It made my eyes a little sore.

Rubbing his temples, Lu Yu could still feel the life breath of the old ruler, but it seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it doesn't look like you are very good. Even if the physical strength is still above the eternal blazing sun, and the energy purity is insufficient, there is no way to deal with me."

Lu Yu paused, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Of course, if I guessed correctly, you should have a very good plan, don't you want me to tell it?"

It's impossible for this guy to read my mind with his mind-reading skills. That is to say, he is bluffing! Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Tsk, isn't it? That's really boring."

Lu Qiu, Lu Qiu, you are indeed amazing, and even your brain circuits are starting to look more and more like our old existence.

It’s just that you probably haven’t realized something yet, the old rulers are the old ones, and it is impossible for human beings, who can’t even reach the new age rulers, to understand!” For example, realizing that you are trying to The Thousand-handed Demon God who controls me"

Lu Yu's voice suddenly appeared in the mind of the old ruler, as if it was implanted directly into the brain.

"There is a rune in your wrist that can capture the power of the enemy in your rune, and then attach it to a monster, giving the monster power, this is your ability."

What have you already guessed, as expected of Lu Qiu, even though I didn't think about anything in my brain, I still guessed a part of my ability, and it really is an existence that is infinitely close to the old ruler.

It laughed: "It seems that you don't have many questions in your mind. If you want to kill me, you should have many ways. If you don't kill me, but there is no problem asking me, that is to say yours. Mind-reading should be able to read my memory, or even copy it completely, right?"

The intelligence of the Old Ones can calmly come to the answer in an instant, which is really normal.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "No, I don't plan to read those things, because I know your way of thinking is not easy for me to understand, even if it is completely copied, the final result will make my brain stop. run."

"Tsk, a very rational judgment."

"But you still have backhands, and you can break free from the Thousand-handed Demon God."

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Chapter [-]: Promote the eternal blazing sun, the dark age returns!

Boom! Another terrifying explosion, the second explosion has occurred in the Jedi Gobi Desert.

The owner of the human city in the distance of the Jedi Gobi Desert can really be said to be frightened. He does not know what happened here, but what is certain is that the two explosions plus some other things. If the battle there spreads to the city, will be destroyed instantly.

It's no exaggeration to say that it's a possibility.

However, what he didn't know was that this was the result of Lu Yu's suppression.

"Hey, hey, no need, if you use so much energy for a fixed-point blast, you'll be sure to die when you fight with energy next."

Looking at his shattered barrier, Lu Yu was not surprised at all. If the explosion didn't blow up his barrier, it would be unbelievable.

In addition, this barrier was created to prevent this kind of residual power from affecting the human city, otherwise, Lu Yu would be too lazy to do it.

The old ruler did not speak, and the energy in his hand like a drill came to Lu Yu.

The Thousand-handed Demon God smashed into pieces at will, stabbed straight into the abdomen of the old ruler, and slammed out a stone.

"If I killed you just now, you should detonate this thing and die with me."

The old ruler hadn't even reacted, but Lu Yu had already pressed its start switch one step ahead.

It was an alchemy tool, it looked like a gamble, a coin, and Lu Yu and the old ruler were the front and back of the coin respectively.

if "coin"

If it is positive, then Lu Yu will live.

if "coin"

If it's the other way around, then the Old Ones live.

It's a very fair game, but here comes the problem. If one of them is Lu Yu who has the system, and the one with the coin is the Thousand-handed Demon God, then the game is completely fair.

Boom! The third explosion in the Jedi Gobi Desert.

If this is a landlord game, the three 3 bombs in the normal mode should already be considered a must-win situation, not to mention, the last lore is the king bomb.

With the ability of the Thousand-handed Demon God, of course it was the old ruler, not Lu Yu, who exploded.

"The system prompts: Xiao Zhoutian is finished."

"It's finally over, it's time to be promoted to Eternal Blazing Sun

Level up, the boring but busy days are finally over, like a worker in an assembly line, every day is running, killing monsters, extracting, if not for the material, who wouldn’t want to choose a fun and easy job?”

Lu Yu tapped his head, and he could feel the power in his body was about to move.

Promotion will cause some interesting fluctuations. Lu Yu can directly feel this fluctuation. The aura it exudes is like telling the surrounding monsters: a brand new eternal scorching sun level is about to appear in front of them! This aura It will be transmitted to far away places, even beyond the Jedi Gobi Desert, and those monsters will feel Lu Yu's breath.

What can be judged from this breath, we have to look at the strength of these monsters.

If it is a monster that has just awakened, or a monster of the morning star level, then they really can't feel anything, they are all in a state of shivering, and they have no ability to scream.

If at this time, there are Huiyue-level predators around them, then please pray in their hearts: Big, big, big brother, don't kill me, I, I, I, I, I don't want to die, and the Huiyue level is different, they After all, it is at the Huiyue level, and what they can feel is the intensity of Lu Yu's breath so far, which can help them judge Lu Yu's current strength.

Of course, Lu Yu's breath is not so good for them to judge, after all, they can judge only the existence in the range of Huiyue level.

And Lu Yu has already surpassed this strength early, so what they can feel is: a great boss is about to be promoted, we Mengxin should take the opportunity to eat some small fish and shrimp, today's hunting will be very simple, A monster at the level of Eternal Blazing Sun can directly judge Lu Yu's current strength.


And when the Thousand Hands Demon God is turned on, the score should be around 05 that exceeds the limit of the eternal blazing sun:.

This kind of breath reaches the minds of these eternal blazing sun monsters, and they only have one thought: this is really a Huiyue rank promotion to the eternal blazing sun, not that the monsters of the eternal blazing sun have made another important step towards God. Forget it, let us quietly watch you pretending to be forceful, big brother, you have added fuel!: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly ticket!! Ask for evaluation ticket!

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