ancient gods!


In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu's ripples turned into a radiance of time and space, leading Lu Yu to leave this area quickly! "Boom"

The loud explosion caused the mountain to lift up mountain-sized boulders.

Everything around him turned white.

Mountains, trees, and flowing water seem to be transformed into the body and energy of white light in the white light.

The blasting continues to output magnificent energy to the sky, and it will not stop for a while! "Since it is an ownerless thing, then edit it."

Lu Yu looked at such a huge energy column, Sen Bai Leng Bone Spear was already dead, he couldn't die anymore, he directly pulled out his puppet dragon! "Well."

The skull was not damaged in the light! "Then let's edit it together, I'd like to see what kind of baby it is!"

Lu Yu chuckled, the puppet dragon is too weak, the colorful light doesn't work for those who are stronger than the true god, and with the skull, the effect is not necessarily.


Lu Feier looked at Lu Yu with strange eyes, but she didn't know what to say.

She didn't know whether it was suitable or not, she hesitated, and greeted Lu Yu.


Lu Yu turned his head to look at Lu Fei'er, the girl's cheeks were bulging, her hands were on her waist, she was afraid that people would know that she was not angry.


"Why do you think I've worked so hard for a long time, you can get all the benefits, and be my high priest."

Lu Fei'er bit her gleaming teeth, Qiong's nose was panting, and the goddess statue behind her was sacred and unintuitive.

"What if not"

Lu Yu raised his arms and walked towards Lu Feier.

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