“In this case, I can't let you go. "

Enkidu put down the flower mud, and without any hesitation, he looked in one direction and drew the chain of heaven, sprinting towards this side with extremely fast speed. For him, although the

fate he saw and felt Almost any information that comes into contact in the future has undergone earth-shaking changes.

What was originally a destined fact has become an unknown and unknowable thing "Nine Zero Seven", and unknowable things are generally the most terrifying.

But in fact Enkidu didn't have any worries. After all, his mother was the greatest mother. No one could make waves in her hands.

And all he did was just paving the way for his mother's arrival. No matter what fate he had, It cannot be changed, cannot be predicted, and will eventually develop towards the ending that my mother likes.。

“Huh~ escaped? "

Gudazi, who was far away from the battlefield, didn't know that Enkidu was chasing him. He just thought that he had escaped and breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly thanked the person in front of him:

“Thank you very much. I am Fujimaru Ritsuka, a member of Chaldea. This is my companion Mashu. Who are you?”

“I am Merlin. "

The man dressed as a magician in a floral suit smiled slightly, and the dashing author introduced himself.

But the next moment, "Fu Fu kicks (Merlin deserves to die)! "

Following the angry roar of a little beast that was standing on Matthew's shoulder just now, Fufu jumped up smoothly and kicked Merlin directly in the face. The force

of this kick directly caused Merlin to tremble With an expression of pain, happiness, and even satisfaction and joy, he fell heavily to the ground.

However, this little white beast had no intention of stopping at all. It screamed crazily and slapped Merlin on the face repeatedly. When you meet Merlin, you become a pig head。

“Hey, you're a hateful guy with a cute appearance who's violating the rules. Stop it, stop it. You're going too far.。”

“Damn ferocious beast, why don't you be so fierce? Have you forgotten the kindness I have shown to you in raising you over the years? It's really hateful.。”

“No, no, no, stop it, stop it quickly, this damn guy, I was wrong, I was wrong, okay?。”

“We haven’t seen each other for so many years, but instead of showing how much you miss me, you are like this. It really makes me sad. How can you do this?”

“Help, help! "(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Merlin tried his best to resist the attack of the little white beast on his body, and the image of the great magician who was strategizing just now disappeared into thin air....

Gudazi and Ma Xiu, who didn't know this guy yet, immediately twitched their mouths and felt a little at a loss.。

“The battle with Fufu and her team in the field..."

Mashu murmured, this is really a surprising guy。

“Okay, Fufu, you can't do this.。”[]

Gudazi reacted and quickly stepped forward to stop the playful fight. He was just like a child, pinching each other whenever they met.

It’s so interesting to be direct!

“Mei 0.6 Lin, with your abnormal behavior and embarrassing ugliness, please don’t do it in the presence of others in the future, phew~"

Seeing Merlin’s appearance, he originally hid his face under his hood. Anna in the middle also felt that her face was burning, so she quickly hid her little face deeper, and said angrily:

“This is really embarrassing, huh! ”.

Người mua: sabmado

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