It had only been a short while, but Allen, who had been sad and miserable just now because he had the power of a giant in his body, was now happy!

After all, this power gave him a huge improvement in strength, not only from the rapid increase in strength, but also from the legendary immortality.

As long as it is not hit, no matter what kind of injury it is, it can recover quickly, and it can also transform into an extremely huge giant.

Although Allen has not used this power yet, let's see what it was like when he turned himself into a giant.

But this picture has already appeared in Allen's mind, the scene when he turned into a giant and fought with the group of giants who came to invade the city!

Wow haha, it’s so majestic and domineering!

Thinking of this, the corners of Allen's mouth became even more cracked.。

“Alan, is Alan here? "

Just when Allen was rejoicing, the communicator in his hand suddenly lit up. This was the one thing he would take when he was in retreat. The inscription set up to prevent being disturbed could not be

transmitted by sound, in case there was another What a big deal, we can only rely on this thing to transform it。

“What's wrong Mikasa? Something happened? "

Alan frowned and dispelled all his aura, but the violent factors full of complaints in his heart were not easily dissipated. Now

he still feels a little self-righteous, and the video screen has just appeared. At the time, although Eren didn't mean to be angry, he frowned gratefully, and the aura on his body made other people on the other end of the video jump. He was a little confused for a moment. But Mikasa didn't care about


. He didn't care so much, he took a look and said: "It's still those damn missionaries, they are parading on the streets, promoting some very messy things.。”

“What nonsense are you promoting again? "

Alan's brows furrowed tightly, and his tone was particularly unpleasant. He didn't mean any demonstration or respect at all. He said angrily: "Are these damn bastards scumbags slandering our Lord God?

Damn it, I just said that this group of rubbish should have been killed directly when they met. What kind of follow-up impact? I saw no one dare to say anything about the follow-up impact.

A bunch of rubbish that is holding us back on the battlefield. If it doesn't work, just throw them on the battlefield and let these stinky things disgust those giants. "

Mikasa was so shocked that everyone on Mikasa's side was trembling with rage.

They were asking themselves secretly, isn't their leader a very good-tempered person? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even when facing those damn missionaries before, he was able to remain calm and listen to Mr. Folia's words reasonably.

610 usually laughed and played around without getting angry. When faced with When the Lord God was speaking, he was even more gentle and soft-spoken, and he felt very warm and sunny. He

had almost become a hero in the minds of countless girls.

But now, how could this hero who was originally full of sunshine, warmth and kindness suddenly become such a hero? The devil has been full of violence, mania and anger for a long time?

This change is really too big, and it was clear that there was nothing going on this morning, no signs at all! But...several girls


frightened He had to lower his head, not daring to raise his head at all, but his eyes secretly glanced at Allen, his eyes red.

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