Ouyang Bufeng: "Of course, as a manifestation of our faith and piety in the Lord God, we are to spread faith for the Lord God. When a certain number is reached, there will be certain feedback. You can check the group file for details."

Human beings will never be slaves: "Okay, seniors, I understand. I'll go take a look first."

Allen took a deep breath. I opened the file with a pious attitude, and first recited the words above:

“Praise my God, you are the embodiment of light above the mist, the master of luck above all living beings, your most loyal believers pray to you……”

In an instant, a ray of light suddenly appeared out of thin air and came directly towards Allen.

All Allen knew was the divine light mentioned in the chat group, and he greeted it directly without avoiding it.

317 In an instant, he felt that his whole life had been sublimated, his eyesight was clear, and the damage caused to his young body due to hard training and labor over the years had been repaired one by one. He exhaled a filthy breath, and his spiritual platform suddenly became clear. .

Allen didn't dare to think too much, and immediately started to operate this weak divine light in his body according to the method of the Shinto Heavenly Book in the group, running slowly.

108 weeks with 36 on top and 72 on bottom, a poor body washed over and over again。


I don't know how long it took, but Allen opened his eyes suddenly. He could already feel the explosive (bcdh) energy contained in his body. He jumped out of bed suddenly and almost rushed to the ceiling.。

“This is the gift of the Lord God. It is too powerful, too generous and too invincible! "

Allen muttered in his mouth. Unable to stop his excitement, he directly opened the chat group.

Human beings will never be slaves: "Seniors, I feel it, I really feel it, the generosity and divine light of this Lord God. , I feel it all! "

Xie En of Wilderness Survival: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that the newcomer accepted it so quickly. It's really surprising. I thought you would hesitate for a long time. "

Humans will never be slaves: "How come the Lord God is so generous? Besides, I want to become stronger. There was no hope of becoming stronger before now. I have this motivation and this enemy. I will not allow my life to stagnate. . Ouyang

Bufeng: "It's not easy. Look at the newcomer. Hey, it's time to get used to the end of the world. I'm not telling you that you're almost used to the end of the world. It's time to come out and have fun." "

It's time to get used to this doomsday: "Well, just now I was reading the files in the group to get information..."

Countless planes away, sitting in front of the operating table, a man dressed in a white robe and looking like a doctor was not in the mood at all. Looking at the console in front of him.

So what this operation is related to is related to the fate of the entire world.

But his eyes have been completely attracted by a chat group screen that appeared out of thin air. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“No, I can’t tell! "

The man sighed dejectedly, banged his head on the table, and was a little speechless.

If he is really just a doctor and a researcher, forget it.

Come to think of

it, he is Solomon, and he has the ability to see through the past and the future. The most clairvoyant magician in the world cannot see the origin of this chat screen at all. This is too outrageous.。[]

“Could it be that this is not the complete set that others gave me, or a trap set by that damn guy, but the real Wanjie chat group? "

The corners of Dr. Roman's mouth twitched, but he couldn't believe it. After all, this matter was too outrageous.

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