
Lu E's words are filled with incomparable confidence and arrogance! Lu Yu's heart is like rolling thunder! But!

The evil god's remarks: "That was the past, and the change starts from this moment."

In Lu Yu's heart, everything was stopped by a smiling face! Poverty can change, change leads to success, generality leads to success, and success leads to goodness in the world! Change can lead to life! But.

Judging from the current deteriorating situation, this group of Dominators can't wait to take all the world in their hands! They are racing against a crisis! "It's so stupid and unreachable, until I swallow you, the great god, Take your world as your own, and then you will be my slave again, and when I become qualified as an evil god, I will promote you, slave!"

The rough, wild, firm voice had already caused Aros Lu's evil eyes to look down on Lu Yu.

Especially such a humble being, born so small and powerless, in his eyes only worthy of being a slave! Legendaries are legends after all, and human beings will only get weaker and weaker! "The time is up, thank you for your answer."

Lu Yu's expression lit up with murderous intent, the corners of his mouth twitched, the smile on his face was a little crazy, and he was very spiritual! He glanced at the Thousand-handed Demon God! "Om"

The chaotic energy that had been condensed all around suddenly showed a little bit of starlight, and the law of time like a river twisted freely! "No! You actually want to drag me into the river of time!"


Lu E discovered at this time, in order to swallow this space of Lu Yu.

He has already taken root in this space, ready to absorb all of Lu Yu's spirituality! But now it seems that he is very wrong, in this long river of time.

His tentacles have been pulled in deeply! "Destroy it!"

Lu Yu's expression was cold, and he saw the huge space.

Chaos Qi is not under control! The law of time began to pour out from the ground! Thousand-handed Demon God's body shook slightly.


Huge palms accompany Alos.

Lu Evil's angry road is pressing down in the long river of time! In the long river.

The monster with a tentacle is the huge body that wants to escape! "Where to go!"

Behind him was a huge thousand-handed demon, and suddenly moved again.

I saw that many arms turned into light and shadows.

Take this Alos together.

Lu E fiercely pressed towards the bottom of the river of time! "Wow!"

The scouring of the river of time is in Alos.

Lu E's body, up, made him sink into the long river fiercely! "Ah, despicable, ah, I am Aros.

Evil road."

Anger spewed flames from his eyes and waved his tentacles! : Please collect! Please subscribe! Please monthly pass!

Chapter [-]: Seize the Godhead, the ancient evil god!


Lu E, it's amazing, I'm so scared, I'm really scared."

Lu Yu's chest was like a bellows, his eyes were wide open, his blue veins burst out, and it seemed that he would faint from the fright in the next moment! "Ah"


Lu Evil roared furiously, but waited.

Only Lu Yu's harmless smile.

This madman has never thought about the consequences and reckoning! He is mocking, mocking! "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go"


Lu E knew that there was no turning back! The originally cumbersome Thousand-handed Demon God was so flexible! Especially Lu Yu, who was standing on the forehead of the Thousand-handed Demon God! At this moment, he was indifferent, and there seemed to be stars on his handsome face that were cold, which made him feel cold. He's on fire! "Godhead"

A faint smile appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he stretched out a palm.

Correspondingly, the Thousand-handed Demon God stretched out a big hand at the same time! "You can also try to grab your tentacles on the big hand, trying to escape the long river of obliteration, I am looking forward to a more dramatic scene. !"

Lu Yu's voice was relaxed and calm, a warning! He just quietly looked at the so-called son of the evil god! "Om!"


A crimson orb came out of the compound eye on the top of Lu E's head.

I saw that between the slight movements of the eyes, this orb seemed to be just a group of light and shadow twisting.

Lu Yu twitched his huge palm at this time.

That mass of light and shadow appeared in the palm of the Thousand Hands Demon God! "Ding, get half of the Heretic God Godhead!"

As soon as the system's voice fell, Lu Yu's eyes suddenly widened, as if he wanted to take a closer look.

A radiant brilliance blooms in the Evil God Godhead.

Use your fingers to lift up the godhead, and you will dance between the fingertips with a ray of light. It seems that this is not a godhead. It seems that there is one who can breathe and has a heart.

A guy who can talk! Lu Yu's heart could clearly hear the thumping sound, and the bigger the sound, it was like the sound of the morning bell and the evening drum.

"Quick, get me out! Don't be a jerk! Humans! Humans!"

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