Things above the Kingdom of God will not be discussed for the time being, but in reality, in this era that belongs to God.

The eyes of Gilgamesh, the oldest king of mankind, are also extremely mysterious. He has clairvoyance that can see into the future and the past. As a rare magician with the highest rank in human history, he naturally noticed something.

However, a strong premonition made him quickly retract his gaze and sighed leisurely.

In this "Seven-Five-Seven" era full of misery, it seems that another variable is about to happen.。

“That direction is probably Merlin, and there should be that group of outsiders. It's interesting. What kind of existence did they provoke? "

Gilgamesh shook his head, retracted his gaze from the distance and focused it on the city of Uruk where he was. No

matter what, he will definitely guard this absolute warcraft front and guard this human being. The last road of hope is to protect your own territory.

This is the mission of the king and the promise of being a king!

“The city of Uruk, the alliance of the three goddesses, originated from other outsiders, from a voyeur lurking underground, and from my best friend... I am in the city of Uruk, waiting for your arrival! "

Gilgamesh opened his arms, as if to welcome all dangers and despair, but there was no sign of fear or retreat on his face, only determination, excitement and pride. He is the king, the king of this era

. Gilgamesh is the oldest king of mankind.

Nothing is worth making him retreat, and no reason is enough for him to give in. All

he has to do is to protect and move forward.

What gods, what alliance of three goddesses, what The war originating from the Holy Grail. No matter what it is, Gilgamesh will never be afraid or flinch.

He will be in the city of Uruk, waiting for the arrival of this storm that is about to break out!

On the other side, seeing the special divine light of the knife entering Gudazi's body, Enkidu took two steps back and retracted the attack.

It was obvious that he noticed something was wrong. This kind of power and light were so much higher than him.。

“Is it possible that there really is a god called the Supreme God of Luck? Why haven't I heard of it? "

Enkidu thought with some depression and confusion. Although he is not the real Angel, he still possesses the Lock of Heaven and knows a lot about everything in the Kingdom of God....

But I have never heard of the existence of this Supreme God of Luck, and although this part of the power is weak in size and not powerful in the field, it is infinitely powerful in terms of personality.

Just watching the live broadcast gives me a feeling of being put off, this feeling. This feeling is like watching your mother!

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! "

Enkidu gritted his teeth and took a step back. He absolutely couldn't believe that anything could reach the level of his mother.

Mother is the mother of all things. Even the gods in the sky are just the birth products of her mother. What, what is possible? Side by side with my mother?

This fake one is definitely fake. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Opposite Enkidu, Mashu, who was on the verge of collapse 5.9, could finally breathe a sigh of relief. As soon as his feet became weak, he sat directly on the ground, breathing heavily.

Obviously, she had reached her limit after enduring the attack just now.

Although I don't know why Enkidu fell into the confusion of talking to himself, but fortunately it was like this, otherwise they would have been annihilated in the next moment. .

Người mua: sabmado

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