“Is this, is this so outrageous? "

Seeing this scene on the battlefield, the knights who were still fighting and the residents who were running even looked a little sluggish, and they even forgot to resist or escape for a while. After all, this scene is so amazing, it is

really It's unbelievable.

If Eren's power only reaches the limit of human beings, it is outrageous but still acceptable, but the performance of Mikasa's "603" is simply exaggerated. .

If you want to say that she still belongs to the ranks of human beings, you won’t even believe it!

“Who is this? How could he be so powerful?。”

“giant? No, she is not taller than me, but this is actually scary…”

“I remember this person, the girl named Mikasa, the girl adopted by the doctor’s family, and the man next to her, is she Eren? Although it's not that outrageous, it's exaggerated enough.。”

“doctor? There seemed to be rumors before that the doctor seemed to be making some strange medicine. Could it be the effect of this medicine? "

Everyone started discussing. At this time, the strong sense of shock and the curiosity originating from the human heart even made them forget that they were still in the battlefield and had not escaped from the clutches of the giant!

“What are you still doing? Fight! "


Suddenly, Allen's roar and the loud sound of the giant falling to the ground finally made the people who stopped react.

Yes, this is still a battlefield. The humans stopped, but the giant had no intention of stopping at all. .

Just such a meal, the city wall that had already opened a big hole has completely collapsed, and countless groups of giants poured in from it, spreading the killers and destroyers wantonly in the villages and towns.。

“Damn, these pig teammates! "

Alan was angry that two Buddhas were born and three Buddhas ascended to heaven. Should we do this and make wool?

But to be honest, he could understand it. After all, when he saw this scene just now, let alone those outsiders, even those who knew the details He was almost stunned.

But now, it is not the time to be in

a daze at all! After the pause just now, Allen activated the blade again, and was surprised to find that after experiencing the life and death crisis just now, the divine light spreading in his body actually appeared. A sign of breakthrough.

Physical strength and strength have been completely restored....(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Very good, Mikasa, fight back, we must not let these damn giants continue to spread in the town! "

Alan roared, as if the divine light in his body was pulsating, causing the suppressed rage in his heart, and some unknown existences were also slowly pulsing. He didn't know that this was the source

. It was a special power given to him by his father.

However, Allen became more and more fierce as he fought,

and he rushed to kill without his life. Mikasa on the other side was also silent, although the movement was relatively small, but wherever he went At that point, the shadow of the sword flashed, and the giants they killed collapsed and disappeared.

Under the combined attack of the two, they were able to curb the rushing tide of giants.

However, there were too many giants, and there were too many reinforcements. This kind of thing is elusive and we don’t know if it exists.

Although the two of them worked extremely hard and fought hard to kill the enemy, they had just begun to awaken after all. Even if there were existences with special meanings in their bodies being awakened, it would not help. You know, in

the A few hours ago, these two people were just ordinary boys and girls with no power!

Người mua: sabmado

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