“Haha, I don’t mean to offend you. I won’t hide it. I just want to test you. "

Gilgamesh shook his head. His power continued to fluctuate and his momentum had reached a peak atmosphere.

And Gudazi did not dare to be careless. King Gilgamesh, the oldest king of mankind, has Interfering with the gods and even replacing them, representing the courage and strength of mankind to abandon the so-called gods outside the era. No

one dares to despise him!

The distant ideal city unfolds!

In just a moment, Matthew unfolds directly The true name of the Noble Phantasm was in full defense mode.

The chain from Anna was slowly undulating. After all, although the King Gilgamesh in front of him was strong, he was not the Heavenly Chain, so there was no need to care about the chain being easily dismissed.

The atmosphere in the venue became more and more solemn and solemn. Even Gudazi had long silently recited the name of the Supreme God of Luck in his heart and did not dare to be careless. But at this moment~, boom boom boom!! One


another Explosions sounded from their heads, and the two parties took a step back warily, looking at each other. There was

doubt in their eyes, and it was obvious that they all knew that this was not the other party. Did it, who would it be?

“Oh ho ho! "

Following a burst of crisp laughter filled with arrogance and narcissism circled throughout the hall, and then a sad figure jumped down from the air.。

“Tsk, why is this guy? "

Seeing the people coming, Gilgamesh waved his hand, put away his metalwork, closed the book, returned to the throne again, and said to the person in front of him speechlessly:

“Ishtar, what are you doing here? "

Yes, the person who came is none other than the idiot goddess Ishtar that Gudazi and Matthew met before.。

“Oh ho ho ho,"

Ishtar covered her mouth, smiled arrogantly, and said with interest, "Why can't I come? No matter how you say it, I am the patron saint of the city of Uruk. Well, you don’t welcome me, right?。”

“Lord Ishtar, can you come from the place where you are shocked next time? The cost of repairing the house is very expensive. "

Seeing Ishtar's performance, the secretary next to him couldn't help but complain. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“You are the one from before..."

Gudazi watched Gilgamesh put away his attack. Naturally, he was no longer at war with each other, and returned to normal. He looked at the visitor and asked. Please give me

flowers 0

“Oh, guests from other eras, it’s amazing that they came so early. "

Ishtar waved his hand and said without paying much attention.。[]

“Hey, what is that idiot over there mumbling about? Then explain your purpose clearly. Really, why do you still have so many things to deal with? "

Seeing that Ishtar seemed to be chatting with the people next to him, Gilgamesh said impatiently.。

“After all, I am also the patron saint of your city. As a person, shouldn’t I salute you when I see you?

Let me tell you, it's very hard to resist the attack from the Goddess of Warcraft right now, haha... Do you want my help? "

Ishtar raised her head proudly and said arrogantly。

“Lord Ishtar, as expected, I knew you would not take action against humans, right? "

Hearing these words of Ishtar, the secretary no longer pursued the cause of the destruction of the house. The corners of her mouth were raised slightly. Even the most veiled veil could not convey the exquisite beauty of her appearance. She said happily:

" It’s so powerful! ”.

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