There is a huge sharp nose between the blood-colored round face, the eyes seem to be deliberately drawn large, and there are spots of blood in the eyes, and the corners of the mouth seem to be sewn up with rag dolls.

"Great evil god, from the call of the people"


Accompanied by this burst of sound.

There was a shudder in the air.

The blue light has a connection in this chaotic huge river bank.

Black cracks spread out! "Come on!"

Lu Yu's fist clenched, but he didn't expect that the evil god to come as promised.

He knew that if the Heretic God descended, it would definitely be earth-shattering! Such a movement was still too small, and it was truly incredible to have come in response to the summons.

A product in the world of evil gods! "Faithful servant Migalai, you summon my father, are you going to sacrifice the head of a demigod, or the godhead of a true god?"

A mountain-sized demon beetle appeared. The demon beetle was crimson red and had countless tentacles. It seemed that it could make him crawl. At the same time, it emitted a dim light from its 28 golden pupils.

Humans have faces and arms.


This little evil god who claims to be the evil god is his father doesn't have it.

"Of course you're going to sacrifice me."

A cold voice came out.

Sounds in this chaotic fog.

The kind of grand figure that stretches between the heavens and the earth begins to gradually become real! "Hmm"

Son of the evil god, Aros.

Lu Wei was slightly stunned.

He raised his head and looked into the sky! "It turned out to be a false god, but I have caught up with the new one. This is not in the sequence of evil gods. I didn't expect that false gods really exist, although you want to use God's body, come to attack me, but I tell you, I have half a godhead, and seeing you, a false god, has no effect on me at all, and I may eat you!"


Lu E's figure gradually distorted.

He opened his mouth and swallowed Migalai, who was beside him, and the fat tentacles all over his body "poof"

It exploded, revealing strips of blood mist, and along with the blood-red smoke, the figure rose up by itself in this chaotic air! "False God"

Lu Yu is very interested in these two words! Look at this Aros.

The road is still there: it is rising steadily, and it seems that it is never afraid from this dark ground! Moreover, the crack just now has black magic fog gushing out!: Please collect! Please subscribe! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the chapter

Chapter [-]: Lord of Dimension, Time Trap!


Lu E can intercept the power from another dimension, strengthen his body to devour the Thousand-handed Demon God.



Lu He smiled smugly, and moved rows of tentacles around his body.

In the dark green skin, a sausage mouth full of sharp teeth suddenly appeared.

The dark purple thorn tongue is full of eyeballs, and it is extremely evil! "The gods established by the self-belief of mortals! All exist in an orderly manner that does not belong to this world, and seeing you as a god seems to have been perfected, but the day after tomorrow. A god without a godhead is a false god."

Staring at the Thousand-handed Demon God, Alos.

It seems that Lu E is rarely interested:.

"As determined by the realm of your human beings, although it is a bit ridiculous, it can be regarded as a reference for the time being. Morning Star, Huiyue, Eternal Blazing Sun, True God, Ancient God, Ancestral God, etc., even if the legendary guardians of your ancient times know everything. Come back to life, the abilities they possess will appear together with the strange curses, magic kills, and forbidden words brought by wizards and warlocks, and they will not be able to stop our revival."

Compliment is overflowing on the table.

I saw this Alos.

The road is getting bigger and bigger.

As his body wriggled, his tentacles could pierce through the ground formed by the chaotic energy with a single blow, rooting deeply into the ground! "Why?"

Lu Yu asked about the stupidest and smartest sentence.

why "haha"

The arrogant and arrogant laughter is accompanied by red eyes like the gods hanging in front of him.

The system space of Lu Yu was full of blood and terror.

Between the ancient projections, wars all started.

They can swallow the legend alive! Even the human legend has reached the level of the ancestor god! Looking at the projection, the ancestor god stood in the vast universe, using the stars as a weapon, and the final result was only one fall. Defeat! The great despair makes it difficult for mankind to rise.

If ordinary people see this projection, I am afraid that their inner hope will be immediately.

Collapse, the next moment is to surrender to the evil gods! "To put it bluntly, the quality of your human beings is too low, the number is too small! The evil gods have had supreme abilities since they were born, and they are the darlings of the universe. , getting everything is for granted, and the number of them is controlled by the evil gods themselves, they can breed tens of millions, hundreds of millions at one time, how can you compare?"

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