Chapter [-]: Horror phenomenon, Lord of thousands of weirdness!

After all, he was a boss, and Lu Yu didn't mean to hold his breath, not even a little nervous.

The promotion of other Huiyue rank to Eternal Lieyang is a tangle, and my heart is full of fear, for fear that I will fail in my promotion.

After all, when you are promoted, there is a saying called "promotion failure penalty"

It's like when you are playing, you fail to advance to a diamond on Platinum 1, and the system gets you Platinum 2 as a result.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that this is the case, otherwise it is really impossible to see.

But unfortunately, the reality is more cruel than the game, if Huiyue's promotion to Lieyang is unsuccessful, maybe your rating in Huiyue is 10, and if you fail the promotion, you are a 7.

Where does this danger manifest itself? That is the point where the score of 10 enters the middle of 15.

Don't underestimate these 5 numbers. I don't know how many monsters are smashed here. It's like a watershed. It's easy to cross it, and the rest depends on your talent.

The talented Lu Yu has seen it before, and the rating went from 10 to 15, but it went all the way, but 75, it is definitely a genius among monsters, so it is now a member of the materials in Lu Yu's warehouse.

And Lu Yu doesn't have this kind of worry anymore. His current rating is 93. To put it bluntly, he is standing at the peak of Eternal Lieyang and shouting: I'm going to be promoted to Lieyang, is there any idiot coming to court me? It's so boring! However, it is essentially a process, and the process is over after the promotion, but the strength is still doubled like when Huiyue was promoted to Eternal Blazing Sun.

Being able to feel the growth of his own strength, Lu Yu finally became serious, even if it was a 1-point increase in the score, it would take some time to work hard.

As for the eternal blazing sun monster in the distance, "Brother, do you feel it, there is a human being promoted, it should be Lu Qiu."

That guy should already be at the level of Eternal Blazing Sun, right, it's already 3 now, if this guy with strength is at Huiyue level, then after he is promoted, "Yeah, it's really unimaginable, it's this kind of guy. If so, does that mean that we have no way to escape, this is a monster hunter!"

I don't know, but the Eternal Blazing Sun monsters chatting suddenly stopped, and they all felt the growth of this power.

"Already rated the eternal sun

There are very few monsters, but there must be some, so there is no need to be surprised.”

But have you forgotten, the initial growth is the slowest, and the rating has increased by 2 points, don't you know what it means! "This"

It only took five seconds to go from 93 to 95. What will happen to the next Penjing outbreak has now reached a score of 5. If Lu Qiu's strength has reached the peak of Eternal Blazing Sun, but the promotion has only just begun, so Saying that, you should be able to understand it, "Please get rid of it, this kind of thing is impossible, he is only promoted to Eternal Blazing Sun, how can he break through this layer"

Just because he reached 93 strength at the Huiyue level, what will happen next is not surprising, but when he said it, it was still shocking, this is Lu Qiu! Saqi Dali, I know you don't want to. I believe in this kind of thing, even think that you and I can solve such a problem, and even think that we can kill Lu Qiu within the next half month.

However, my resistance has not been without reason. Even if you are in control of your body now, please don't do stupid things. It is only a matter of time when his power breaks through that limit.

"Even if you say that, it has not broken through after all. It is also the peak of the eternal blazing sun of 100. We will not lose!"

But his breath is not over, that is to say, he has not given up, if he breaks through, you should understand what it means! "So let's kill him now! I don't believe, even if this guy can break through to 101 So what's the difference between 1 and eternity, I won't believe this kind of nonsense!"

Okay, I know, I can't stop you, but you should understand that even if it is an ordinary gap, when the gap reaches 5, a certain degree of suppression can already be formed. If the gap reaches 10, the suppression will already be It's sure to win, and the gap is above this "Shut up, bastard! I'm not interested in listening to this, every time! Every time I take control of my body, you want me to live on your own terms!"

"I will never be a coward like you. Before he reaches 101, I will kill him, it's that simple."

The breath disappeared and didn't reach 101. How could Lu Qiu say, "Why not him, he's just a human being, there are limits to the power of human beings!"

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Chapter [-]: Step into the eternal blazing sun and become a giant of all ages!

Lu Yu in the Jedi Gobi Desert sat cross-legged on the stone, and his breath was forcibly condensed around him.

If it wasn't for the system's reminder, Lu Yu really didn't know that this kind of thing could be shrunk through his own operations, and the smaller the scope of this kind of thing shrunk, the more beneficial it would be for his promotion.

It's just that shrinking requires a lot of power. Under normal circumstances, a monster with a rating of 10 can't shrink too much, and the success rate of promotion is about [-]%% at most: .

But the success rate of [-]%%% will not be abandoned by anyone. Don't look at it as [-]%%%, rounding up to the nearest [-] million yuan! God Miao is [-] million yuan! But Lu Yu is different, Lu Yu directly put this The breath shrunk to a ten-meter radius around him.

"Is this already my limit? Even if it is the limit of Eternal Blazing Sun, there is no way to directly receive this kind of thing in the body and increase the probability of promotion to [-]%. Who set the probability of being a fool? Eternal Blazing Sun Peak? Sending [-]% promotion to Eternal Blazing Sun is messing with me!"

"Peace of Mind and Peace of Mind"

"I'm calm with your cat! The more I think about it, the more I get angry when I take a step back!"

Lu Yu's vain attempt to advance single-mindedly is impossible, but the [-]% bonus is what Lu Yu really likes, and it is the source of doubling Lu Yu's combat effectiveness.

This kind of happiness can make Lu Yu temporarily forget the pit father setting of this world. Lu Yu can feel that he only needs to work a little harder to break through the limit of 100.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu felt a figure in his perception. This figure was still far away from him. However, he would appear in front of him in only three minutes, and he would try his best to put its claws evenly. : into your own body, then dig out your own heart and eat it.

"It's actually a 100-point guy. It seems that he wants to borrow my power to collect the possibility of promotion. It's a very good idea."

"After I put away my breath, I thought I didn't break through the shackles of 100, plus the time was very short, so I judged that my current state was not very ideal, and this made me a prey."

"Looks like a really good idea, but I've pushed the limit of 100."

Lu Yu smiled, and Saqi Dali did the same.

"That human is there! It's too easy for me to be at the level of vigilance he is now, I only need one paw, one paw to kill him!"

Saqi Dali, my old man, you should understand the problem, he is in a very strange state, unless he knows what is going on around him, and he knows all this, and even knows our fastest speed, otherwise, it is impossible. He is really content! He is a guy with the strength of the eternal scorching sun! You can't ignore this! "Even if this is the case, it is still a 100 existence, as long as I am faster than him, then he will not be able to react. ."

"If you can't determine my speed, then use a faster speed, kill him, and then get all his power!"

Lu Yu could feel that his speed was increasing crazily, but unfortunately, the speed he calculated was the fastest speed after Saqi Dali suddenly accelerated.

This was a predicted result, and Lu Yu was sure that as long as this guy didn't break the limit of 00, then he would never be able to exceed his prediction.

One minute and a half, this time is not too much, not too much, but not too much, this time is enough for two eternal blazing sun-level creatures to fight.

"Hehehe, I should have thought that my fastest speed is this, but I have teleportation!"

Saqi Dali laughed wildly, and at this distance, he was sure that he could come directly to Lu Yu.

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