“Wanjie chat group? ! "

Allen murmured this word in his mouth. Now he basically understood what kind of thing he was chosen, and also understood that he might really be lucky.

What an opportunity...

Allen forced himself to calm down After coming down, I wanted to calmly reply in the chat group, but I couldn't do it at all. There was

no way. Although he could be said to be a person with advanced consciousness and rich experience among teenagers and even among the people in the wall.

But , when faced with this matter, he couldn't calm down no matter what.

After all, he saw here that he could break out of the wall. He defeated a group of hateful giants and looked at the hope of this vast world again.

He I have seen the vastness of this world countless times in reading stories, heard about the vast grasslands, tracts of forests and the legendary sea. But I have never seen it before. There is no way, except for

those Except for the Scout Knight, no one can get out of the high wall.

He dreamed of becoming a member of this group, but he also understood that joining this group did not mean that it was a good thing. The risk of death was terrifyingly high.

And now, he finally saw it, The legendary hope of true freedom.

Human beings will never be slaves: "Well, seniors, I would like to ask if I can become stronger by joining this chat group? Can I become strong?

Can I...defeat those giants? !

My young master Zhang Zifan: "Giant? " What is this? "

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "I have heard here that there is a kind of wild bloodline, a cruel and bloodthirsty race. They are not very intelligent, but their combat effectiveness is okay, but... I don't want to go with that. The barbarians are dealing with each other! "

Humans will never be slaves: "Dealing? No, no, I not only want to deal with them, I also want to defeat them, I want to kill them all, kill them all! "

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Oh, you have such a big heart, why do you have enmity with those barbarians called giants? "

Humans will never be slaves: "It's not that I have any grudge against them, it's our race. We humans have a blood feud with them. They are a bunch of bastards who use us humans as food, but what we have here may not be the same as what you have there

. , according to the book, the guys here only know how to mate and infiltrate humans, they have no intelligence. "

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "Ah, this does sound like a somewhat special existence, but don't worry, since you have joined our chat group, it means that your upper limit can at least reach the top of your world.

It won't be long before you can help your species solve this problem. "(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Human beings will never be slaves: "Really? That's really great. How can I become stronger, and what price should I pay? "

Queen Medusa's eldest cousin: "In our chat group, we believe in one god, and we only believe in this one (king's) god. His god's name is: Supreme God of Luck! "

Supreme Luck God!

A glimmer of light flashed in Allen's eyes. He realized that this might be the most critical roar to help him defeat the giant and get out of the high wall to gain freedom. Support

Dumbledore: "Yes, this god we believe in , the Lord God is very generous. The divine light bestowed upon us will bless us with luck, and will also give certain special blessings to those of us who are the spokespersons of our planes.。”。[]

Người mua: sabmado

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