From the beginning, Leonardo da Vinci felt that something was wrong with Dr. Roman, who had always been carefree.

You must know that when the communicator lost contact in the past, Dr. Roman was the most anxious and fearful person, but now he is so leisurely.

Da Vinci almost thought that he had been impersonated or had a crazy mind or something, but fortunately and surprisingly, this guy solved all the crises as soon as he took action.

And so it is now。

“What kind of backup plan are you giving? "

Da Vinci asked quietly.。

“Don't worry, just watch the show with peace of mind, it will be over soon-。”

Dr. Roman smiled, pointed at the screen in front of him and said no more.。

And on the screen, is the plane that belongs to God.

Enkidu was still desperately attacking the enemy in front of him. Mashu, with his powerful attack strength and air pressure, could not lift his head at all, but Enkidu was able to do so with ease.

While attacking, he kept taunting, mocking Gudazi and talking about God's words and other things.

Then, it was in this scene that Gudazi finally finished reading the last word.

In an instant, the divine light reappeared, and a ray of divine light filled with mysterious aura, warmth and scorching power bloomed between heaven and earth.

This line symbolizes the Supreme God of Luck, and the power of the identity of the God Lord who transcends countless planes and worlds, and appears for the first time in this age of God.

In this era, which is also ruled by gods, light shines for the first time, attracting the prying eyes of countless people.

No, it is not human beings, but the spies of gods, looking here from the distant world, looking at the divine light, their eyes are flowing, trying to see what kind of aura is contained in this divine light.

Why is it so huge, so noble, and so inoffensive!

“Ahhhh! "

A god covered his eyes in pain, and countless blood escaped from his palms. It was obvious that his eyes exploded because he had just peeked into the divine light. The original injury of such a burst

eye The pain and pain would not cause a god to be in such pain and embarrassment. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) However,

this power that made his eyes explode contained an extremely A power that is profound, mysterious, and terrifyingly high-level is simply not something that a small god like him can resist. Please

give me flowers

. Fortunately, this part of the power in the divine light has no intention of being with him. It just wants to be with him. It was just a slight warning and then he took it back.。


this god gasped in pain, a little unbelievable, the eyeballs were slowly born, but he never wanted to nor dared to look at the divine light again.

For fear of being targeted again, he would be wiped out directly!

And such a killing to scare the monkeys The effect was also very obvious. Everyone withdrew their gazes one after another, not daring to peek any further.

However, their hearts were extremely shocked and frightened. You must know that the god whose eyeballs exploded was the most powerful god in their world. .

Otherwise, they would not have noticed this ray of divine light before others and cast their gaze towards it, but now it turned out to be like this after just one glance. It is simply

terrifying, extremely terrifying!

They discovered their identity in this way. My heart is extremely heavy. This era already had the flaw of changing fortunes, and now such a terrifying outsider has arrived. It seems that the world is going to change after all. Người mua:


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