Time continues to pass, Tianzhi Enqi has already exploded with all his strength. Unlike before, he still had a little intention to hold back. Now he can truly attack with all his strength.

The light scattered all over the sky, and the endless chains were tumbling. It could be said that the gods and Buddhas had truly given in.

In this case, this kind of attack is far beyond what Mashu can resist. Even if his true name is turned on or even if he uses the command spell, he can only resist 12.

It won't be long before it penetrates, defeats and obliterates you.

But now, what is surprising is that Mashu has resisted such an attack in all aspects. He has not even used the command spell, but 960 has launched the distant ideal city.

Simply terrible!

The reason turned out to be that Mashu's master, Gudazi, was sending magic bullets at will, which had an impact.

Either Enkidu fell hard, or it caused a series of domino reactions, and under the guidance of the butterfly wings, his attack was deflected and missed, and even hit himself hard.

In this way, Mashu's pressure can be said to have been reduced to a very low level. Well, knowing that there is still no damage, everyone no longer worries and hides under Mashu's shield to watch the show with peace of mind.。

(bcba) Enkidu on the other side looked extremely embarrassed. He was obviously more powerful and had the upper hand, but his enemy was still unscathed and his clothes were torn.

Although Enkidu's body is extremely strong as a weapon of God, what he has to face now is also the attack of God's weapon.

Using his own spear to attack his own shield, he collapsed for a while。

“Mother, what on earth is going on? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, it’s just some bullshit luck bonus, what the hell!”

“A group of ants, a group of weak guys, you deserve to die. Why don't you want to die peacefully in my hands? Isn't it normal for the weak to be obliterated by the strong? Why can't you die in peace!”

“Damn it, what methods have you used recently? Stop using your plots and tricks, ah ah, let me kill you ah ah. "

Obviously, he is proud of the existence of Lu Enqidu, and regards the existing human beings as products of the old era, and regards himself as a product of the new era, and is the most beautiful and powerful mother's favorite child. (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

His pride can be said to be pathological to a certain extent, and now others are using some unknown means to use his power to blow away his pride. This makes

Enkidu How can he bear it?

But what if he can't bear it? Now he can't easily defeat these ants that he once looked down upon in front of him, and he will even end up in a miserable state.。

“Is he going crazy?”[]

The corner of Gudazi's mouth twitched, and for a moment he felt a little embarrassed to tease the guy in front of him again.

There was no way, who made him kind-hearted, and Gudazi really didn't expect that the divine light bonus given by the Lord God would be so powerful.

I just prayed for a while, it was too exaggerated!

“This is the power of divine light bestowed by the Lord God. Sure enough, in the long river of destiny, I have seen the terror and pace of that existence. Now I see it for the first time. Sure enough, it should be like this! "

Besides, Merlin, the Flower Magician, murmured while looking at this situation.

Người mua: sabmado

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