
So are all the contents in the history books recorded over the years true?

Obviously not. Take the example in front of us. King Gilgamesh of this era is definitely not a cruel tyrant. He is obviously a wise king and a monarch.。

“It's really not easy to handle, but it's okay..."

Gudazi pondered for a while. Although he was a little worried and felt a little powerless in the face of this situation, he still had the Lord of God. The Lord of

God protected him. Gudazi believes that his future will definitely usher in the dawn。

“King Gilgamesh, we are here to seek cooperation. The world has fallen into a crisis that the King of Magicians knows. It is very dangerous. We 12 can help you survive the crisis in this world. Gudazi

took a step forward and said seriously: "Since our goals are the same, why can't we cooperate?" Together we can defeat the darkness of this era! "

Similar scenes, similar actions, similar words, but not exactly the same.

In the trajectory of fate, Gudazi said these words at this moment because he was ignored by Gilgamesh in front of him and looked at by the other party. No, the worry and eagerness that arose after losing the desire to cooperate.

But this is different now. After receiving the blessing of the divine light from the Lord God, Gudazi has confidence in his heart. He is now in a righteous attitude, extremely Seek cooperation confidently。

“Oh, that’s interesting. Seeing Gudazi

in such a confident and proud state, Gilgamesh became interested and said curiously:

“So tell me, how can we cooperate?”

“We can first find the Holy Grail, which is one of the sources of uncertainty and destruction in this special location. After solving this problem, as long as we take the Holy Grail home, then everything in this world will be complete. It can be solved……”

“Wait, wait, hahaha, I admit that you made me a little happy. Gilgamesh

smiled and waved.。


“Holy Grail? You mean this kind of thing? "

Gilgamesh waved his hand and took out a golden cup from the King's Treasure House, which turned out to be the Holy Grail.

Before Gudazi could say anything in surprise, Gilgamesh really didn't care. He put the Holy Grail aside, borrowed a full glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.。

“This is nothing... but as my favorite drinking utensil, it is still pretty good. "

At this moment, Gudazi, who was confident in his heart, began to feel embarrassed. Who is this person? Too

arrogant, too arrogant!

I really want to beat him...

Ma Xiu and Gudazi looked at each other. , quickly calm down, there is no way, I can’t beat it, I can’t beat it at all. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“King Gilgamesh, this is indeed the Holy Grail. I think 597, then the Three Goddess Alliance launched an attack on the city of Uruk precisely because of this talent. We can help you resist this attack...as long as you allow us to bring this to you. go back…”

“Bring back? Hahaha, are you kidding me? This is my king’s treasure. Why do I want you to take it back to Chaldea? Just because others are persecuting me, I have to give up my treasures in order to seek peace? Haha."

Gilgamesh smiled coldly:

“However, for the sake of making me happy before, I will forgive you for the offense for the time being, but please don’t say this again.。”


Seeing the aloof King Gilgamesh, Gudazi suddenly became anxious. .

Người mua: sabmado

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