“Mr. Merlin, yes, have you heard of our Lord God? "

Hearing Merlin's murmur, Gudazi's eyes lit up and he asked curiously.。

“I don’t know. I have never heard of the existence of this god, and this is the first time I have heard of it, but before, I spied something wrong in the river of destiny. "

Merlin nodded and said casually, but his heart was not relaxed at all. He

originally thought that this era was an era full of dangers and difficulties, but with people like himself and Chaldea here, it is not difficult to come here. Passed.

What's more, the most important thing is that the last and most terrifying back-up man in this era is the mother Enkidu mentioned. If you don't know, this mother

is not something like the goddess of Warcraft, but There is something even more terrifying hidden behind the Goddess of Warcraft.

And that existence, that mother was influenced by Merlin and is still immersed in the sea of death, still in a sleeping state.

However, now this I don’t know where the Lord of God showed himself, but he felt that he was much higher than the mother. It’s terrible,

this situation is really terrible!

The world has been ups and downs for so many years, and the person who controls it seems to be much higher. Avalon is lonely in the world. As a court magician, Merlin has encountered such a difficult matter for the first time.

Because he can see that he can clearly see certain developments, but he has no way to control the development. Any influence changes something.

Because he can't see through it, and being unable to see through means the unknown, and the unknown represents the most terrifying thing.

Merlin knew that the status of the Lord God was much higher than that of the mother, and Cumin himself definitely didn't. There are no other ways. No matter what you do, you can't affect the existence of the Lord God.。

“Wait, who do you think he is? Merlin? ! "

During the conversation, Dr. Roman, who was in the communicator, frowned and said with some surprise:

“The great magician of Great Britain, a combination of human and dream demon, who once walked with the Knight King Arturia Pandra Palace and supported him on the throne, is the top tree in the world among Avalon. A low-level magician with very little growth, a world-famous cultivator of demon kings and a good-for-nothing, a scumbag who will never die in the end of the world, Merlin? ! "

Please give me flowers

." In the excitement, the doctor let out a series of words. His voice sounded a little angry for a while, and after he finished speaking, he breathed heavily. It was obvious that he was holding back.。

“Doctor Roman, why are you so excited? "

Gu Dazi said a little sarcastically. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“That’s right, right down there. "

Merlin indeed nodded proudly and received this series of words of worship, not caring at all about the words of contempt hidden in these words of praise.。

“This is really the most comprehensive and understanding introduction to me that I have heard over the years. I will use these words as my self-introduction from now on. It’s been a long time since I saw MRMAN!”

“Hum, so what if we haven’t seen each other for a long time, I don’t miss you at all!”[]

Doctor Roman hugged his chest and said in a depressed and unhappy tone: "You guy, why did you come here? This is not where you should be!”

“Don't be so heartless. Although you don't miss me at all, I miss you so much, my dear Dr. Roman Ding.。”。

Người mua: sabmado

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