On this day, people are once again reminded of the horror of being dominated by giants and the shame of being raised as food!

“Damn giants, I will kill you! "

Seeing his former close companions and neighbors being killed, Allen's eyes turned red, and without saying a word, he rushed towards the group of giants.

“Allen boy, don't go past the danger! "

A member of the Knights who was resisting the giant's attack saw Allen rushing over desperately and shouted quickly.-:

“Only our knights with mobile devices can resist. You can't deal with them... Nani? "

Before he finished speaking, a breath of anger was instantly suppressed in the knight's chest, and he couldn't spit it out. It took him a long time to say "Nani!" Without

him, Allen, who was extremely weak in his eyes, didn't even know. I picked up a long knife from somewhere, jumped up suddenly, jumped over the huge height gap with the giant, rolled over behind the opponent, and slashed hard with the knife. In an instant, the

giant split into two halves .。

“kill! "

Alan looked up to the sky and roared to vent the anger and excitement in his heart. Has he become so powerful?!

But soon, the giant recovered again, and charged towards Allen with an angry roar. Come。

“What's going on? Why can't I be killed? "

Alan was extremely confused, but he didn't have time to think too much and quickly jumped around to dodge the opponent's attack.

“Boy Allen, hit him on the back of the neck, that's where it's fatal. The rest is useless. "

Fortunately, the members of the knights responded and quickly reminded。


Allen's eyes were bright, and he slashed with the knife. As expected, the giant turned into a puddle of mud. He roared feebly, but he could not refuse the disappearing ending at all.。

“very good! "

Alan was so excited that he killed more and more fiercely, and his eyes turned blood red.

But he didn't expect that he only prayed once for the technique that had just been running for a week, and it didn't have much power. (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After killing the giant again, Allen half-knelt on the ground and panted heavily. He was so excited just now, and now his strength has been exhausted!

“Ho ho ho! "

The surrounding giants roared angrily, and they gathered around Allen, looking at him with a chill in their hearts:

“It’s over, this quantity is too big, it’s really going to be over now! "

Please give me flowers []

Allen struggled to stand up, pulled out his knife and wanted to fight these giants. Although he was not strong enough, his pride did not allow him to wait for death in vain. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh


But just when Allen thought When he was about to rush to kill, a series of piercing sounds suddenly sounded. He raised his head in surprise, and it turned out to be Mikasa! At

this moment, Mikasa was holding a long knife in her hand, flying across the battlefield, with an exquisite appearance and a chic figure. , making her as beautiful as a butterfly wearing flowers.

But this is for her companions and comrades-in-arms. When treating the enemy, she is like the horn of death, and every break in the sky symbolizes the coolness of a giant.

Mikasa Continuously flying, he came to Allen's side, using the giant as a pedal to constantly shuttle behind the giant in the circle, constantly flashing the cold light of the blade! The giant roared desperately, and was powerless and crazy, trying

to Catch this little butterfly and bug off your body.

But how can their mobility be comparable to Mikasa's? Their huge bodies not only give them powerful strength, but also give them clumsiness. After a while, a circle of people formed

. The giants have been completely annihilated!.

Người mua: sabmado

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