There is no way around it. Although Allen's language at this moment is full of violent and terrifying words, his domineering and decisive temperament is simply too cool!

Indeed, bad guys sometimes attract more girls’ attention than warm guys.。

“Allen, something is wrong with you right now. What's wrong with you? "

Others don't know Allen well and may think that a lover in this state is the real one, but Mikasa understands very well that the installation at this time is definitely not a normal state.。

“Um? "

Alan shook his head in confusion, and was suddenly awakened. He had just been affected by the violent momentum of the aura in his body, which affected his emotions? This, this is so


The corner of Alan's mouth twitched slightly, and he quickly took advantage of it. The Holy Light washed his mind again, expelling all impurities. He

was secretly ashamed in his heart, and even said that he wanted to learn from the barbarians to learn skills to defeat the barbarians. However, as soon as he used the power of the giants before he could kill a giant, he was almost killed by this force. The power affects the mind.

After sighing softly, Allen replied: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I was a little anxious just now, mainly because those scumbags were too damned. But Mikasa, you can come over later." I have something to tell you.。”

“OK "

Mikasa nodded, not too worried. After all, they are all chosen by the Lord of God and have the blessing of the Lord of God. There shouldn't be

any problems after thinking about it.。

“But now, I have to take good care of these damn hateful trash missionaries. "

Alan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. Although his tone was particularly scary, his temperament had returned to the warmth and sunshine of the past. He looked at the people next to him in shock.。

“By the way, Mikasa, what kind of weird words did those bastards say to make you come here to talk in such a hurry?”

“They listen to damn things."

As she spoke, even Mikasa, who was usually cold and gentle, became angry in her tone:

“This group of abominable things actually claimed everywhere that they were also believers of the Lord God, and that the god they believed in was none other than the Lord God.

Now that the Divine Lord has finally shone upon the world, these rubbish people are shamelessly claiming that it was their efforts over the years that led to the Divine Lord summoning him.

Haha, dare you use the word summon? Not to mention that these guys are insulting our identity as the spokesperson of the Lord God. Just by using this word, they deserve to die!”

“.Okay, okay, it’s really easy to quit! "

Hearing these words, the corners of Allen's mouth rose even more. His white teeth shone like ice under the reflection of the cold light. They seemed to be gnawing at people like blades, eager for blood.。

“What this group of guys did is really unexpected. Let’s go. They have promoted so hard, so we should also give them a little reward, hahaha. "

Although he was laughing, no one on the field would think that (Li Haohao) Allen was in a kind mood now. The

people next to Mikasa all looked at each other, and they understood that the gentle and sunny hero just now looked at him. Next, that cruel, bloodthirsty, violent and terrifying Lord Demon King is coming again! (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feeling this kind of atmosphere, even if they hate those bullshit missionaries, they now feel a little bit I feel a moment of silence for them.

Tell me, if you are too cowardly to hide, forget it if you don’t do anything outrageous. Who can let them go now that they are at gunpoint!.

Người mua: sabmado

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