However, reality often cannot change according to personal wishes.

This is true even if this person is the oldest king of mankind, Gilgamesh, who is comparable to a god.

Although he does not have a life span that can be compared with God, in terms of wisdom and strength, he has reached the status of God and even surpassed it by many.

But it is precisely because of this, and the clairvoyance of a very few ranked magicians in human generations, that he saw a lot.

This god who came from unknown time and space has a level of strength that is far beyond that of their time. Even his mother, who was unable to resist even gods, humans and monsters, might not be able to compare with him.

He could not see through the origin, appearance and intentions of this god, but he could see through the existence of the Caribbean.

It is precisely because of this that although Gilgamesh is certain that these Lakes in the Caribbean have a certain connection with the god behind the divine light, he still does not believe how close the connection is.。

“Lord God must have us behind him, so he will naturally support us, and our strength is not weak either.。”


listening to Gudazi's reply. Gilgamesh stood up again, smiled and did not refute (bcca):

“Weak or not, the spokesperson of the gods is still borrowing the name of the gods. I don’t want to talk to you anymore now. Let’s have a fight. I will understand everything you want to say in the collision of forces.。”

“king? "

Seeing this situation develop, the secretary next to him couldn't help but remind him.。

“Sorry, I have to sully the throne again this time, but it's necessary. "

Gilgamesh said, and the books he held in his hands slowly unfolded, and waves of strange fluctuations were like ripples, slowly blooming behind him. I don't know how

many shapes of swords, guns, swords and halberds, from these ripples The head slowly emerged, flashing with a cold and silent light, full of bloodthirsty.

This is Gilgamesh's trump card, the King's Treasure House, unfolding in this way, making this ancient king of mankind The aura on his body changed from the majestic and gentle one at the beginning to become chilling and terrifying.。

“Sigh~ I knew things would develop like this, King Gilgamesh, you are still the same fun-loving person..."

Merlin covered his head and sighed, and said helplessly, but the last sentence became lower and lower. , in the end he didn’t say anything.

After gathering himself, he said to Anna next to him: “Please。”

“Although this kind of thing is still outside the contract..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Anna said softly, and as she said it, she felt something was wrong. Did she say this too many times? , seemed to have been said several times just today.

She glared at Merlin next to her fiercely. It was obvious that she was dissatisfied with her current situation because of the other party's dishonest deception.。

“Forget it, I won’t argue with you, this bastard, I will continue to help them.。”

“Thanks Anna! Gudazi

smiled slightly and looked at King Gilgamesh seriously. Although he did not have the anticipation for such a development like Merlin did. However, based

on this simple contact, he was not surprised that Jin Shining Shining would be so great. behavior, he breathed out gently, and Gudazi said seriously: "Then, King Gilgamesh will offend next.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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