He looked at Sen Bai's cold bone spear's angrily scolding, his body swayed down in the void, and rushed down into the huge lake! "Wu Shen, Shui Yu!"

There was a faint smile in Lu Feier's bright eyes.

From her soft eyes, a ray of light emerged! "Woo"

A low-pitched voice rose from between the lakes, and I saw that the whole body was covered in fish scale armor, there were three horns between the head, and a sharp tooth was biting at Lu Yu! "That damn boy, really surrendered to the evil god. , why do I look more and more different."

Chapter nine hundred and seventy-two: Cross the realm of ancient darkness and kill the evil god!

Sen Bai's cold bone gun just hesitated for a moment, and immediately shot to save people! "Open!"

Hearing his loud shout, I saw the surrounding blood-red rays of light surging in the lake, turning into a giant dog and bombarding the monsters! "Boom!"

A huge explosion sounded above this piece of water.

Lu Yu felt that the threat behind him loosened, it turned out that the huge monster had already broken into water.

A crow and a fire dragon from the sky and the ground are rolling in! "Sen Bai cold bone gun! Now I will deal with Lu Feier directly with you two, don't hesitate any more, otherwise you and I will die!"

He looked at Sen Bai's cold bone gun and said angrily, and he smashed into the deep mountain in one fell swoop.

Accompanied by the earth dragon flame and the spiritual coercion of the crow above the sky.

He was actually driven into the ground layer by layer! "Okay!"

Sen Bai cold bone gun no longer hesitate, Lu Yu has been beaten so miserably.

If Lu Yu died, Lu Feier would turn around and toss him! "The Realm of Ancient Darkness! Tu"

The voice in the mouth is obscure and difficult to understand, and the profound meaning is deep in all directions! "Om"

in this space.

Boundless, the power of chaos spread out! She just took two steps, and she felt that her space did not know where she was, and it flowed around very quickly, like watching flowers on a horse, she could walk through her predecessor's past!" !"

There was a trace of panic in Lu Fei'er's eyes, as if she saw her past family being destroyed, she cried bitterly, as if her parents were in front of her eyes, but the evil gods were different, and she gulps down her blood sacrifices! "No, it's okay. Find it out and kill you!"


Another "Lu Fei'er" that is exactly the same as Lu Fei'er

Come out! There is a smile in her eyes, at the same time, behind her is exactly the same as Lu Feier, and it is also a huge crow god! "Go!"

Sen Bai's cold bone gun is located in the dark, and he sees Lu Feier and "Lu Feier"

They are fighting each other! Their moves are exactly the same.

In the analysis of their energy, all of them are presented in the eyes of Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun! "Sen Bai Leng Bone Gun, now you give it to me, it is impossible to destroy me with her power, I have no heart. magic!"

The anger sounded, and Lu Feier's arm suddenly changed, directly turning into two black wings, and the visualization behind her changed, turning into a black crow! It turned into three golden-footed crows!"

Damn, don't you do it yet?"

A part of Lu Yu's body was already charred black, and his eyes were also chaotic, lacking mental power, and his body was attacked by the heavenly bird and the earth dragon.

"Boy, who are you talking to"

Sen Bai turned his head with a cold bone gun. He had already saved Lu Yu in that battle, but he never thought that Lu Yu would dare to speak up in front of them! "Kill!"

Lu Feier has already been killed, just the sound of the conversation between the two can already locate Lu Yu! She doesn't know whether Lu Yu is doing this on purpose, or is forcing Sen Bai Lenggu to shoot! "Humph!"

Sen Bai cold bone gun sneered, and black smoke billowed from the whole body. In an instant, it became a troll power across the world! "Death!"

His big bone fist was dyed with red light between the sky and the earth, as if a piece of Lu Feier's cheeks emerged from the fist of the bones! From Lu Feier's laughter to pain, from her parents to his brother.

Scene after scene of sadness repeats itself from the bones of the hand, which can disrupt people's mental power! "Damn!"

Lu Feier stabilized her mental strength, and behind her three crows with golden claws flapped their huge wings, burning a fiery flame! "Today! Neither of you want to escape!"

She looked at Lu Yu and Sen Bai Leng Gujian and said viciously, these two guys mixed together and fell into this realm! Only by killing these two guys can we go out safely, otherwise I was trapped in it all my life! "Hurry up and restrain her, I have a way to kill her, and use my Chaos Qi!"

Lu Yu roared in a hurry and drew out his Chaos Revolver: "There is an untraceable smile on the corner of his mouth! "Om"

Chaos revolver gun: There is a huge ray of light on it, and in this realm, he can't mobilize such chaotic energy.

The space of this chaotic energy is condensed by the Evil God King! Without the power to reach the Evil God King, this chaotic energy cannot be mobilized! "Okay!"

Sen Bai cold bone gun nodded the huge white bone skull.

It was Lu Yu who helped him delay Lu Fei'er just now, and Lu Fei'er is already trapped here! Now kill this Lu Fei'er and then slaughter Lu Yu, it's like having the best of both worlds! "You too!"

Sen Bai's cold bone spear snarled at the ten evil gods sitting outside the realm! I didn't expect these ten evil gods to be so timid. The ten evil gods he sent were also carefully selected by him, but they actually dragged their feet. his hind legs.

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Chapter [-]: The Lord of Twenty-five Boys, destroy the claws of time and space!

Lu Yu sent out a divine sense.

"it is good!"

The ten ten evil gods did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed into the realm.

The black fine lines exposed around their bodies can bolster the power of this white cold bone gun! "Kill!"

Hearing a roar, a bunch of purple flames accompanied by countless faces, Sen Bai's cold bone gun flew directly towards Lu Feier! "Kill!"

Lu Feier was unafraid and noticed that Lu Yu's chaotic revolver gun: the energy above it is getting stronger and stronger, and the chaotic energy around is emptiness and civilization! "Wu Shen, Kone!"

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