“You're back? "

Gilgamesh picked up the cup next to the table and took a sip of wine. He seemed to say indifferently: "What about my king's clay tablet of destiny?”

“Ah this, ah this, this..."

After hearing this, Merlin, who was still smiling, felt a little embarrassed for a moment. It seemed that he had forgotten about it.

No, it was not that he had forgotten...

He was really looking for him, but in the end he was really looking for him. He couldn't find it no matter what, and then he happened to feel the arrival of Gudazi and others from "810", so he passed by extremely happily. For a moment, he really forgot

all about it.。

“Just know that you didn't find it, forget it. "

Gilgamesh shook his head, without being too harsh, and continued to shake the wine glass.。

“I didn’t say that, Wang. This is your thing after all, and it is such an important thing. Even if you lose it, just tell me where you lost it. "

Merlin sighed helplessly.。

“Mr. Merlin, please watch your words. "

Feeling Merlin's indifferent attitude, the secretary next to him frowned and reminded him with some dissatisfaction.。

“King Gilgamesh, hello, here we are..."

At this time, seeing a few people chatting, Gudazi was indeed a little anxious, and quickly stepped forward to say hello.

To be honest, Gudazi was a little panicked now, although I have seen many kings, such as knights, kings, conquerors, etc.

But in terms of momentum and oppression, none of them are as strong as the oldest king of mankind, Gilgamesh.

The king just now Just looking at him, the sense of oppression brought by it is not low. Sure enough, whether he is a cruel monarch or a wise great king, Gilgamesh is Gilgamesh. As a history book in the

years The oldest king of mankind, who left a mark on the world, dared to confront the gods, even abandoned the gods, and created an era that truly belonged to human power. With

such domineering power that defies heaven and earth, one can imagine his majesty. I know!

But fortunately, Gudazi touched his chest during the conversation, and there was still a trace of divine light remaining there, which was constantly flowing in his body.

This power came from the Lord God, which gave him great courage。

“Needless to say, I know who you are and what you want to do here. "

Gilgamesh sat on the throne, leaning on it as if he was tired, shrugged his shoulders, and said boredly:

“Isn’t it a member from another time and space, Chaldea? Oh, I already understood this, you don’t need to say anything more here....”

“It's like this..." (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gudazi's eyes moved slightly. This is indeed not a simple era, just like when he first came to this era.

Whether it was at the beginning They met the stupid-looking goddess, the guy who called himself Enkidu they met later, Merlin who was next to them now, and Gilgamesh, the oldest king of mankind, who was in front of them. It seemed

. Everyone and every being knows their own background, origins, experiences and purpose.。


Guda 1.9 took a deep breath. He is neither stupid nor stupid. He knows what this situation means. In other planes, there is really such a sense of oppression. I have to say,

this It’s really unpleasant to feel like someone has seen through everything and analyzed everything.

They all know me, but I know almost nothing about them, except for the stories that exist in the history books. I know nothing! .

Người mua: sabmado

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