At this time, even the magician next to him covered his face in embarrassment, sighed softly and said:

“Stop it, Anna, let's run away.。”

“run? Enkidu ,

who was controlled by the chains, was obviously not in a hurry at all. Instead, he was a little happy. He waved his hand lightly, and the chains that originally controlled his body began to move slowly. However

, In an instant, these chains were completely out of Anna's control, opening the blockade on Enkidu and freeing him again.

But Enkidu did not change at all, and said mockingly to the girl in front of him: " Do you think these rags will really be useful to me, the Lock of Heaven?

You are honored to try the legendary Sky Lock Attack. "

As soon as he finished speaking, countless chains spewed out of Enkidu's body. In an instant, he took control of the two girls in front of him.

The two girls who were struggling just now were coming and going. The girl who returned was completely defenseless against the attack of this chain, and she directly lost control of her body freedom.。

“No, sometimes, there are always people who think that what others do is stupid, just to make a fool of themselves in class, but sometimes they don’t know that the clown is actually himself.

This kind of human feeling is extremely rich. Although I don't like human beings, the ups and downs of this kind of emotion actually have their own charm. Sometimes it is actually a very interesting thing to taste human emotion. "

Although she was controlled, Anna at this time did not show any intention of being anxious. Instead, she looked as calm as Enkidu just now:

“I know that no matter whether you are the real Enkidu or not, you still look like you are not human, so I will give you a taste of the human feeling of emotional loss. No need to thank me.

Failure is sometimes a wonderful feeling. "

As soon as the last word fell, the two girls who were originally controlled by the chains turned into cherry blossoms and drifted in the wind. No,

not only the two girls who were fighting, but also the imperial guards who were watching the battle next to them. Lord Gudazi and the magician in white also turned into cherry blossoms and dispersed.。

“Human emotions, loss? Haha, it turned out that it was just an illusion... Humanity's great magician, indeed there is something interesting..."

Seeking flowers 0

Seeing this situation, Enkidu was not distressed at all, and stretched out a hand to hold half of it as it was falling. The cherry blossoms among them were crushed into flower mud with slight force.。

“But next time we meet, I will never give up on you, human master, the last master, hahaha, Fujimaru Ritsuka, I will remember you... No! "

Enkidu, who originally wanted to throw the flower mud away without intending to pursue it, suddenly frowned, with a hint of thinking in his eyes.。

“Destiny... and the future, it's really wrong, is this feeling completely reversed?

It's a bit interesting. What is going on? If a god intervenes, even the three bets in the Three Goddess Alliance can't do this.

What kind of existence does it have? To be able to do such a thing, to be able to turn everything around?

Well...that's actually the case. So, where is the mother? What do you mean, do you want me to chase you? In that case...four".

Người mua: sabmado

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